122 Post – 279 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

This happens when transphobes forgets that trans men exists lol.

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I dont work at weddings, but is a given that the more expensive the wedding is, the shorter the marriage might be.

A big huge expensive wedding is a outbox stress, a vanity display and usually the bride is one of those who want the dream perfect wedding they wanted since she was a child.

Then comes the hyper fixation with aesthetics, that might translate into controlling and micro managing everyone on the wedding party and pushing people away for not matching it.

In the end, nothing about the wedding is about the love, being together, etc. It is just a huge waste of money just for some perfectly curated pictures. The marriage itself is no longer relevant and the couple might not last more than 2 years. Just keep it simple people, or even better, just elope.

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Well, it is not as much as a "non profit fighting human trafficking" as they sell it. It is a tech org that sells facial recognition technology to law enforcement, that doesn't really help saving kids, but rather persecute consensual and voluntary sex workers.

It is what happens when tech Bros want to try and save the world without really listening to the vulnerable people they are trying to "help".

Now his hypocrisy was exposed for defending a convicted rapist because "he was nice to me" no shit Ashton, im sure Epstein was also nice to his friends.

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Classic fascist narrative: The enemy is both strong and dangerous, and weak and dumb.

Cis allies usually put pronouns in their bios to show support and normalize the act itself of specifying then online. IRL since you are cis and I asume you look masculine there is no need to specify your pronouns.

Just whenever you meet someone and they tell you to talk to them in a specific way, just do it and respect their pronouns. Its easy. Most people dont care if you get it wrong the first times as long as you acknowledge your mistake and correct yourself, your brain will get used to it and you will not make the mistake later. That's the different between someone who is learning and an idiot purposefully misgendering someone.

BTW if you arent sure about someone elses pronouns, just ask them. Easy.

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In my country (Spanish speaking) we say "Fulano de tal" Fulano is kinda like a template name nobody really is named like that. "De tal" really means something like "from somewhere".

We dont out it on the graves, but we use it as slang for situations where we need to refer to someone generic like "imagine a fulano de tal doing xxxxxxxxxxx".

There are other names like Zutano, Mengano, etc.

Edit: My mom sometimes uses "Miguel Perez". Those 2 are very common first and last names.

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The many adaptations of the Iliad, none of them is gay enough.

I dont wanna shit on you, but the "I cant do better than you" is sweet and I used it with my BF, but the "You can't do better than me" is many times used by abusive partners as a way to diminish their self-esteem and make sure that they dont leave them, because they really think they cant do better than their current abusive partner.

I believe you said it with the best intentions, but is something that people does.

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But... wikimedia is already self hostable.

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I'm not sure how well known it might be, is when you take a The Onion article seriously.

Wait. Out of all the bullshit and evil stuffs EA has done over the years, they were voted worse company in America over gay characters?

That is ridiculous.

There is plenty of reason to hate EA. The only good thing they've done in a while was making The Sims even Gayer. But then they sell you a glorified overpriced and utterly worthless stuff pack.

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I got a Message on Reddit:

I am permabanned from AITA.

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There is already 1000 free documentaries about this trial on YouTube with amazing editing.

She was doing a podcast for Playboy.

This man seems to think about Jew dick a lot.

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Being trans always was such a cyberpunk concept to me. When I was a kid was like "people can change their gender? Cool"

We can say that... it was a sign lol.

This is not really a competition. Options are good.

Reminder that House started in 2004, 19 years ago.

Im not an expert but I dont really think that the stereotype still holds up, like in a "A pizza restaurant in NY?, definetly a front for the Mafia" or knowing an Italian and immediately thinking they're mobsters.

The great families in the US had a huge downfall starting at the 70s, and by the 90s they were no longer the big classical Mafia families.

Some of them crashed because of internal struggle, others by the preassure of their greed, and others just went legal.

Also the gov cracked down hard on racketeering and mobster activity.

The Mafia concept has evolved and they moved to other types of illegal activity.

But I think that most people when they think about Italian mobsters, they think about the Godfather, Al Capone, and the golden age of the prohibition and the 50s.

People use to say that you cant lie with statistics, but is a common practice to use statistics to lie.

We can take the infamous 41% suicide rate for trans people. Transphobes throw that out like a killing move implying that trans people are inherently unhappy and being trans is a mental illness (wish is not true).

The reality is that the suicide rate is so high because of transphobia, kids getting thrown out of home, homelessness, unable to find a job, staying at the closet to avoid social consecuences, etc.

Trans people who live in more open and accepting environments are way less likely to be depressed and commit suicide. In progresive areas where trans people are more accepted the suicide rate is nowhere near 41%.

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At least once a week. Sometimes almost daily.

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There is plenty of very political anime. In theory there is no such thing as apolitical media, but so many animas are very in your fave about their political stances.

If been in courses and workshops where people from the government party in my country teach people how to use twitter, specifically to boost the president and ministers posts. So they were training real people to act as bots and generate artificial engagement.

Also they are 100% using bots, and when bot accounts are removed they loose followers and claim that "imperialistic social media want to censor us".

Some music is made by and for lowlifes, where I live is Vallenato, Campesina, Rancheras, Bachata, and 90%of reggaeton.

Lyrics about asking for forgiveness after cheating, smoking, domestic violent (being the one that does the domestic violence), admitting to spike drinks and brag about it, simping for drug Lords, and women are nothing but a sex object.

The people who listen to that music is just as you imagine them. Uneducated, sexist, wife beaters, going around in huge SUVs blasting that music outloud with no respect for anyone around then, they are the ones who start blasting the music at 1AM on a Wednesday and doesn't let anyone sleep in their entire neighborhood.

People give me shit for this and claim is "culture" but I think there is such a thing as music for lowlifes.

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So, if I wanna start a 1 billion people religion, gotta write my shit like:

The Lost Apples

  1. And it came to pass that I went to the park with my apples, But I was so focused on TikTok that I did not heed where I placed them.
  2. And I wandered the park, watching video after video, And when I finally looked up, my apples were gone!
  3. I searched high and low, but they were nowhere to be found. I asked the squirrels and the birds, but they had not seen them either.
  4. And I was filled with great sorrow, for I had lost my apples. I sat down on a bench and began to weep.
  5. But then I remembered the words of the wise: "Do not despair, for all things are in the hands of the Lord."
  6. And I knew that my apples were safe, even if I could not find them. So I stood up and went on my way, trusting that the Lord would provide.
  7. And as I walked, I saw a little girl sitting on a swing. She was eating an apple, and it was the most delicious-looking apple I had ever seen.
  8. I approached the little girl and asked her where she had gotten the apple. She smiled and said, "A nice man gave it to me."
  9. And I knew that the Lord had provided. I thanked the little girl for the apple and took a bite.
  10. And it was the most delicious apple I had ever tasted.
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Today was good, I did some work, It was too hot. Now Im at my BFs house. Thanks for asking mom. 🥺

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Being alone in the middle of a literal ice desert with a lot of male nerds so socially awkward that they rather be in the middle of an ice desert sounds like an absolute disaster.

You dont.

You alone cant stop multi billion companies from destroying their habitats.

I mean, Sicilian and living in NY, I would suspect it was a front too.

  • You won?
  • Yes!
  • At what cost?

(Lets yall wait until the go public, it will be fun)

A script that deletes all of your online information.

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Fuck that guy. Deserves to have his life ruined. That just karma.

Yeah, getting into female spaces while still being kinda masc presenting without being explicitly invited first is just an invasion of privacy and violating boundaries.

If I were rich I would like an EV based on the fact that I hate gasoline.

But I dont trust my road safety on a billionaire crybaby who gets triggered by the word "cisgender"

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Lol true

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Ur not stupid. Im glad you left him.

Lawyers who has tried to use AI so far had lost their cases miserably.

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Live in a country where I can legally marry my boyfriend, have a little nice place and not be bothered by people.

I dont see a problem.

It takes absolutely 0 effort not to type that.





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