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Joined 12 months ago

I’m hoping they actually make it to production and they’re a fantastic replacement to pneumatic tires.

BUT, it’s a Kickstarter, with estimated delivery almost a year from now. I’m withholding my excitement until they’re actually in use by regular people in the real world

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And actual content or discussions I want to engage with. Plenty of memes here, but if I want to talk about any hobbies that aren’t Linux or video games, there just isn’t much here (yet).

So for better and worse, I also spend less time on lemmy than I did on reddit

Yeah come back to me when you shit your pants at your friends house at the age of 8, and then “help” him and his mom try to find where the smell is coming from

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Even just a capacitor to keep the time for 10 minutes or so. That would cover 99% of the power outages in my home

The only time google gets me better results than DDG now is if I have a really vague question, like “movie where the guy wears a trash bag on his leg and has a piña colada on the train to Milwaukee”

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It’s not a secret. Disposable razors are simple to own and use

Yeah I eventually snuck back to the bathroom and cleaned up and put my shitty tighty whiteys in the bathroom trash. I assume his mom knew. Maybe she couldn’t figure out how to address it gently, maybe she just wanted to fuck with me lol

I use a Safari extension called Purify. It’s in the App Store. Works pretty well for me.

(I also use a pi-hole at home)

From the Horrible Bathroom Hall of Fame, I present the Mathematical Sciences bathroom at the University of Central Florida:

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“Plumber’s crack” in the us

Just a note on the tax part:

Consequently, while all Puerto Rico residents pay federal taxes, many residents are not required to pay federal income taxes. Aside from income tax, U.S. federal taxes include customs taxes,[1] federal commodity taxes, and federal payroll taxes (Social Security, Medicare, and Unemployment taxes).

You can get a DUI on a bike in a lot of the US. The same DUI you can get driving an F350. I dunno, feels kinda fucked up to me

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Yeah my 70 yo aunt has had platonic “girlfriends” for at least 30 years

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Heaven’s Gate?

Parks & Recreation

Such a fun song, the montage is adorable, and it doesn’t overstay its welcome

Endless Sky

It’s a single player, top-down, 2D space combat and trading game. If you ever played Escape Velocity back in the mid 90s(?), it’s essentially a clone of that setting and gameplay.

Yes, my favorite bare handed tactic is using a trebuchet

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The image isn’t loading for me. What movie/show?

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Sounds like you’re in a much healthier mindset now! And I think that mindset spreads just as virally as toxicity, both online and in real life.

Is the image not loading for anyone else? Tried on Voyager app and Firefox on Windows

Edit: a day later, and the image loads for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It’s just the book and verse number on screen, like “Psalms 3:10” or whatever. Along with a graphic of a mouse(?) in a hat.

Usually in the last 10 seconds or so of the video IIRC

Don’t be a ninnymuggins. Bare hands means bare hands.

This phenomenon has pushed me into more “railroaded” or “theme park ride” games recently. It Takes Two and Hi-Fi Rush really shepherd you along the story path. You can poke around the room you’re in, but compared to more open world games, it’s much easier to keep yourself pointed toward the next story point.

But your insurance premiums will go down by more than your taxes go up, for most of us working shulbs, anyway.

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We’re all rooting for you, champ

Same here. Got one a Miyoo Mini+ and put a community OS on it and a curated set of ROMs. 10 year old me would love it!

But turns out as an adult I just don’t have much use for it. The down side of being much more in control of how I spend my own time lol

You can use “extensions” for Safari, and there are at least a couple ad blocking extensions. I use Purify, and it works pretty well at blocking ads

I get it. I’m the only one of my D&D/RPG friends who likes sports, and the only one of my sports friends who likes D&D :-/

Huh Mazda isn’t listed. I assume because it wasn’t tested, rather than because it’s so much better than the others

Yeah, I just went through the passport renewal process. The State Department website has a bunch of rules on how a passport photo needs to be composed. Don’t have hair covering your face, have a white background, no visible shadows, etc

Weirdly, the passport photo taker lady at my local county courthouse said I could smile if I wanted to. I didn’t want to risk it, so I still gave it my best resting bitch face

Who’s this? Why do you miss them?

There could be some purple states where the stars align and this passes, but yeah, at least a generation, probably more

lol yeah, in the 90s you could go in there and buy a couple resistors, a couple capacitors, and a couple (expensive, crappy) LEDs

I can see how that didn’t work out for them though

The lead acid battery in your car is rechargeable

Warhammer 40k: Mechanicus

I thought it was gonna be like an XCom or Divinity Original Sin kinda combat game.

Maybe it is? I don’t think so, but the UI and controls are so bad that I never really figured out how to play, and there’s no tutorial, so I can’t say for sure what kind of game it actually is.

All I figured out in my 2ish hours is that it’s not a game for me.

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I’m not sure I understand the question.

Usually they’re on the Blu-ray/DVD (or ripped file) as an additional audio track. Like, you’d have English, Spanish, French, and Commentary

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This is so dumb, but:

The new Forza Motorsport has a system where you have to drive a car for like 3 hours before you’re able to upgrade all of the parts on it. Regardless of how many credits you have.

So I’ve been using xCloud to “play” Forza with all of the driving assists on—accelerating, braking, shifting, all of it—just to level up cars to the point I unlock all of the upgrades to that car. (Offline, of course. Not gonna mess up someone else’s game because of Microsoft’s weird ideas on progression.)

So “AFK racing” has been running on my Deck more than any other game this week.

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I liked Firewatch a lot, but it basically is a walking simulator

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Sometimes you want it pressed rather than chopped

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I’ve played through the whole thing and maxed out my restaurant. I’m still not sure how to describe why it’s so engaging for me.

I think Stardew didn’t hit with me because there were too many mechanics. But Dave is just so light and joyful!