
65 Post – 1349 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Well, whatever works. Your example wouldn't need a reverse-proxy.

Well, running your own DNS server will also give you eSNI. And Cloudflare still doesn't know anything

People already talked about hosting your own DNS, let me add that a reverse proxy would be used for something like mapping myhome.local:8000 to myhome.local/jellyfin.

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I'm assuming you don't own a smartphone, because many of those materials are extracted by exploiting the local populace in Africa

You might want to study more about SNI. Your ISP knows anyway

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Has worked mostly fine for me, YMMV

I wonder if mpd in a container with a front-end can solve your problems

And that is exactly the reason to use a seedbox. You can leave it in the cloud to seed at gigabit speeds whilst you can download at your leisure and not worry about tormenting at all on your computer. Also it's less expensive than Mullvad but you likely can't pay with XMR/cash if that's a deal breaker

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Your situation is really unique. Yeah, you're probably better off with a VPN and torrenting directly. Which VPN do you have in mind?

Other than torrenting what else do you use port-forwarding for?

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UART to USB adapter, use a terminal multiplexer on your laptop

Jerboa here but same

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Why not a seedbox?

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I don't see much of a "fuck corporate greed" around me. And there are some things are much better overseas, like cheap IOT gizmos. Purchasing a cheap relay is much easier from the bigger brands on Aliexpress than from a local manufacturer


I see. Well, my point still stands; we're choosing amongst shit anyway

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That's not been my experience, but YMMV

And where am I getting such cheap clothes if I don't have a thrift store near me? I'd happily take them for free.

And clothes are just one part of it, which I don't really purchase that often (I mentioned them because I bought a few boxers to wear around the house but that's it)

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How about a 100*million*million dollars? Put them out of business and T-Mobile will be frightened enough to not try this shit any longer.

If they can slap fines with whatever amounts, why don't they just ask enough to finance the country and make the company bankrupt? It's not like the CEO is indispensable

How do you reach into your server with SSH disabled without lugging a monitor and keyboard around?

What I do not understand is why people are biased against certain companies in such a discussion. If your arguments are correct, then Amazon is a horrendous beast that should have been killed by now with "viral boycotting". And here we are. Is anyone demotivated by knowing that people still buy from Amazon and make them billions? Why all the hate against TEMU specifically, when they're trying to undercut Amazon and other stores? Let's not pretend that Amazon and Best Buy and Walmart are a collective bunch of saints and can mean no harm. Where is the action in this case?

Let me speak the bitter truth for you: the majority of the population here is American, with an inherent anti-chinese mentality when it comes to capitalistic ventures/operations. That is the reason for the hate. Alibaba faced the same issues, and in case someone wants to bring up Huawei for their actions, remember that AT&T runs an NSA spy-mission in Manhattan. Where is the outcry in this case?

I might have veered off-topic, but bad QC and cheap deals aren't inherently a Chinese thing. Hence, I do not follow the propaganda against Chinese shops who are beating American companies at their own game.

Edit: since I've been called guilty of waiving away untoward actions, please enlighten me on how the general American population has stayed "responsible" and managed to put any dent in other non-Chinese companies that have their ethics in the dumpster and actively harm the environment and people (I'm looking at you Nestle, Spotify and OpenAI)

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After coming back from a break, I realised I might have leaned too hard into "protecting Chinese companies". I will say this right now for everyone reading: I have no love for the nationality of said companies. I don't care if Aliexpress or a clone of theirs was Chinese, Korean, Brazilian, Swiss, Russian, Iranian, Australian or Japanese (incidentally I spend time on buyee.jp because the cheap deals on CDs sometimes). What I care about is providing competition to the bigger mammoths here. If I find a USB adapter for a quarter of the price with free shipping and refunds from a Chinese shop with a decent reputation (Aliexpress, Banggood, TaoBao and now TEMU), I'll take it. I hope this forces big American retailers to maybe give better, fairer prices to their customers.

I'm not quite convinced that Amazon is no longer the giant with worms as we knew it. Can you explain?

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Depends on what you buy. You shouldn't be buying PSUs or TVs or something of the sort from there, but try finding cheap clothes, accessories, electronics like that on Amazon

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I know but they're also cost-effective in comparison depending on what you're looking at

Well, at least you're consistent with your views. Being anti-consumption is a fine stand. In my case, I usually go to these sites for cheap deals on microcontrollers, tit-bits like USB adapters, metal stands, IEM cables etc. I'm not buying expensive/essential stuff from them.

Time to create some torrents? Let's see them fight with the Netherlands on what's seeding in Europe lol

Is RIAA wanting full control over the AU tech or do they want AI to be banned from music completely? Their stance will dictate who I support between two massive evils

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It's actually better privacy since it talks directly to the root servers instead of cloudflare knowing all of your DNS traffic. Quad9 is a good alternative with better data policies

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I'd like a blog please

I'm using k8s at work and am planning to set up k3s at home, because even though PVCs and Ingresses are not the easiest to grasp and write in templates, I think the way I want to do storage is beyond the capabilities of podman which I used earlier. Also, Kubernetes on either end so knowledge transfer is ready

Sorry, I'm too stupid to heed warnings

I guess my support goes to AI companies this time, even though I don't like it.

You can run a VPN and tunnel your outbound DNS queries over that. Heck, you could tunnel your DNS queries over TOR

Love your work in managing Lemmy's infrastructure at scale. Would like to join you sometime

Find the politicians by name who voted yes for this, and display them in public.

Let the capable open source community then take over going through their phones, since they must be OK with their phones being scanned, right?

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Alright, displayport, here we come

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Linus is full of shit in a lot of videos

No. Never. I think I'm very different because I am never motivated, nor feel good during/after exercise. No, my testosterone is fine.

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I would have liked for Linus to maintain his angry-man-finger-thrusting self against evil corporates like Nvidia. I suppose I'm asking for too much, but his mild-mannerisms towards developers is a welcome change. Towards such corporates though, not so much. I would have liked some more motivated cursing against Intel and Nvidia and IBM. Oh well.

Other than that (which is a minor gripe from me at the most), touching message from Linus. Indeed, the maintainers are graying, and the current generation isn't that interested in kernel programming. I'm sure there will be talent around (as long as the big companies need Linux to run their servers, I'm sure someone will turn up), but someone to rise to the helm with a fiery approach to openness is very important to my heart. I don't think we will ever see another Linus in our lifetime, and I will personally grieve the day Linus and his core set of maintainers pass away.

I am not a programmer, and the best I can do is provide some funding to people who can/would engage directly with the kernel. But if the situation becomes so dire, I too will get my hands dirty, if nothing but to help the cause. Long live FOSS!

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Can someone point to the reasons why such talented people use discord for their projects?

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