Mortal Kombat 1 Has Sold Nearly 3 Million Units in 2 Months. Will focus ion 3-4 year release cycles and live service

Dr. to – 57 points –
Warner Bros. Will Focus on Live Services as Hogwarts Legacy Fans Play for 700 Million Hours to Date

Most interesting part of the article:

"Our focus is on transforming our biggest franchises from largely console and PC-based with 3-4 year release schedules to include more always-on gameplay through live services, multiplatform, and free-to-play extensions, with the goal of having more players spending more time on more platforms. U

Ultimately, we want to drive engagement and monetization over longer cycles and at higher levels where per specific capabilities we're currently under scale, and see significant opportunity to generate greater post-purchase revenue"

What a major turn-off ngl.


I hate it when they give something the suffix "one" when there have been multiple previous versions. This is like the 13th game in the main series, but some asshole was like "Let's call it Mortal Kombat 1!", same goes for "Xbox One".

When it started out as "One" suffix to signal that it's a hub sort-of-thing it made sense but then they took it and ran with it. I wonder how many sales XBox missed because of their dumb naming schemes. I honestly still don't know which xbox is the newest one.

The stupid thing now is the Xbox's name got stupider. Xbox One was confusing, but now Xbox Series X/S is even more WTF?

live service


But yeah it's a good fighting game as it is. Just wish they'd leave it alone instead of trying to squeeze money from it until well past when it's a dry piece of rock.

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I’m so disappointed with the monitization in mk1. The game is great I did buy at launch because i was hyped for story mode, and 11 had so much single player content. 1 not so much. I do not mind season passes if they are going to support the game, however a season pass plus paid fatalities and cosmetics is ridiculous and the current state of the game is so lacking.

Probably my only gaming regret of the year so far was thinking this game would live up to the last 3.

I was on the fence about buying on launch and glad I didn't. I'll just pick up the complete edition in a year or two.

If I’m reading the article right, there won’t be a “complete” edition. Like waiting for a “complete” edition of Fortnite or GTA Online

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