1 Post – 86 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Ad revenue. It is harder to block ads on mobile than it is on desktop.

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There was no "I have not donated, I would not donate" option in your survey, so if your intention is to understand how people are thinking about donations I think your survey needs some work.

"I'll see you on the other side." Works both ways.

I went on omegle not too long ago actually and the thing I remember was that the text version of the website was inundated with bots.

You had to skip through maybe 10-15 bots before you would find that one real person, and even then it was hit or miss whether they would actually want to stay and have a conversation.

Another thing: the constant "asl" as the top of every conversation; it's like people were trying to use it as a hook-up / dating / sexting app rather than it's actual purpose of connecting with people from around the world. I think that mission got lost somewhere.

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“Open”AI. This blocking manoeuvre kills progress.

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Share with them generated videos of us hanging out with other alien species, having a good time, etc. and make it seem like they’re missing out.

Sounds like Google+ all over again...

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Shepherders Troll Sons
25 5
3 25 2

Everything is fine, up until this bit:

Twenty-seven plus two is twenty-nine.

The total amount given to the troll and sons were 27 sheep (25 and the sons kept 2).

Where it gets confused is saying "The trolls kept 2" as if this were 2 more sheep on top of the 27 sheep. This leads to you erroneously getting to 29 sheep somehow. The 2 sheep are part of the 27, you can't do this.

The 3 other sheep out of the original 30 are now with the shepherders after the sons came and returned them.

The idea that it's theoretically possible that we would be able to simulate a universe of our own leads to the hypothesis that we could be living in a simulation ourselves.

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5: 1, 0, 0, 10, 100. (or 4 if uniqueness matters).

I've been down your road and I know it can be scary. Things seem out-of-place, there's no inherent meaning. I'm sitting at my desk trying to decipher the meaning of life. I get a few notes in where I come to this resolution:

  • There is no meaning.
  • Life's meaning is what you make of it.
  • Every discovery of meaning simply sparks the search for greater meaning.
  • There can be no satisfying final meaning for everything.


This is something I stick with for a while, that you have to invent your own meaning. I would look out for goals, values, something that I could tie the sail of life to that would keep it from blowing about all over the place. I was looking for an anchor. I felt that there was an inherent need to tie it down with something, anything. Perhaps we can do this for short periods of time, though as we all learn: every time that anchor is uprooted, which it inevitably is, the façade comes crashing down, the sail blows everywhere again, and you inevitably spin out of control until another anchor is found.

It wasn't until much later, sitting at my desk, that I found the solution. It was almost on accident really. I am sitting there reading this book called The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer, and I am reading this chapter on death. There is something the way it expanded on the idea of life, how death is the one to grant life to you, how life itself is a gift. Without the consciousness, there truly is nothing. The fact of experience is something which is the gift, and we often hide from that gift by shielding ourselves. Life itself serves as its own meaning.

The moment I found this I felt more at peace. There was never any need to tie life down with an anchor, life itself was coming in through my senses and that was meaning in its own right. The sail blowing all over the place is meaning. The anchor served as an attempt at protection, though I would no longer be participating in this protection. If I continued to tie life down in this way, I would not be able to experience that which is life. I now want to experience more of life. I let the flow of life pass through me, without creating blocks, or doing anything to disrupt this flow. Life just pours in through my senses. This serves me well, and I expect it would serve you well too.

I mean. . . not immediately, right?

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The lumps in the sand are where they bury the bodies

Border of the table != border of the board, jsyk.

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Expose themselves to the sun. Like... what?

I'm not even really sure in what context you would consider a donation as being appropriate.

I contribute because I want to be helpful, and I feel like I am providing value. I do this for free, with no expectation of return. I don't need to spend money to push value into the system.

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Reminds me of The Sound of Drums episode in Doctor Who where swarms of drones fell from the sky

Mindfulness practice, set the intention to consciously watch everything your mind is doing.

This kind of practice may also help with getting back to sleep.


The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer talks about loneliness.

Loneliness happens when you've:

  1. Blocked an experience of loneliness inside of you and;
  2. That experience is being triggered through similar events.

Instead of changing the world to accommodate your thorn, to avoid feeling the thorn, you want to accept that you're going to eventually have to face the thorn in order to get rid of it. Go through life, allow the thorn to be triggered, be aware of the sensations that arise, and then work on relaxing and releasing it as it comes up.

Once the thorn is gone, as long as you stay open and don't allow another thorn to wedge itself in there, you will be free.

You mention you're particularly extroverted; I wonder how much of that behaviour is based on resolving an inner loneliness. I'm also one for social situations, though I do it for a completely different reason: I love people. I just really like them. That doesn't go away.

Are you formally diagnosed? If you had a formal diagnosis from a doctor then that’s something you could point at to your family members.

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Sounds like a bit of both; I don't believe she's lying to you though.

They aren't being picked from the plant, the peck of pickled peppers Peter picks are from an entrée of already pickled peppers.

There's a book called Impro by Keith Johnstone.

It's a book about improvisation, though in there there's a very interesting part on moving your center around when it comes to character work.

So long as the centre remains in the middle of your chest (pretend it's a few inches deep), you will feel that you are still yourself and in full command, only more energetically and harmoniously so, with your body approaching an "ideal type".

As soon as you try to shift the centre to some other place within or outside your body, you will feel that your whole psychological and physical attitude will change, just as it changes when you step into an imaginary body.

You will notice that the centre is able to draw and concentrate your whole being into one spot from which your activity emanates and radiates.

(Johnstone, 1987, p. 179).

Here's to hoping they didn't throw too much money into this...

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That’s not true at all. If I had the means to do so, I would be donating more, though I’m living pretty precariously myself.

That's a whole lot of waste. 😵

Regularly and intentionally spend time considering the opposite.

This helps you to check your paradigms.

It also helps if you search for content which contradict your current thinking rather than support it, just to get that perspective.

For example, if you're super organised, a book like A Perfect Mess: The Hidden Benefits Of Disorder may help you to see things in a different light.

Also, a mobile app design is a fundamentally different design process to desktop. It requires extra time / effort to develop for both.

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Hasn't this happened before?

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I still use it occasionally for some things, though I’ve noticed a steep quality drop on Reddit. I spend much more time on Lemmy.

Lemmy > Discovery, Reddit > Specific Subs that haven’t yet migrated.

So what are you intending to offer that people aren't already able to do? A link to a patreon, ko-fi, etc. already exists on creator's pages.

♛c1 ♚f1

That would exclude all video games then. 🤨

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Yep, it says things though has no understanding of what it is saying: much like strolling through a pet shop, passing the parrot enclosure, and hearing and recoiling at the little kid swear words it cheeps out.

This is not a new technology, I'm not sure how practical this is at the moment given how heavy / bulky it is compared to how it would be otherwise, as well as how expensive the technology is.

The transforming wheels technology looks promising though, that could fundamentally change everything; whether it works in practice is really whether the wheels are load-bearing or not.

If you look in the image above "Showerthoughts," that yellow bulb shape is where you would store the hydrogen.

Um, no? The article you linked to shows that they're planning to launch it, though they haven't actually tried yet, let alone achieved a successful launch....?

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I am sure there is someone else out there who also does this. You’re looking for validation.

If you have the finances, then it’s not a huge issue. If you don’t, then you may want to try and not do this. 🤷🏻‍♂️