79 Post – 187 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Not only hyping a features they had for several games now, but I bet my left ovarie thats they all gonna be as broken as their earliest iteration

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Pedos that got banned from platforms turn to other platform who hasnt done it yet

In other news: the sky is blue

Games that are made for the sake of making the game insread of being made to squeeze as much retention and money out of you as possible

Now thats a style that is becoming increasingly rare

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Idiot Devs that forgot to renew their certificates twice in a single year. A pm that can break your packages. A treasurer hat gotbfires cause he didnt allow the CEO to buy a 2k gaming laptop. They fiddled with arch so much there is a chance when something goes wrong, its likely manjaros fault.

They are not to be trusted frankly.

Use endeavouros, it makes arch actually usable Instead of a KISS nightmare and doesn't have any of the manjaro baggage.

YES THANK YOU i always feel like im alone in wanting an easy to use solution like this

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You severely underestimate the power of free stuff

For me, Japanese, someone like Atsuko Tanaka or aya hirano could whisper whatever they want to My lesbian ass

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i like modding as much as the next gal but this type of relationship bethesda has with their fans is not good, at all, and i never see anyone ever mention it

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mirroring is hardly the same as emulating tho is it

can these subpar double triple a games stop not compressing and optimising their shit again, and not dumping all of their over compensating textures and files on us? no?...okay...

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and that folks, is why the gaming industry is not only in such an dystopian god awful state, but it only goes down from here, there aint no bottom

so basically they changed barely anything?

Good cause that was fucking stupid of them Just because they think they can "uhm actually" this release doesn't mean it was gonna go their way

LMAO as if anyone needs that shit to have measurable success

I missread beehaw as yeehaw, was only slightly dissapointed when I noticed.

Bro what did ff 14 do to you? who pissed in your chereos there? starcraft the elitism, the rage there is nothing that will ever come close to the levels of salt that that community produced

at least you can code lol

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okay dude, be honest where you the weirdo that got caught

That smells like desperation to get a higher playercount and paypiggies

Os: Linux mint, Solus, endeavour Programs: librewolf, freetube

I don't have "one" favourite but these are up there

But the moment a fan kinda whistles a pokemon a little its lawyer time

Myself: stop feeling like a piece of shit for everything do, or don't do for whatever reseason

The world: force rich people after they reach a certain threshold to ditribute their wealth directly back to the peoples bankaccounts

A lesson that isnt needed Mtx are as prevelant as they are cause they sadly work

"Everybody".shits on d immortal and overwatch 2 Yet they still bring in huge profits

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Damn this zer0 really has it out for people enjoying things today I hope whoever pissed into your chereos stops soon

Im genuinely happy for you to have things actually work out

I wish it would be the same for me

I even had shit break after restarting it 5 minutes after closing it

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Opera sold out to China years ago, stop using it ASAP. I you wanna stay in chromium use the original devs new thing, Vivaldi.

IMA stop right at the start, who gives a shit Play at any age ya want You shouldn't be bound by anything but yourself

Be horny on main you coward

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well, the fact you can code is better thna a whole lot of folk if you ask me

Only 3 work days in this hellhole and im free to pursue shit that doesnt make me wanna die

Feels pretty good

Always funny to see this Mr.robot like nutcase linked Just read through what this person considers spyware and have a bit of a laugh

Man thinks the while world is after him with that level of paranoia

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Vantablack, so fascinating and looking at it is supper funky

the indie scene may be greater for that but is also filled with the same money making trite and on top of that constantly copying each other and barely doing anything new.

Basic but the nemo file manager

Just feels right to use for me

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Its a mega Corp, its never enough

Why do we just get the suckyparts of cyberpunk man, thats so unfair

android studio is painfully slow and has not exactly a friendly userinterface (its been a couple of years)

it should be

I feel like such an outsider cause for me proton is such a piece of shit that it barely if ever works even if the title is rated platinum

No matter the district either

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