Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday after Supreme Court rejects last-minute appeal. to – 621 points –
Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday after Supreme Court rejects last-minute appeal



Oo! A weekend Riker!

You got trombone Riker on speed dial

I live for these stories.

I suspect you're also like me, and have a cache of reaction memes


Mostly just the Riker one. It's sort of my duty around here.


What did the short-tailed weasel ever do to you to deserve this

It's a European stoat, just to add a layer of irony

They are native to N. America as well.

The closely-related European Polecat is also native to Europe, North America and Asia.

Fun extra bit of trivia, it's believed that's what ferrets were domesticated from because they can interbreed.

Edit: To make things even crazier, I just looked it up on Wikipedia to make sure I was right, and it's now believed that the domestic ferret was domesticated from a North African breed of European polecat.

Bannon Inmate No: 05635-509

When does Trump get his inmate number?

Trump was already booked as Inmate P01135809 in the Georgia election subversion case.

LOL!!! I actually had to look that up. I'm so glad they're finally hauling is carcass off to a real prison.

dude fucked us all the way over here in south america.

why is it never a police raid and handcuffs for these people? always just pwease come get awwested 🥺

If I got a felony conviction my professional and personal life would never recover.

Somehow these evil chucklefucks are able to rack up multiple felonies, defy court orders, do whatever they want and really face no repercussions. If his lawyers ever manage to convince him to actually do his time it'll be in the cushiest, softest minimum security camp. This guy is who people are talking about when they say eat the rich; he's like a cartoon villain, he's evil because it's fun and easier.

I am pretty sure there was an FBI Raid for Michael Flynn awhile back. Ironically he was on social media saying "Come and Get Me, Libs!" And then registered Republican voter Robert Mueller came and got him.

I think this might fall under "cruel and unusual punishment" for his cellmate. Imagine having to live in a tiny room with this blowhard.

He should run, it would be hilarious.

He tries to pull an Osama and lives in a cave. Gets caught order Uber eats

Alright, listen up. We have a fugitive on the run: Steve Bannon. We need all hands on deck to track him down. Our primary search areas are Taco Bells and other fast food joints. This is a coordinated effort, so follow these instructions carefully.

First, teams will be deployed to every Taco Bell in the vicinity. Check the dining area, restrooms, and parking lots. Speak with employees and customers. If anyone has seen him, get as much detail as possible about his direction of travel.

Second, expand the search to other fast food chains: McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, KFC, you name it. These are high-traffic locations where he might blend in easily. Again, cover every corner: inside and out.

Report in every 30 minutes with updates, even if you don’t find anything. This is a time-sensitive operation, and coordination is key.

Stay vigilant, stay sharp, and let’s bring Steve Bannon in.

What I want from each and every one of you is a hard-target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse and doghouse in that area.

I love that for him.

I hope he doesn't get any medicinal alcohol.

I hope he does, so that he can serve his full sentence properly. No skipping out to the hospital or rehab.

Agreed, also i have no idea how deep he is in, but alcohol withdrawal can kill if people arent weaned off.

4 months is a pitiful sentence for this rotting bag of feces.

it's only contempt, from my understanding of law it's not uncommon for contempt of court, and inter court violations to be anywhere from like 2 weeks of jail time, to a few months.

Rules for thee and not for me? How tf did he get to appeal all the way to THE SUPREME COURT! ffs. Anyway unfortunately it's only 3 months but in this time he'll go through the agony of alcohol withdrawal. I hope it's utter hell he wishes on all of us.

I dont think his appeal moved all the way there, though it was a federal case so it could have. I think this was a hail mary last play for them to intervene and put a hold on things. Either way even they said no

The fuckhole is going to finally serve some time. He can never be referred to as anything but a convicted felon from now on. Rot in hell, maggotbag. LOL

wonder who he pissed off that ordered the supreme court infiltrators to rule against him.

I wonder how long it takes for DT to set in.

Is Bannon gonna be turning tricks for toilet wine by Friday?

(number of last drinks) - (hours from last drink) + 24hours = SuperHappyFunTimes

I assume he'll show up completely plowed to give himself some extra runway.

Then slap him with a drunk in public and give him an extra day inside for it.

Typically if you turn yourself in to the cops peacefully, even if you’re shitfaced hammered, they don’t usually slap more drunk charges on.

If he's smart, he'll be on a chartered flight out of the US now.

A. That's not smart B. Have you read any of the garbage that comes out of his mouth? He's clearly not smart.

Can't go to non-extradite country?

Perhaps too many movies have been watched?

High profile criminal with huge media footprint. I would place chance of successful flee at <2%.

Currently he is likely to spend about 3months in jail and while it won't be a good time, it's just enough to be tolerable and put him at martyr status to the fools that listen to his pathetic dribble. Attempting to flee this will likely result in much stiffer penalties.

Probably wouldn't be allowed on a plane.

There's no non-extradition country that wants him.

There's one with supermarkets where you put a ruble coin into a hole to take a cart. He'd probably be delighted to have a mansion across the street from the Seagal's one.

1 more...
1 more...
1 more...

Good, lock up the traitor filth already. Truly a reprehensible man.

I am thinking of making themed clothing for my family. Like black and orange stuff for Halloween. What age does everyone think my kids will be too cool for it?