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Should copyright for works that old be expired? Yes!

In the actual world we live in, was this guy ever going to avoid being sued so hard that his grandchildren will be embarrassed for him? No!

You've got to admire the lemming-like devotion to the legal cliff he threw himself off though. Writing a sequel to not only a copyright work, but one that is still in the cultural zeitgeist thanks to a 20-year old wildly successful series of films? Ballsy. Subsequently suing one of the largest companies in the world and the estate that produced the original works as infringing his copyright?

Chutzpa, I believe the term is.

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So they shut down the fan remaster because there’s an official remake, then that gets canned?


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Hah. To swap eSIM on O2 in the UK, you have to order a physical pack that gets posted to you with the QR code in. There is no way to get the code to appear on a screen you can scan with your camera, or in an app on the phone you can transfer to the phone's eSIM manager. It's so dumb.

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While true, the Tory party that won the last election looks a bit different to the gobshites that are in government now.

Don't get me wrong, I thought the last lot were assholes as well, but while technically legal, swapping out basically all of the government several times seems like a bit of a bait and switch.

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Andrew Wakefield should be in prison for the rest of his life.

More likely the D&D/fantasy version. Harry Potter called them “horcruxes”. Keep your soul in a box and whatever happens to your body, you can’t truly die.

But I didn’t know they were based on Jewish mythology, so thanks for that TIL!

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The song goes “We wish you a merry Christmas”, so that’ll always be there for as long as the song is popular.

Plus (also because of the song, I assume), you say “merry Christmas and a happy new year”, not “happy Christmas and a happy new year”. Too much happy there.

Not sure I’ve ever even met anyone who’d care if Northern Ireland split off. Maybe some Rangers fans?

There were literally decades of violence and terrorism over that, so clearly someone cares.

That being said, But then I'm Welsh and live in England, I do not have a horse in this race. If the people in NI want to unify with Ireland and regain all their EU citizenship benefits as well as removing the whole "Northern Ireland border issue", then I wouldn't blame them at all.

Maybe I should at least reserve my real name on it…

*gets asked for mobile number

Nope, don’t care that much.

Prisoner Zero has escaped

Almost immediately, Twitter users began to call for me to be charged with perjury. With liberal usage of the N-word and homophobic slurs, they also said that I, along with my family, should be hanged for treason.

I got up from the bench and briskly finished my walk home. After I locked the door, I went and checked the go-bag that I had kept packed for exactly a moment like that. And then I followed the plan I had in place to leave my home.

Jesus Christ, what is wrong with these fucking cultists?

Taking bribes in stolen, easily-traceable gold? I'm almost surprised they didn't come from a Swiss vault and had swastikas stamped on them...

Ah, but from where I sit (a long way from the US), it looks more like a pissing contest between the Republicans to see who can be the most terrible human being in government, than it does look like any sort of actual policy or principal.

It's not about helping Ukraine, or avoiding the mistakes of Afghanistan - it's about trying to make Biden (and/or 'The Dems' in general) look bad, even if that involves civilian deaths.

Are they evil, Russian agents or just absolute clowns? It doesn't really matter, does it. The end result is the same.

What a terrible day to have eyes.

It's like they're all reading the same copy of 'how not to be a garbage human being' and doing the exact opposite of each lesson...

If you’re racist and you know it, clap your hands!

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic.

The universe! The characters! The plot! That reveal! Oh, man. To be able to experience that again for the first time. Wow.

I suppose there's no consequences to these asshats not doing the actual job the People are paying them to do and instead trying to do what history will probably look back on as "a bit of light treason"...

Ahahahahahaaha. Hahaha. Haha. Ah.


Fugu. I’m far too much of a coward to try it normally.

How do we stop Iran killing their own citizens? I know, we kill them first! I are very smart!

It's the ciiiiiiiiiircle of lif *gets eye scratched out

More meat for the grinder.

Would you like to know more?

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I mean, if we can’t be a properly grown up functioning member of the international community any more, we should at least be a cautionary tale…

I’d assume they were still called “Woody” and “Buzz”…

I've heard people saying everyone should be more involved in local politics, but I don't think this is what they have in mind...

If your state doesn't have concealed or open carry laws, you can still 'bear arms' by having them at home and transporting them in proper cases, correct? So this isn't paywalling the right to own guns, just the right to take them around with you like a murdery little comfort blanket.

I'm in this picture and I don't like it

That was my first thought when I read this:

The Pin isn’t always recording or even listening for a wake word, instead requiring you to manually activate it in some way

A few quotes from the article, for anyone looking at the headline asking "what does that mean?"

China had called the poll a choice between war and peace. Beijing strongly opposes [Ruling-party candidate] Lai

While domestic issues such as the sluggish economy and expensive housing also featured prominently in the campaign, Lai’s Democratic Progressive Party’s appeal to self-determination, social justice and rejection of China’s threats ultimately won out. It’s the first time a single party has led Taiwan for three consecutive four-year presidential terms since the first open presidential election in 1996.

Lai and incumbent President Tsai Ing-wen reject China’s sovereignty claims over Taiwan, a former Japanese colony that split from the Chinese mainland amid civil war in 1949. They have, however, offered to speak with Beijing, which has repeatedly refused to hold talks and called them separatists.

Me? I'm a Brit. I loathe everything Trump stands for.

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I'm in two minds about that. One the one hand, yes, of course - as all the original COBOL folks die off, the skills will be even rarer and thus worth more.

On the other hand, if we keep propping up old shit, the businesses will keep relying on it and it'll be even more painful when they do eventually get forced to migrate off it.

On the other other hand, we know it works, and we don't want to migrate everything into a series of Electron apps just because that's popular at the moment.

Hey now

It's security software - firewalls, VPNs, that sort of thing. It's not that it's not available anywhere else, but the Israeli stuff was always considered among the best before this conflict kicked off.

How can anyone put their name to that and still look themselves in the mirror in the morning? Jesus christ, that's ghoulish.

Got echos of that old Northern Ireland 'joke' where the gunman asks "yes, but are you a protestant atheist or a catholic atheist".


Enjoy a second Trump presidency!

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That’s a good point, hadn’t considered that.

Multiple counts, since they're risking not just their own child, but all other people their germ machine came into contact with...

Holy shit, Troy Baker is doing an incredible Harrison Ford impression...

I'm dubious on the first person stuff, especially since they seem to have put a lot of work into recreating Ford's likeness. But I was dubious about Cyberpunk too, and that turned out OK, so what do I know?

Cautiously optimistic.