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Joined 1 years ago

If I read it correctly the "fuck off" level refers to some proprietary app for the selected login. The other two are standard code app and yubikey.

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They didn't use very comprehensive research methods. Also they only used Github.

First, from the GHTorrent data set, we extract the email addresses of GitHub users. Second, for each email address, we use the search engine in the Google+ social network to search for users with that email address. Third, we parse the returned users’ ‘About’ page to scrape their gender.

a bias against men exists, that is, a form of reverse discrimination.

How is it reverse discrimination. It's still plain old discrimination. I'm starting to smell a biased research here. Or at least the researchers have a bias.

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I'd say a good rule of thumb for a beginner is not to touch anything outside of their own home directory. Modifying or deleting files in other locations is an easy way to break your system.

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It's good to live in the EU where such terms don't apply.

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It's about data harvesting and selling not safety or any other mentioned.

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Depends on the alternative. E.g. Fedora and OpenSuse have very active communities and lots of help available.

In two of my previous jobs (I'm a software engineer) I could officially install any Linux distro to the company laptop (which I did of course) fully replacing the wintoys. Could use the machine as I liked, no corporate mandated BS spyware or anything. On of the provides a SaaS product and used Linux server/virtual machines. Otherwise it was mostly MS bits + sprinkle a little Atlanssian horrors to it.

Unfortunately in my current job I'm limited a VirtualBox Linux running a corporate restricted wintoys machine in a MS environment. A long for the days when I was more productive with my Linux installation.

It's just sad and funny how corporate world is that MS products it has to be (because reasons).

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This research isn't peer reviewed so I wouldn't take it at face value just yet.

Not getting updates doesn't make any app inherently bad. Possible bugs just won't get fixed. If an app is feature complete and everything works as they should there's no need to update it.

Are these available on f-droid already?

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So my TLDR, is that its possible to be a USER without touching the terminal, but I dont think its possible to be an administrator without.

Suse with Yast makes it possible to administer just with GUI. Not 100% sure if it can do absolutely everything possible but it has lots of tools.

Files in /run will be (re)created (and removed) at runtime if/when needed by programs that need them. They pose no problems and don't persist between reboots.

Sudo is “su do”, i.e. “run as root”

It may default to root but it doesn't mean run as root. Su means substitute user identity i.e. any other user (if you have the rights to it).

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Sounds like the drive is FAT32 formatted. Max file size then is 4GiB. Compress it with bzip2 or 7zip or try the @bartolomeo's solution.

My guess would be it's looking for the removed swap partition. Comment out or remove the entry for swap from /etc/fstab.

It looks something like this:

UUID=b27bc530-5a8f-4160-8814-95679e0f4987 swap swap defaults 0 0

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Just use some other search engine. No tricks needed to get non ai bs results.

For now. I'm quite sure that option will disappear at some point in the not too distant future.

Learn Groovy

Stay away from Groovy. It's a horrible language. It's quick to write but slow and difficult to read. It's conventions make it a very error prone.

Link to the things you mention e.g. you say to get familiar with Loom. When searching for that all I get is some screen recording software (probably not what you meant).

Scala pays better than Java or Kotlin

According to what research?

Basically anything above assembly is a high level language. The article is not about making everything from scratch. It's about thinking about what you're doing and not just being lazy.

systemd also waits 2 minutes for a network connection which already exists but it can’t see it because systemd doesn’t do the networking

Any way to speed this up? On my system in every boot it waits for network for 30s.

Actually it's Netfilter. IPTables is just a frontend.

Any message sent in any platform can be read by the admins of that service unless the service has implemented encryption in a way that the message can only be viewed by the sender and recipient.

Tor browser can be used to access the site itself but don't use it for torrenting itself.

Here's the final peer reviewed version

The reason for better performance is that virt-manager (KVM actually under the hood) is a type 1 hypervisor while virtualbox is a type 2 hypervisor.

For a gui to qemu use Virt-manager or gnome boxes.

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Nice list.

Some comments

  • If you're just starting to develop something you don't need multiple versions of JDK. Just use the latest LTS version (v. 21 currently).
  • Git is always good to have. IntelliJ IDEA has a built in git client so others aren't strictly needed at first
  • Ultimate version of IDEA (paid software) has full support for Spring (inc. Spring initializer)
  • If you run Linux podman is a good choice instead of Docker
  • For plugins I'd add sonarlint (helps with code quality)
  • I'd also add Spotless to the project for automatic formatting

Metro Exodus (PC Enhanced Edition).

Install the pam_kwallet package. Then it will automatically unlock on login.

It's updating your desktop so that's why it does that. The safest way is to log out of your desktop session and login via terminal (press ctrl+alt+f1 to get to one) and run zypper dup.

Google is lying to you. They don’t want your phone number to “verify it’s you”. They want your phone number because it’s an effective measure against bot accounts.

There you're correct that they are lying and don't want the number to verify. They want it so they can link the profile they have to an actual person. That'll make the profile more valuable to them. Better tracking etc.

This didn’t seem to occur in Windows, but I’m pretty sure the copy process was also slower so guessing it’s some sort of buffer or heat quirk that 'nix didn’t account for in the more generic driver

If the device says it's a generic storage device (to the system that is) but actually isn't (based on your description) then it's 100% devices fault and not a Linux fault.

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They are the "patterns" others mentioned.

Yes, and when the company gets hacked they can sue you for not keeping “your” computer secure enough.

Sounds very American point-of-view. Installation and usage was officially sanctioned. Most developers in both companies preferred to use Linux, some used Macs, wintoys users were a minority. Neither company had any super restrictive corporate BS on their wintoys installation. Neither company is based in the Americas. Both are local companies in the EU.

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If you taboo a pattern it and the packages it would install will never be installed automatically. I tend to taboo those games patterns.

LibreOffice has a builtin pdf export functionality.

Very true.

Like the system is not made for working and barely support it for actual computer work.

Have noticed the same.

One example why windows is bad for a developer. Lets say you work with node.js Eventually you'll end up with node_modules directory in you project with tens of thousands of files and thousands of directories. If you delete that directory in windows it takes minutes. In Linux it's instantaneous.