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Joined 12 months ago

Are you discovering capitalism now?

Epic is the worst of the 3 platforms for a user. It is a drm like steam, but with less games on it, and even less optimized (so even more wasted resources and time loading useless advertising).

Steam has it that is makes game run on Linux smoothly, and the biggest library of games. Gog is drm free. Epic has absolutely nothing a user may want, except for free games so that you are now captive of their shitty platform.

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"I'm no prude" and then rant at how too horny BG3 supposedly is... Yes you are very prude fellow.

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There are 3 outs to this conflict: Israel absorbs Palestine (and probably does a genocide), Palestine absorbs Israel (and probably does a genocide), or they start to be friends and live together.

Context matters a bit on this : Jews have been harassed for litteral millenia. After ww2 were they were harassed even more than before, they were given their original land from were they were chased millenia ago. You can argue it's partly their fault for keeping their culture and religion eventhough they're all over the world, but I think one should be free to live its life regardless of its religion.

Fast forward to today: Israel became as racist and intolerant as everyone gave them through history, so out 3 is quite not likely. Palestinians are not really better on this, because they've been chased from their homes to begin with and war took its toll, and it's now decades of apartheid to fuel hatred and resentment.

Was it for them only, Palestine would be erased and Muslims genocided or deported in the neighboring countries. But both the UN and the neighbor Muslim states are very much hostile to Israel and several wars happened so that it would be the Palestinian who would genocide and deport the Jews. But they lost, partly because Israel is supported by the USA.

Now the USA will support Israel forever. I guess they like to have an outpost in the area. So Israel won't be deleted in the foreseeable future. But UN and the USA (oddly) don't want to see Palestine erased. Which lead to parents and kids situation.

In brief, Israel and Palestine would gladly fight to the death (I guess Palestine hope for an escalation with the neighbouring countries). But UN doesn't want that (because the US want to be seen as the good guys, and no one wants the US to gain more ground than what they have with Israel). And there we are: the kids hate eachother but the parents don't want anyone to win, because each parent has a favourite child.

The deadly loop of apartheid => terrorism => apartheid needs to end, but no one wants it.

I fail to see how this is not the case for everyone.

Absolutely no one has a habit of paying taxes. Or brushing their teeth.

I would argue that what you have is depression here, not adhd. You need help.

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I wonder if it's purposeful sabotage at this point. You can't be that stupid and still be paid millions of dollars to do your job can you?

Capitalism is truly amazing if it can happen.

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Capitalism destroy people first, relationships and societies then, and the land and the world finally. It's not an accident, because if you want to fight that, you'll be destroyed too.

Another way to see it is that it's the opposite of society and civilization. It's the law of the jungle. Competition applied to everything will only destroy everything. Civilization is when you stop to see the other as an opponent and you cooperate with it instead. Capitalism is seeing those people as opponents in a life or death competition, and making everything so that society is a life or death competition between them. It's not pragmatic, it's death.

French gendarmerie moved to Linux like a decade ago. They certainly have something about it.

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36yo, I'm in the middle of tunnel currently.

I'm a spoiled, privileged shit. I have a very nice family, good friends, money to live comfortably in a big city. But my life is miserable still: after a succession of failures, I hate my job and suffer painful lonelyness, and I'm too shy to do what most normal human beings do.

I'm almost out of depression but I've yet to go through the reinvent yourself part. I feel like I'm going backwards.

I feel like that's the opposite of what the question asks. Ask me to delete if needed.

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Why would the EU accept that? GB needs to make its mind about that. It had so many specific benefits in the EU, and it still left because an idiot gambled the decision in a referendum.

The brexit could have meant the end of the EU. It's not something you can come and go on a whim. So GB needs to pay for its stupid decision, because the stability of the EU depends on it, no country should ever get the idea that leaving the EU is inconsequential.

I suspect the real estate prices is a fantasy. I suspect the real reason is management addiction to close supervision and their lack of trust.

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It's mostly a stalemate for now. The dam destruction helped Russia funnel Ukraine counterattack on its biggest fortifications, so not much progress for Ukraine in the south. Russia resumed its offensive in the Dombass and Aavdiivka is starting to look like the new Bhakmut.

It's an attrition war and Russia is losing like 2 or 3 times as much as Ukraine in men or material. But Russia has much more men than Ukraine. Russian morale is very low, but Ukraine support from the west is under big pressure, both from Russian propaganda and conservative/fascist political parties. This last one is the real war happening now.

Next year will be important because of the elections in the US. What happen on the battlefield is still to be seen.

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Modern societies crush people. It breaks them. There are huge contradictions too: the idea of working to succeed when it is actually not working. The idea of freedom vs the wage slavery. The idea of being in a powerful and advanced country but still poor as fuck.

And then you have this culture of guns and violence. They go togethet: you get guns because you believe it can fix problems. Because you believe that killing people can fix problems.

Add 2 and 2 together: you have these life crushing problems, and guns as problem solver. Society provoque the problem. Kill them. Kill them all. Maybe they'll understand after that and change something.

Far right and conspiracy theory give a theoric foundation for people to focus their rage or despair too.

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The nature of a social network is to become big enough to attract most people or to stay a niche community.

But the process takes time. Right now the niche expanded significantly, but didn't reach the critical mass yet.

How the dynamic happens though is still mysterious. Accessibility is the first and most important feature though. Then, you need to keep up with the time and innovations, but it might be hard to see.

IMO the focus should be accessibility. Which will become difficult because elitist asshats are already fighting against growing the community, and accessibility is the easiest place for gatekeeping.

I'm not really a normy, but the simple act of making an account is not obvious. With that barrier of entry, most people will simply never be able to join here.

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To add onto the capitalist blame: people are conditioned to think in a capitalist way, and raising a child is a definite losing venture, hence people won't invest in that shit.

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You're on Internet. Many people are not native English speaker.

Secondly, people are saying this kind of shit litteraly since anciant Greece. You're late to the party. They complained about it in each and every place of the western world at every time we have written records to read that shit. It's seriously amazing how this trope is one of the most consistent of the history of mankind. And it doesn't depend on the language obviously.

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Because the ecofanatics focused on fighting nuclear power for 50 years instead of fighting fossile fuels.

Fast forward to now, renewable are not ready at all and they need fossile fuels anyway to provide steady energy. But geopolitics is making oil too expensive, so countries are mining coal again.

In brief, ecofanatics were stupid (and still are) and war in Ukraine.

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"something as simple as RDP" haha hahaha you're a funny one!

My recent experience with helping a friend with an nvidia card to work on Linux is that I never want to touch an nvidia card again.

Also, please tell me which average user makes its own windows installation. When I was young in the 90s I was paid to install windows in my village.

But yes, much progress is still needed to smooth the installation. The problem is that the hardware is often a fault though, through their shitty drivers.

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Haha it's very easy now: I have an os with no adds.

I am the one telling the os when it updates or not and when it reboots or not.

I have a working terminal so I don't need dozens of shady softwares to do basic stuff like transferring a file on a local network.

And the biggest ones: I can disable my firewall and no defender will erase files from my computer without my consent.

Video games work surprisingly well today. Recent ones at least.

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An addiction is defined by two things : first, it has negative effects on your life. Second, trying to stop it makes you miserable.

Food for example is not an addiction, it's a biological need. The need for socialisation is another one.

Video games can be an addiction. But I'd argue that they're usually not, they usually a coping mechanism. When they are, the problem is elsewhere, and the video games are helping you to survive through the problem.

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It's funny how it's "the game's are not expensive enough" and not "we don't know how to manage our or money" or "our profit are too high". Fuck those capitalists.

Oh the stupid shit head "games are 100 times more expensive to make now" but you sell thousands times more and there no physical media anymore is irrelevant I guess... Assholes...

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MS purposefully not respecting the standards for its softwares to only work on their own browsers is a feature since they made Internet Explorer. It's an industrial strategy to trap the users into their own tools. It's to the point they don't respect even their own standards in the case of docx for example so that there is no easy interoperability with libreoffice.

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In case you missed it, co2 is causing global warming, which has the ability to extinct mankind in the future. EV don't produce any co2. Some idiots will talk about indirect emissions, but the point is moot. You don't remove indirect emissions by removing EV, you remove them by cleaning power grid and logistic lines.

EV are a necessity on a short term basis. Developing public transports and alternative to cars are also a necessity.

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Breaking news! A publisher discover what a saturated market is!

You just described elitism.

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The degree of success couldn't be predicted, sure. But larian is not a new studio, BG is a big ip, DOS2 was a big success, the witcher 3 was a tremendous success, and the game was in early access for 3 years so you could very easily gauge how it was going.

If a decider can't see that coming at least as a significant possibility, they're all clowns who don't deserve more than the lowest wages.

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À bottle of wine, but it's now empty.

Baldur's gate 3 I have a hard time seeing it as a sequel. It's as different from bg2 than any neverwinter nights for example. The only common thing is the name and the universe, but many games take place in the forgotten realms. And many games took on the legacy of BG (all bioware and obsidian games for example).

It's not even real time with pause. It's not the same dnd edition. I have yet to discover the scenario link with the bhaalspawns.

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I deleted windows btw, and I'm very happy about it.

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It's a war. It's just that one side has been convinced it wasn't a war so they should be peaceful and nice. Propaganda...

Capitalism arrived at its limit. Now it must do these shitty things to continue to grow profits. Basically it's now cannibalising itself. Next there will be fascism and war so that it can reboot the machine.

The assertion is plain wrong. Some games don't use grid, some do. There is no trend that I can see.

Solasta released an expansion this year and aow4 dropped in April iirc. There certainly are many others.

Some communities are dead or non-existing on lemmy while they're vibrant on reddit. Repost can only bring life to lemmy. I really don't understand the mindset of those people who don't want content or people in their community.

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This one is funny actually! You can say une machine à laver, or un lave linge. :D

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Maybe it comes from France exporting the cheapest energy in Europe in the last 20 years. But yeah, 2022 means nuclear energy is worthless I guess.

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Picking a server/federation is too complicated. Don't need to look elsewhere. For most people, a federation is a kind of country.

More importantly, there's not an easy way to get into this. You first need to learn what lemmy is, how it works (because nerds can't simply tell how you can do it, they need you to understand how it works first), and then where and how to register.

What's lemmy is done ok: it's reddit, but better.

How it works? People don't care. Most of you don't know quantum mechanics, yet that's what allows the cpu and gpu to work. You know how to plug it in a computer (maybe), and you know that hitting the power button starts the computer. That's what people need to know for lemmy. I'm not sure there's really an entry point for normal people with an adapted tutorial.

Which lead to this point: honestly, lemmy is not ready for most people. Accessibility just isn't there yet. It's not so much that it's hard to do any of the actions required. It's more that it is a jungle. You first need to choose a federation. And for that you need to understand what it is, because people who run lemmy servers won't tell to go on a default server. This is the first problem. People need a way to know where to go to get an account. They also need an app for most, which is not completely obvious.

I don't mean that things are badly made, just that the resources to enter lemmy are targeting a specific audience still.

That all it would take: an easily accessible place where it tells you to go on any lemmy webpage on the list, register, and how to get started with the feeds. What is there is close, but not yet good enough.

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You are clueless about how nuclear wastes or radiation work. Any oil tanker sinking is a worst disaster than the worst nuclear accident ever was. A nuclear power plant is not a bomb. Radiations are not a magic disaster that erase life.

Meanwhile co2 is an actual life extinction threat, and Germany opened coal power plant to compensate for nuclear energy. What a great move ecologists! Bravo !

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Germany co2 emission for energy is 3 times that of France thanks to ecologists!

A car is probably better to go to the airport.

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