Can Reddit Mods know if some accounts come from the same IP? to No Stupid – 21 points –

Hi, when I was a reddit faker (I haven't relapsed, I've stayed out of reddit and never posted another fake story, im cured) I wondered if someone the mods would figure out the tens of accounts that came from my computer and noticed I was the writer of many fake stories.

It seems like that never happened, but come on, the only thing I used at the time was Firefox Containers to be able to sign up with a different account. Not even a VPN or any of that.


The Reddit Admins absolutely track IP addresses and browser ID numbers.

When Reddit got pissed that we were deleting our posted content and locking down the site they mass banned hundreds of the moderators including myself. They hit accounts I had not logged into since 2013 so they absolutely are tracking account connections.

He's asking about moderators, not admins. Of course admins can see that information.

Moderators can't see anything.

Actually, moderators have access to a new tool that flags accounts suspected of ban evasion. The cannot see IPs or which other accounts were related, but they can see if an account is suspected and with what level of confidence. Many subreddits have a policy to ban all such flagged accounts.

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No, subreddit moderators can't, but the people who run the servers certainly can. Same goes on Lemmy, by the way: the operators of an instance can access that information via web server logs. In general, if you operate a web server, you absolutely can track the IP address information of any browser that connects to that web server. This is a fundamental requirement of TCP/IP; the server needs to see the client's IP address in order to be able to serve the page.

If you were banned from a community and re-join with a new account, the new one will be flagged for ban-evasion and it's up to the mods to allow the posts or not. Admins can definitely see your IP and can ban you site-wide, but subreddit moderators cannot.

Reddit changed their code, if your ip address or browser ID pop-up the account is instantly banned. They track your phone ID too so you'll have to get a new sim card to use the site again.

Yeah, but that only counts for site-wide bans, not subreddit bans.

Mods cannot access that kind of information, only admins.

There is way better way than IP to identify/track an user.

To my understanding,mods can't see IP or any personal info, but admin can and data broker get a nice package oh data from your reddit

Pretty much any server nowadays logs IPs, so they probably know who you are. It's unlikely they're going to do anything about it though.