0 Post – 56 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I'm sorry, I'm stupid and not up-to-date with this.

Taken at face value, Constitutional Recognition for the indigenous population sounds correct.

So what was wrong with it?

64 more...

Yeah I also wondered if "nuclear gravity" was some fascinating new branch of physics.

Got real disappointed when I realised that it meant dropping 'em.

5 more...

They've been playing the long game here...encroaching on your Drive storage for years

  • Gmails didn't used to count towards storage
  • Photos didn't used to count towards storage (unless stored in "Original" quality)

I'm wagering "Location Data" will be along soon. Then "number of passwords stored".

Next move will be "number of connected devices", even though that doesn't impact how much they have to store.

Finally they will get round to billing you on your number of individual body hairs (shaving in breach of T&Cs).

Android User here. Never owned any Apple device.

But they're fucking good quality. Anyone can see that. So what's the problem?

I like Android 'cos I like dicking about with it. Some people don't want to dick about with their phones, they want to do other stuff that could be more interesting.

18 more...

UK here. Can they do the maths for us too please?. Just a few billion would let us employ a few thousand more doctors.. That'd be awesome..Thx.

4 more...

Does no-one check the damn IDs, ffs? It's a simple matter of typing some numbers into a computer.

I don't know about the U.S. but in the UK where I'm from, "illegally hiring a non-UK citizen" would be a criminal offence for the hiring company. How are they going to tax them?

12 more...

Yep, good. Look at the damage he did. He'll have sufficient funds to have food and shelter. Anything beyond that he does not deserve.

How much divisiveness did he cause?
How many screaming arguments?
How many families did he break up?
How many bar room fights?
How much pain for grieving parents?

Fuck him, he's a cunt.

1 more...

Here's a handy way to tell if something's true or not:

Is it true?

  • Did Vladimir Putin say it's true?
    No: Possibly true, acquire more data
    Yes: 100% categorically not true

Thank you. But I'm still not sure I get it. Could you maybe give an example of what kind of lie or fear mongering would make people want to say:

"No, I don't want the constitution to recognise that there were an indigenous people here before us."

That seems like an unarguable fact, isn't it?

I'm sorry, I don't mean to put you on the spot but since you were kind enough to take the time to give an overview, it makes me hungry for more detail!

15 more...

Brit here. I have a couple of questions:

  1. If they aren't firearms, then what are they sold as? Replicas?
  2. If they aren't sold as weapons, does that mean someone could import one into my own country?

(I have no intention of doing this, in case this triggers some GCHQ bot and my home ends up like Waco but without all the tiddies)

6 more...

What and why?

58 Gen X Brit here. Even I know the correct response. It was a popular tune.

It'll be interesting to watch someone establish a bank in a space station.

Inevitable, probably.

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I mean, you couldn't be more right. This is aid-point zero.

This conflict couldn't be more zany if it tried. Russia will be asking the moon for aid next. At least India have got something up there which Russia could steal, melt down and make into an Arquebus or something.

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I'm a Brit. In 2016, my best friend (who's not a betting man) walked into a betting shop and placed a £50 accumulator on Clinton winning the US election and the UK voting to Remain in the EU.

Dead certs, right?

Ditto. Both my wife and I were heavy smokers and moved to vapes. As soon as I used a vape I thought "this is the solution!" after trying to quit smoking many times for decades.

They really provide 80 to 90% of the satisfaction of a cigarette and take the edge off those moments when you damn well need a ciggie.

After a couple of years of vaping I find it now much easier to do without them for a few days, although I do like one with a beer.

You have to have been on that 10 or 20 year journey of smoking cigarettes to understand how hard they are to put down, and vaping was the tool that got me away from burning the evil tobacco leaf.

He's going down for a long time, and personally I think he's an over-confident, misguided fool.

But I don't think he's a crook, in the sense that he originally set out to be dishonest from day one.

I think his well-intentioned, cocky plans turned to shit when he found himself playing a game of cryptopoly with other people's real money and landed on the "Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass 'Go'. Do not collect £200“ square.

I feel ever so slightly sorry for him. His entire life is now fucked.

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Don't forget, Porkshire, Wankashire and the Norfuck broads.

What a shame. A lot of guys will have worked hard on this, perhaps going on a journey from initial enthusiasm at the novel gimmick to anxiety over real-world usability.

Sadly they're going to lose all their money or, even worse, find a way to pay back the VC.

Came here to write exactly that! .

One exception would be the "MOAB", which officially stands for "Massive Ordnance Air Blast", but is surely unofficially the "Mother Of All Bombs" - a poker at Saddam Hussein's statement that he would unleash the "Mother of All Wars".

Mate, I'm 189cm (6'2.4) and manage perfectly well in a 737 bathroom whichever function I need to perform, so I'm not sure what the issue is. Your girth maybe?

Daft cow

9 more...

What a fucking disgraceful mess.

I 100% agree with this. Sadly, rule #3 applies to me (my job involves dealing with banks and lawyers).

I have had two HP inkjet printers which were unmitigated dogshit. Money-grabbing, thrown together pieces of shit. You get more types of jams than at a craft jam shop.

Five years ago, moved to a Brother laser printer. Little difference in purchase cost. AND IT NEVER FAILS.

I'm now on my second (dropped first one downstairs when moving house) and it is just as reliable.

Each to their own, but for me: Brother Laser Printer every time.

This will be a tough one to fix. There must be millions upon millions of embedded systems out there with 16-bit epoch burned in.

They'll all be much tougher to find than "YEAR PIC(99)" in COBOL was.

Y2K wasn't a problem because thousands upon thousands of programmers worked on it well in advance (including myself) we had source code and plenty of static analysis tools, often homegrown.

The 2038 bugs are already out the wild...their source code nothing but a distant dream.

Thank you. Your comment/advice has completely validated my switch over to Lemmy.

How would that work? Nuclear reactors are, AFAIK, not capable of very much beyond getting extremely hot.

Would that heat be used to cause rapid expansion of, for example, a lightweight solid into its gaseous form for propulsion?

Or is there something new up Putin's short sleeves.

I'm aware that the US proposed (and perhaps tested) the use of continuous, rhythmic nuclear bombs as a method of propulsion for space flight, but abandoned it as too erratic.

I see, thank you (and to everyone else who responded).

How would you deal with armed settlers kicking your family out of your home at gunpoint?

Not by saying "What Hitler did to you will be like a picnic".

7 more...

Regardless of the sentence, I'd wager he'll do ten.

Wouldn't the ID need to be associated with a verifiable green card? (Again, not an expert in US employment)

3 more...

If it's all in writing you can't just force another company to do what you want. What you can do is wriggle, twist and delay until it becomes too expensive for the smaller company to continue to pursue.

However judges are more than well aware of this technique and will allow the plaintiff to accrue costs against Legal Aid (paid for by government).

So what usually happens:

  1. Small co files against large co for using same name
  2. Large co produces huge response document which is all piss and wind
  3. Small co says they can't afford the costs to answer each point
  4. Judge permits Small Co to use Legal Aid.
  5. Large co offers to settle. (E.g. you're a 3 person sandwich shop. They offer you £10m. No more work, no more hassle)

If Small Co is energetic, young and courageous, they may choose to fight to the death. But Legal Aid has a limit...

Wow what a detailed, well-written and fascinating response. Thank you for writing that, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

It would almost be worth putting #2 to the test, just to see what would happen. As you mention it would be a legal minefield.

Interestingly (and I guess this is the same in the US?), it's illegal to open someone else's mail. For sure Law Enforcement could get around that, but they would need a court warrant and you'd have to pity the judge whose desk that landed on.

The law states:

84 Interfering with the mail: general

A person commits an offence if, without reasonable excuse, he—

intentionally delays or opens a postal packet in the course of its transmission by post, or intentionally opens a mail-bag.

I think that if the package was innocuous (i.e. didn't have <b>Jeff's Gun's By Post </b> emblazoned on it with a drawing of a strutting Texan blowing the smoke from his revolver), then it could be tough to find “reasonable excuse" to open the package.

Joking aside, if the recipient was a known member of forums promoting hatred or violence then it could be considered reasonable to make at least a cursory examination based on "why was this package received from from there?".

It's legislation with good solid intent (IMHO), but it's so vague that it can't cover everything.

Nor yet anyway.

As we come from different nations, our feelings on the matter may differ and I don't really want to discuss that. But thank you, you've made it easier to understand the context.

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Fun (albeit personal) fact: I'm a Brit who was sent to work in Texas in '96. I've still got a "Don't Mess With Texas" t- shirt from that time.

Only the real-life version

Ditto. Happy Malwarebytes customer here. Would be very interested to hear the issue.

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Who pays them?

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Brit here, Leeds centre. ISP is "City Fibre". Fibre-to-property. 512Mbps. £27/month.

OK, point taken. He'll have sufficient funds to live a comfortable life (which is disgraceful for a bankrupt individual). But at least there's the satisfaction in knowing he won't get it all.

Apologies for the misunderstanding. I'm from the UK where it's tougher to game the bankruptcy laws and you need to lie before court.

Edit: typos

Hmmm yeah you might be right. As soon as a package is in the hands of Royal Mail then it may not be opened. At Customs, it's still outside RM's domain. The Customs guy effectively posts it into the domestic system.