Linux in the corporate space to – 155 points –

I made this post because I am really curious if Linux is used in offices and educational centres like schools.

While we all know Windows is the mac-daddy in the business space, are there any businesses you know or workplaces that actually Linux as a business replacement for Windows?

I.e. Mint or Ubuntu, I am not strictly talking about the server side of things.


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I salute you. Not many that are willing to do so. Maybe because most people don't have very deep convictions on using FLOSS. It is easier to just do what everyone else does, after all.

I think the opposite. Working on windows is a pain in the ass. Like the system is not made for working and barely support it for actual computer work.

If you only use office or play video games, it's good, certainly, and it's good for the security team to have everyone with it because the system is built to only allow specific actions to be done. It's completely inapt for actual engineering and technical work.

Like the system is not made for working and barely support it for actual computer work.

Have noticed the same.

One example why windows is bad for a developer. Lets say you work with node.js Eventually you'll end up with node_modules directory in you project with tens of thousands of files and thousands of directories. If you delete that directory in windows it takes minutes. In Linux it's instantaneous.

It’s completely inapt for actual engineering and technical work.

Depends on the engineering field, I have out a few specific examples of highly payed engineering fields that can't get away from Windows.

Depends on the engineering field, I have out a few specific examples of highly payed engineering fields that can’t get away from Windows.

Do share what they are.

Ok, my mistake here. I was talking about computer engineering and technique. Other fields use a software. Windows is barely relevant to the question.