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Joined 12 months ago

You say uTorrent, I say µTorrent. We are not the same ;P

EDIT: I get µ from [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [m] (or [Alt Gr] + [m]), in case someone wants to be able to do it easily themselves. It might be different on your keyboard...

There's always machine code, just writing numbers for the functions of the CPU. Or you have Esoteric programming languages like Brainfuck that doesn't use any words at all, it's just very simple instructions. There's Piet, which is a pixel colour based programming language.

To be frank; no programming languages are based on English, they are all based on logic. They are most often expressed in English, but there's really no reason one couldn't have a translation layer for every programming language. But that would make it a lot harder to find the solution if you have some fairly niche problem. Having everything in one language is simply more efficient since it doesn't fragment the questions and answers.

But a quick search gave me The simple answer to your question thus is; No

If anything does something to your dog you don't agree with you are fully entitled to remove that thing from being near your dog. Grab the other dog by the collar and drag it away (not yanking, controlled movements).

If the owner of the other dog gets angry at this then state that you wouldn't have had to do so if they had the skills to keep their dog having good behaviour. Some times people need a verbal slap in the face to even start thinking about if they should do better. They won't agree with you in the situation, but it may help effect some change in their behaviour over time.

Apparently just a kilogram of sugar mixed into a ton of concrete will destroy the ability of it to actually function correctly as concrete. But I learned this here on Lemmy and have not checked the veracity of it, so take it with a pinch (handful?) of salt.

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To be fair, it makes sense to liken the use of ad blockers with piracy. Consuming the content without paying for it either way, either without directly paying yourself or without indirectly paying through watching ads. Doesn't change that ads on most parts of the internet are extremely invasive and far too much.

I feel fully entitled to protect myself from the ads because of the problems with them. But I don't feel the need to lie to myself about the fact that I'm consuming content without paying for it in some way. Then again I support some content creators that I feel deserve it. Not sure if that helps offset it somewhat or not, but I don't really care that much either.

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I salute you. Not many that are willing to do so. Maybe because most people don't have very deep convictions on using FLOSS. It is easier to just do what everyone else does, after all.

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You mean to say that 50 °F is (approximately) 283 Kelvin, right? ;P

I find that struggling to be on time is fine, actually not being on time is disrespectful of my time. In modern society we have so many options available to make sure we can keep on time. Set up alarms, time how long it takes you to get dressed and out the door, time how long it takes you to get somewhere, set alarms to keep you on time based on what you've actually measured, not what one "feels" is enough time.

Personally I'm more often than not 5+ minutes early; I can always wait a little more before I go in or something, it's often harder to "just get there faster".

BTW; if someone is late because of something outside their control that's fine; just make sure to inform me ASAP.

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We just need a proper solar flare to help us get back on track


I mean, that sounds like lube to me

For people wanting to know about the word catharsis: Catharsis: the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions. "music is a means of catharsis for them"

Also, you may want to look into your "bowl movement" XD

Well, you're in luck; they're releasing Baldur's Gate 3 in a few days ;P

You don't even need the external tool, you can use the Steam terminal itself to download the depots, which I personally find more palatable than having another application that is getting access to my username and password (it needs those to get the access from Steam). Even though I don't think that tool is malicious I would still prefer to not have to rely on it.

  • Go to SteamDB, and search up your game.
  • Click on the app ID of the game you're looking for to go to its details page.
  • Take a look at the depots, and click on the depot ID of the one that looks like the one you want to download.
  • Click on the Manifests tab. Look at the list and find the version that you want to download. Record its manifest ID.
  • Open the Steam console. You can do this by opening a command window "Run" by pressing «Win + R» and then enter the command: steam://open/console, and then press Enter, or by opening any browser and enter the URL-address field write the same command: steam://open/console. You can even have it always available when you start Steam by appending -console to the launch options of the shortcut to the Steam exe.
  • The syntax to the "download_depot" command is as follows:
    download_depot [] [] [] : download a single depot
    You only need to worry about the first three arguments to it. Type the command, then the app ID, depot ID, and the manifest ID of the depot version you want.
  • Wait for Steam to download the depot. You won't see any indication of progress, but you can tell it's downloading by looking at the network usage on your downloads page. The download can pause/resume if your connection goes out, but won't if you restart the client.
  • After the download is done, Steam will show you where the files were downloaded to.
  • Go to the game's installation directory, and move the files somewhere else. Then go to where the depot files were downloaded to, and move everything over to the game folder.
  • You may have to rename the game's EXE file if the dev changed the launch options recently. You can find the current EXE name by going to the game's SteamDB page and clicking on the Configuration tab. 11. You should now be able to launch the old version through Steam.

Personally I found that you can just start the game from the download location and it will still have the Steam overlay if the game basically uses Steam as DRM.

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I think you may have meant teetotaller

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I partially agree with you, but hosting and serving video is expensive on that scale. The cost of that has to be covered somehow, and for those who don't pay directly ads are generally the only way currently available. And companies don't want their ads associated with some kinds of content, which makes perfect sense. Would you like it if your name was associated with pornographic depictions of carebears?

Video is a massive amount of data just compared to images, not to mention plain text.

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But every human activity desirable to others deserve compensation. If you want someone to do something for you or make something for you or entertain you then it deserves compensation. The way ads on the internet have trained a lot of people to think that a lot of entertainment et cetera on the internet is free has been a negative for this. But at the same time that ad-supported model does make it more available to people that otherwise couldn't afford the price of admission. It's partly democratizing, but it's also a scourge.

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In case you want to know, your 5th word is "removed" when viewed from


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So it's just an arbitrary restriction as a "fück you" to people using FF

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for the tech illiterate (me)?


The Dune trilogy when I was in something like 6th or 7th degree. It was just such a great piece of fiction to introduce quite a few philosophical thoughts at the time. I still enjoy the books. (and the old film with Sting in it)

I care, but mostly because it's fun. Just like apparently there's no such thing as a fish, and that fruits are vegetables...

Reverse in? Like everyone should basically do anyway?

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My books aren't digital at all. How can they have DRM?

It's basically the "code" (markup, really) for showing the word "password" on a web page.

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I only use latives because of that.

The earth isn't round, it's an oblate spheroid

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Yup, only the fifth word.

* already paid for shit

Just thought you'd want to know that you probably meant "hoard" as in "accumulate (money or valued objects) and hide or store away" instead of horde, which is a crowd or equivalent.

Personally I went for the globe display, because I figured that was a more globally applicable format.

Why would I bother with calling you lazy or irresponsible or inconsiderate? If you were someone I knew I just wouldn't invite you to stuff after the first few times you don't show up on time. Whether people don't mean to be inconsiderate when showing up late doesn't matter to me, it's still not respecting my time and I simply don't want to deal with that after a few times. But you are just a random person on the internet whose being on time or not does not affect me at all. But I don't actually believe that you cannot help it at all. Doesn't mean I'm going to argue about it, that's your cross to bear and has no effect on me.

The solution for you might be to have all/most social stuff at your place so you don't have to deal with getting somewhere at a specific time.

That's barely enough time to finish the tutorial!

Keep a key in an exterior combination safe or equivalent, those that need access for a little while get the code to that safe, then you change the code when they're done. Would that work?

That is a fairly sacred text. Good choice

Your last sentence isn't helping you any.

EDIT: Making it explicit; making derogatory remarks towards others does not make people seem less like a lunatic. And claiming that a group of people are downvoting you to make you look like a lunatic is itself more likely to make you look like a lunatic than if the group actually were downvoting you.

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If you're not being eloquent in your interlocution, then what are you even doing?

Nice. Although someone only ever drinking tea does humour me. They're being a tea-totaller XD

But it's not a yoke, it's a steering wheel, which generally turn up to 1 and 1/2 times each way, which with a small radius roundabout (which is a lot of them in Norway) means you'll have to go hand over hand to turn sharply enough, thus not having your hands on the exact same spots through the turn and thus not able to press the right haptic feedback panel at that time.
