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Not really. If you have debts with a fixed interest rate your payments will remain mostly fixed too. That means even if your wage stagnates during a high inflation period the payments you're making on that debt stay the same in nominal currency but the real value of that payment (and the total debt) are worth less because of inflation.

That being said your total cost of living will probably still go up and whether anyone is 'coming out on top' during high inflation depends on their circumstances. If your wages don't increase and the cost of living goes up it may be harder to make debt payments even if the payment amount stays the same.

Imagine someone with a ton of debt from buying real estate. With a fixed interest rate high inflation can actually be really good for them. The value of their assets continue to go up and their debts deflate away because the money they're paying back isn't as valuable as it was when they borrowed it in the first place. The type of person befitting in this way probably isn't making most of their money from a wage though.

I've been running Bazzite on an old 1st gen Surface Book Pro that I had laying around. Touch screen and all the fancy keyboard stuff works great.

The Asus Transformer Prime.

It was an Android tablet circa 2011, right at that time they were actually making 10" Android tablets. I bought one as soon as Android Honeycomb launched which had an improved UI and lot of new tablet focused features. I bought the optional keyboard/battery attachment and planned for it to be my tiny laptop replacement that could also play emulators and be used for reading comics. I wanted to like it so bad.

It never really panned out though, a large majority of which was because of the faulty Nvidia Tegra 3 chip. Awful performance issues, terrible wireless connectivity, overheating, battery drain and nonexistant software updates from Asus. I ran custom ROMs trying to squeeze it as much as I could but that meant I was constantly tinkering with it and having yet more problems. Eventually I even broke the screen (my fault) and painstakingly went through a whole botched screen replacement before finally deciding that it had been a huge waste of time and money and sent it to it's grave.

Generally when inflation is high it makes debts with a fixed interest less of a burden because the real value of that debt decreases over time. So if you're heavily in debt inflation can be helpful in some regards.

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"What about you big guy? Soup or salad?"

"Oi! Wat? A Super fuckin' salad?"

At one point I triple booted my laptop with Ubuntu, Windows 7 and OSX mostly just to prove I could. Weird times, a lot has changed since then.

It's kind of crazy how off the rails this series got later down the line.

Yes, resolution is not the only factor. Bitrate is equally if not more important.

ineligible for promotion

This seems like an empty threat to me. Every promotion I've ever gotten internally has come with a negligible pay increase (~4%). The best promotions I've gotten have been leaving to take a new job somewhere else (~20-50%).

Rimworld! Probably my favorite game ever actually.

Everything's a drum!

This is not true. The interior of a car gets extremely hot. This is good for the dog however and will give them strong bones.

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I'm having flashbacks to Skyrim. Developers were puzzled how players got a bounty even when no one was around and discovered that chickens were reporting crimes.

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ChatGPT: "Take off these ridiculous glasses and just be yourself."

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The Steam awards are a total joke. RDR, a game with zero content updates won labor of love. Starfield, a paint-by-number Bethesda RPG is most innovative. But it doesn't matter because the awards don't matter.

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Yeah "I wasn't told" is really "I wasn't listening" in narcissist language.

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Exactly. It's like hey... If the corpos take a dump in your mouth you can either leave or you can stick around and complain about the taste. And yet the people who left are the whiners?

Pretty ridiculous to have multiple standards for this anyway. Imagine if you had to hunt down a gas station that served whatever proprietary fuel you needed.

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That's my data, I don't know you!

Sorry guys, this is just me with a basement full of computers running Linux.

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This is my hometown and unfortunately this is just the most recent escalation. Mayor Mayfield and most conservatives in the area have it out for the Record and have been causing all sorts of chaos at City Council meetings.

This isn't the only scandal the Record was investigating either. The director of the hospital quit amidst a brewing scandal from over billing the local pharmacy while trying to open a competing pharmacy through family. Of course it's all mixed up with local politics. People don't like journalists asking difficult questions and don't think the rules apply to them.

I write a lot of scripts that engineers need to run. I used to really try to make things 'fail soft' so that even if one piece failed the rest of the script would keep running and let you know which components failed and what action you needed to take to fix the problem.

Eventually I had so many issues with people assuming that any errors that didn't result in a failure were safe to ignore and crucial manual steps were being missed. I had to start making them 'fail hard' and stop completely when a step failed because it was the only way to get people to reliably perform the desired manual step.

Trying to predict and account for other people's behavior is really tricky, particularly when a high level of precision is required.

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Piss sitting down but shit standing up.

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Fictional men telling you it's okay to have emotions and struggle is appealing because real men do not typically speak about these values. Boys are constantly surrounded by a maelstrom of toxic masculinity. Anything that helps them cultivate a positive inner voice and healthy self image is fine by me.

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There was a golden age of Netflix where I basically stopped pirating movies and TV too.

Now streaming is a fragmented ad-ridden nightmare and I pirate more than ever before. It's not like it's free either, I pay for a VPN, disk storage, let alone the time and maintenance.

If I could buy (and actually own) high quality digital copies of movies/tv with no bullshit at a reasonable price that would be a serious value proposition that would beat out the hassles that come along with piracy.

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We're basically dependent on the EU and California to have any rights as consumers at all.

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If I'm understanding this right it seems like a good fast way to test that services start up properly without doing a full reboot so that's pretty nice.

Break glass in case Spider-Man is transformed into a squirrel.

Seamlessly syncing game saves between my Deck and my primary gaming PC is so nice. Before I travel I just make sure to wake up the deck long enough to get updates and sync saves.

For non steam games I use syncthing but that always requires just a little bit of work.

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Congress believes it's a national security threat which is probably true but they haven't bothered explaining this to their constituents at all. Ideally they'd pass comprehensive privacy protection laws to setup standards that both domestic and foreign companies would be subject to. Then companies either adjust their behaviors and meet a certain level of transparency or they would be prosecuted under the law.

But no... We get this instead: a confusing and obviously targeted ultimatum with Congress telling everyone 'trust me bro this is the only way'.

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Much more likely at this point that he just wins the nomination. There is still time for that to change, but nothing that indicates that it will.

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Around back there is a mail slot where you can put cash in and furry porn comes out. Don't ask any questions.

I run my own tiny instance so that I can feel special. And so that I can overspend on cloud infrastructure and stress out about uptime.

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Apple has setup their walled garden in such a way that you're basically all-in or all-out of their ecosystem. I don't know that they have brand loyalty as much as they have a captive audience that they can sell iWhatever to over and over again.

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Google's method of ranking results has clearly had a detrimental effect on website content and structure as well. I can't believe how much nonsense junk padding there is on all the top results. You can understand why people are happy to have an LLM sift through the junk and make up an answer, even if it's wrong half the time.

It at least pleases me to know this level of care is something he wishes to extend to all Americans. Many in Congress with this care would deny it to the rest of us as if it were some sort of favor.

I worked at a tiny hospital in a rural area as the sole IT admin. They hired a new Director of Nursing, a very long process because we were so rural it was very difficult to convince people to move out there to work. They had helped her find and buy a house, helped her husband get a job in the area, enrolled their kids in the local school system. They had me buy a new computer specifically for her and asked me to come in early and be available to help with any computer problems on her first day.

She didn't show up at all that day. People were pretty panicked about it. Next day she did show up, although about an hour late (not that anyone complained about it) and they rolled out the red carpet and everything. I spent most of the morning helping her get access to things and then she was off to more important things.

Next day she didn't show up at all again.

That one orientation meeting was the only time I ever saw her, a few days later they asked me to terminate her accounts, preserve emails and pull security camera footage. I still don't know what was going on. Drugs? If she had another job opportunity it seems pretty crazy to buy a house and move your whole family. She almost certainly would have been the highest paid employee, probably within the top 5 for the whole town.

But yeah, I guess if you don't show up and don't have a good excuse things end pretty quickly.

"We're making something new but it's boring and will suck." said no one ever.

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They "trust me". Dumb fucks.

Mark Zuckerberg

You're likely thinking of Empress who has a number of personality issues... transphobia definitely being one of them.