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Joined 13 months ago

Once the Abrahamic Religions (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam) became huge. It's all about "Women are evil sluts who do nothing but sin and tempt the good and pious men", it's pretty evident in modern societies that have large populations of people that follow these religions.

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Data from Brownsville ISD seen by The Observer showed its officers made 3,102 student arrests between May 2021 and Nov. 2023. Nearly 60% of those were on felony charges and 76 of those kids were in elementary school.

What the everliving fuck is wrong with these people?

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This isn't as ridiculous as the headline makes it out to be. You still need to be licensed, which means a college degree. You can't get through college without reading. They're trying to get more teachers by reducing restrictions, although what they should be doing is making being a teacher a higher paying, less grueling job.

My mother was a Special Education teacher for 40 years and was at the top of her pay scale at 89k. I work in tech and 5 years out of college I was making 4 grand less than her. 5 years later I'm now applying to remote jobs where they're offering $60-75/hour or upwards of $150k/year! I worked for Disney+ and was making $110k/year not including benefits and was literally doing nothing half the time, meanwhile she would literally have to bring work home with her multiple times a week. People I graduated high school with were working in her district and were making like $35-45k/year which is fucking ridiculous.

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This is why Wi-Fi is annoying, I'll take a wired connection over Wi-Fi any day.

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Yeah, they neglected to mention ads once in that article. I'm pretty sure that's the reason why no one wants it. I uninstalled it after like 20 minutes upon seeing the ridiculous amount of ads on a fresh install.

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Notably, former first lady Melania Trump has not joined her husband for any public campaign events since his presidential announcement in November 2022 and has not appeared alongside him at any of his court appearances.

I think his new goal since his last term is "let's see how hypocritical I can be and still get elected"

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This literally sounds like a mob guy coming into a store and "suggesting" that you need to pay "protection money" or else something bad may happen...

I've used Gmail since 2005 and don't ever remember seeing ads, but then again I use ad blockers on pretty much all my devices.

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Cartels: "we have four minutes, guys, we've been planning since 2017 for this, get ready!"

He did this before with the "I'm going to kick all illegal immigrants out of this country when I become president" and people with illegal immigrants in their families still voted for him!

I remember a new story shortly after this happened of a woman who voted for him crying because her husband was being kicked out and her words were "I thought he was only going to kick bad illegal immigrants out of the country! My husband isn't a criminal!"

These idiots are all for this shit until it affects them personally.

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So they sold tickets to a cruise... But they didn't have the ship ready.

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People forget, my ex sold her laptop on eBay, but forgot to wipe it and it had a bunch of nudes she had sent me over the years on it. After she realized what she did she told him to wipe the computer because she forgot to 🤦‍♂️ this was like a decade ago before BitLocker/encryption was standard on most laptops. The dude definitely saw her naked.

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I'm still confused regarding the picture....

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It's not about money, to him it's about helping the enemy.

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This is one of the coolest damn things I've seen in a while, she's a true cyborg!

I think the coolest thing is that she has a limited sense of touch.

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So that should cover everyone in this day and age since everyone asks for a tip now /s

After being in IT for a decade it never ceases to amaze me how incompetent people are when it comes to tech.

At my first gig in NYC I worked at a smaller financial firm (about 100 people) and every mid-level and above employee was given a work phone. One time I got a ticket that said "my smartphone is being really slow, can someone please take a look?". I went up there and it was a guy in his 40s (I was like 30), suit and tie, I think he was a Junior VP or something like that. He gave me his Galaxy S5 and I looked at the RAM usage and it was all taken up by Chrome. I opened up Chrome and he had 99+ tabs open, I told him that was the reason and he said "Oh.. I thought those automatically closed when I exited (he meant switched apps, not killing the process)...", I told him they didn't and started swiping them away, after the first few it was about 90 tabs of (teen) porn 🤣. I had to stand there in front of him, straight faced for a good few minutes cleaning up his porn. Afterwards I said "it should be better now, just remember to close your tabs when you're finished with them." and left. Once I got in the elevator I nearly pissed myself laughing so hard.

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He'd have a full-blown meltdown. It'd be glorious.

A while ago someone posted a picture on Reddit of an old cast iron rotary food grater/slicer and asked "what is this thing?". A bunch of people said it was for grating things like cheese or slicing vegetables. Some people posted the original French or Italian names of it, which was difficult to find. Someone said look up "Rotary grater" and they're all over Amazon for dirt cheap. I bought a cheap plastic one for like $20, figuring I'd use it a few times and forget about it.

I use the damn thing multiple times a week for grating blocks of cheese. It can grate a 1 pound block of cheese in like 30 seconds, 2-3 rotations usually gives me more than enough cheese for myself. It's so much easier to use than a box grater, and no possibility of destroying your finger tips or knuckles!

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The imperial system is a nightmare. A lot of us hate it and agree that metric is far easier. I grew up with the imperial system and still don't know the conversions between quarts, pints, ounces, and cups. Blame the French and British, we got it from them!

I'm currently calorie counting in order to lose weight and I weigh everything in grams because it's easier.

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Officer: "What's your name, sir?"

DK: "Deez-Nuts"

Officer: "Alright, get out of the car, smart ass"

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I worked at Disney+ until a few months ago (got laid off after 5 years, how nice of them), everything was still segmented internally. Even a year or more after the Hulu merger we still operated essentially as two separate companies. They did their thing and we did ours, practically no communication between the teams.

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And this concludes the enshitification of everything.

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Apparently their market is recovering alcoholics that want to feel like they're holding a beer can when they're out with friends.

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They jacked up their prices and laid off their long time employees... Like me.

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This isn't shitty parenting, companies are intentionally creating addictive mechanics in games. Instant gratification causes a release of dopamine, which keeps the person playing over and over again. It's the reason why people "grind".

They're virtual Skinner Boxes. If you don't know what that is, I suggest looking up the term and B. F. Skinner himself.

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Such bullshit, "oh yeah, we can drop it by $275M"


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Like Mitch Hedberg used to say "I love the mail guy, he's a drug dealer and he doesn't even know it!"

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Darknet Diaries has a few interesting podcasts about Pegasus. If anyone is interested I'd suggest giving them a listen.

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"Republican has a change of heart when their 12 year old daughter gets pregnant, now supports abortion. "

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Kyle Gas, the other guy in Tenacious D.

Windows is largely successful because there was nothing else good enough for Intel to use back in the late 80s. They struck a partnership and it took off, indoctrinating people into the Windows way of life for decades to come. Most people hate new tech, it means that they have to learn something new that they'd rather not (akin to telling someone to write with the opposite hand than the one they've been using their entire lives), even if that thing is simple. Piracy just strengthened that already strong foothold that they had.

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There's a link in there about their new CEO saying that cutting their oil and gas production would be detrimental to society. He claims to care about people by saying "If we cut production prices will go up and poor countries won't be able to compete and have enough money to get their gas an oil!" when he really means "if we cut production we won't make as much money!".

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A brain with a face, in a sweater.

I could never remember if I took my pills, so I bought one of those weekly pill organizers. I used it for a few weeks...But now I don't feel like filling it up each week, so I just take them in the morning when I go to the bathroom... Then later on in the afternoon I wonder if I have taken my pills because I was on autopilot in the morning.

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I'm 38, and yeah it's seriously fucked. I keep saying this and people still want to plug their ears and scream "it's the guns!".

I'm a prime example, I have ADHD and hardcore insomnia, and I got laid off a few months ago, my health insurance just ended. In order to see a psychiatrist it's gonna cost me $300 out of pocket for the visit, and then generic Ambien is like $120 for 60 pills. I got letters that say I could get health insurance via the COBRA Act of 1985, but it's SEVEN HUNDRED AND THIRTY DOLLARS A MONTH. keeps playing commercials that say "enroll now and you can get health insurance for as low as $10/month!". I went on there to look and it's only available for 2024 right now and they want to know your income for 2024. I put in 80k and they said I wasn't eligible, I put in 40k and it said it was gonna cost $350/month.

My dad is 73 and he constantly has to fight with insurance and the pharmacy to get his Ambien as well.

It's absolutely ridiculous.

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At least it wasn't just a warning, there was a fine attached, but that's like fining your average middle class person like 25 cents.

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Most people use the service for perfectly legitimate purposes. On the fringes, however, some users abuse the software to share pirate libraries publicly, a considerable thorn in the side for rightsholders.

I've been using it for over a decade and I don't know single person that uses it for "perfectly legitimate purposes" (assuming they mean "not for pirated content, considering the next sentence). There's no reason to use Plex as a front end for all other streaming services.

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Yeah this isn't as good as it sounds, the other 5 continents are still stuck with all of this garbage.

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He's literally Hitler, just without the genocide.

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