2 Post – 65 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Any device or software that allows people to communicate is going to be used for hook-ups. It's etched into the machine code at the heart of the internet.

13 more...

They were a garbage cut of meat that were tossed to the freed slaves of the south, and as black folk do, they turned it into a delicious snack with spices and seasonings. As culture desegregated, it became a trendy dish and that drove the prices up on what was once a trash cut.

They have stated as much, and are open to refederating once the mod tools can handle the influx of people joining instances with open sign-ups. Side effect of the reddit refugee crisis.

When do I get to say "bad girl" 😢

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Too much credit. Steven Segal film villian, at best.

Fuckin' LOVE Wil


That sounds...depressing

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Tbf, people comment on almost any software with "keygen flagged as Trojan! Avoid!!1!" There are a lot of folk who aren't as on the ball with this stuff that don't know how anti-virus works or what a false positive is. It does get annoying dealing with those folk.

Ya don't "whoopsie" Nazi ideals, friend. Non-nazi people do not think about that stuff.

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I have been having better luck with goddamn BING, ffs. Do you realize how embarrassing that is, Google?

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Sucks to be them, cause it looks like they are getting Trump.’re still stooges for American imperialism.

Says the stooge for authoritarian genocide?

Like what, lol.

France has been burning itself to the ground longer than the US has even been a thing.

Get on Effexor as soon as possible. Oh and you're Autistic. Have fun!

Hey, quick question. Are there any saucy femboy communities on lemmy yet?

Arkansas about to become a national power king, then. We have aaaaalll the humidity you could want. Forever and always....please take as much as you want

"The fact that I have no proof means they are hiding something! Wake up sheeple!!1!"

Take your meds, friend.

Third Street Birds, homie! Best check where you step!

She's a goddamned moron. Feel free to check my correspondence with her on her post. That being said, you guys do need to have a conversation about fauxbait. It is legal, obviously so to anyone with half a brain cell, but the name does kinda cast a poor shadow on the instance. As we know, morons are loud and obnoxious and draw all kinds of unwanted attention, but they usually get what they want. Ya gotta ask yourselves if the community is worth the trouble it is going to continue to bring.

Read it again, slowly.

So I can call 'em "good girl" without their consent, but I need consent to call them a "bad girl"

Also, why do you assume that I am a rapist by default?

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Laser tech here, toner is bad news for your lungs. It requires a HEPA filter to capture the microscopic toner particles. Laser techs can get a lung illness similar to black lung from years of exposure. That being said, I also service epson stuff, and their new enterprise ink printers are insane. Ink jet prints at 100 pages per minute. Archival ink that doesn't run even under direct water. It has a lot of flaws, but it gets better with each generation.

Pro tip from a tech: if you aren't printing literally every day, buy a laser. Even over epson. Keeping a print head from drying out is paramount for ink jets, while toner never has to worry about being dry.

Or, just maybe, I was fuckin' with him and you took it in earnest? It struck me as weird they made a comment about consent, so I leaned into it.

I'll give you a bit of advice about me, since you seem pretty nice: I am almost never serious. I like to get into arguments on the internet for fun, and if I see a crack in the wall, I'm gonna dick with it. I'm a devils advocate incarnate.

EDIT: maybe I was a little excited because I was having too much fun arguing with that blahaj admin. Apologies for any offense!

Nagging about every single instance with a few bad actors...

Yup. Tells the admins to do their jobs and get rid of bad actors.

Too many of y'all are perfectly fine with hate seeping in through the seams. It needs to be stamped out like a smoldering ember before it grows to an uncontrollable wildfire. They aren't here to engage in constructive conversations. They want to do two things: spread their bullshit, and recruit edgy teenagers. Neither of these things can happen when admins do their duty and smite the hate. And if a federation isn't doing their duty, cut em off. They can come back when they straighten their shit out.

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XTL said "when you have their consent" like I'm just gonna force myself on someone. And nowhere was it stated that we had consent to call them "good girl," so to throw that out there seems a bit...idk...assholish?

And please, tell me how I am making said compelling case. Pretty sure your off in lala land building a strawman in your subconscious. Projection, maybe?

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I would imagine his voice could be easily replicated using AI. by 1 out of every 10 males in America.

Do you not remember the purge? They went from 12M vids to 2M overnight. And now it's verified posters only. Sure, took em long enough to do something about it, but so far they are the only ones to do anything about it.

How is that fat phobic? You are the only one saying he was eating to excess, everyone else is criticizing him for keeping food and aid to himself while his country starves. Dictator gonna dictator, but you are the one who brought his weight into it. πŸ™ƒπŸ‘Ž

That's a weird way to spell prawns.

I have been found out in my ruse, so I will seek silence as a means to keep from further degradation of my argument. I will provide no examples, and take no questions. Good day.


Lol. You tried, buddy. Now scoot on back to EH with the rest of the righty whiteys.

A soul eater remake.

I love you.

I really want a brotherhood style retread that follows the manga. I am SO MAD that I never got to see the Book of Ebon animated!

Also, I'm with you on the Space Ghost thing, only if we can also cut it up to make a new Coast to Coast. I want to have my cake and eat it too.

Sumo Grande. It spurs the creative side of my brain.

You cannot stop kids from looking at porn. Doesn't matter how hard you try, they will find a way around it. This is about collecting a database of porn preferences to probably use as blackmail.

You can already remove videos from your watch history.

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He says, in an instance that banned downvotes.

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It's a large piece of the Memphis metro. Definitely not some podunk town. This is very not good news.

RIP Cap'n