Humane’s AI Pin (smartphone that projects on to your palm) launching soon @ $699 + 24$/mo subscription + integrates with openAI

Dr. to – 61 points –
Exclusive leak: all the details about Humane’s AI Pin, which costs $699 and has OpenAI integration

I wonder what Lemmings are thinking of this device. I admire the innovation but just don't see how this would be used in practice outside of memes.


This is going to fail so hard it's not even funny

I really don't understand how things like this get made.

Like I understand that there are tonnes of rich people with zero brainpower who fund this sorta crap, but how do the people creating it ever think anything other than 'this concept is shit and nobody will ever want this'???

Something's got to fill up those "biggest tech fails of the year/decade" articles.

Saying “Integrates with OpenAI” in 2023 is exactly equivalent to saying “uses Web 2.0” from 20 years ago. Buzzword trash that says absolutely about how the product uses said technology.

Blockchain Web 2.0 AI technology, in 4k HD!

What more could you possibly want?

Digital slavery. Nice. Open Source offline AI exists. OpenAI is an intentional manipulative misnomer. Nothing about them is Open. AI can infer a ton of data about anyone with just a few sentences. Data is your entire future. Giving away a part of yourself or your company for exploitation, long term, is asinine stupidity.

And yet you're doing it right now on Lemmy... fascinating.

This looks even scarier than that TV/camera device by Facebook.

It’s powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor and uses a camera, depth, and motion sensors to track and record its surroundings. It has a built-in speaker, which Humane calls a “personic speaker,” and can connect to Bluetooth headphones.

Hell no. If a friend starts wearing a subscription-based body cam connected to "AI", I'm going to cut them out of my life.

It also sounds so stupid as a concept. Why would I use this instead of a phone camera? The laser display sounds like a much worse equivalent to a tiny smartwatch screen. The only use case might be when doing sports/activities, but we'd need a much more robust device for that (and much faster response times for it to be useful)

This screams like those Kickstarter ideas where some no-name throws buzzwords around and then tries to raise a billion dollars and the project fails bad.

raise a billion dollars ... fails bad.

That's just a matter of which side of the Kickstarter campaign you're on.

Now if this isn't a hot contender for wildest conglomeration of techy buzzwords of the year

Sounds very impractical and raises a lot of concerns. I would love to see this AI trend to die down and we could have regular affordable tech without all the spying and unreliable artificial assistants.

If it was an offline AI and not a data harvesting machine, this would actually be kind of cool. Its a shame, another possible innovation stiffled by greed. I'd be down to own a device where the AI is actually mine and not a corpos.

Afaik the translations are offline. At least according to Samsung.

Yeah, until they have yo admit after a major data breach that stuff is stolen. Everytime a PR person said something, there's a high chance they're lying.

Did they just make a cell phone that I can wear on my chest, tap whenever I want to use it, and give commands to the computer by voice? Does it also come in the shape of a gold delta?

That was my first thought when I read this:

The Pin isn’t always recording or even listening for a wake word, instead requiring you to manually activate it in some way

What a shame. A lot of guys will have worked hard on this, perhaps going on a journey from initial enthusiasm at the novel gimmick to anxiety over real-world usability.

Sadly they're going to lose all their money or, even worse, find a way to pay back the VC.

So reminds me of the Star Trek communicator. The laser projector is cool and different.

Not for me and especially not interested in a body cam but I welcome alternatives to these touch screen rectangles.

I have to be honest, I love the translation function this "has" or at least what was promised on the reveal. Having parents in law that do not speak the same language as me I would love to have something like that.

Exactly! I think people forget that language barrier is still a thing for big chunk of the world. A frictionless on-device translator would be huge.

I'm not sure about other phones, but pixels now have an interpreter feature.

Silicon Valley is gonna wonder why their aggressive AI push is going to fail despite it being an extremely useful technology.