9 Post – 560 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

False idols. Lots of gold statues in mouse dens.

Are there any of the rules being weakened that are pro-company/anti-consumer/anti-worker? Not all government rules help people.

Like did OCSH decide I cannot sue my employer, but now I can type shit? I figure the only want to fix this is to hurt Harlan Crow with it.

Trump pardoned him for different acts. After the pardon he did more shit.

Design a society where you would be happy to be dropped in as a random person and you can’t have massive power and wealth imbalances.

Nice thought experiment. I appreciate that you shared your thoughts on this subject.

It made sense on Reddit, being an American company. I am sure British or Australian social media has a similar assumption. (Please list them below.)

It makes less sense here.

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were being punished that morning by Runions for not waking up the women and for eating Daniels’ food without permission

Any time a young child is in trouble for eating someone's food, it is a huge red flag.

Any time a child is responsible for an adult's schedule, it is a huge red flag.

This article is about child abuse that lead to murder.


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Interesting article organisation. Tease LeVar Burton, but don't introduce him until the second section.

Also, his name is LeVar Burton, and the man has done a lot of things.

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Good. Nothing will get us through the hype cycle faster than obvious public failure. Then we can get on with productive uses.

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It is too bad Meta couldn't afford a lawyer to do a search for trademarks and copyrights. Really shame.

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I have strong doubts. The people most likely to "Jan 6" did. A number of them, particularly the mid-level leaders, that actually organized things, are in prison. They have not turned out in numbers since they started getting arrested.

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3 year olds are brutal. Sweet and innocent, with opinions based on little, and zero tact.

"Sex-Trafficking Champion" in title is very unclear and implies the opposite of possible intent. (He claims to fight sex-trafficing, not to be really good at sex-trafficing.)

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Everyone, stop what you are doing and check your local police department for this guy.

During the course of the investigation into the shooting, deputy Herandez resigned from the force.

He is out there somewhere, getting scared and shooting at his own car.

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Starting with a small loan of $10 million, at 8% return, invested for 60 years, is all that is needed to be a billionaire.

Get rich parents that will loan their newborn $10 million.

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Here’s where the smoke and mirrors come in. While the stores have no actual cashiers, there are reportedly over 1,000 real people in India scanning the camera feeds to ensure accurate checkouts.

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Trump just wants a distraction from the $83 million in damages announced today.

Not that blind.

“When he minimized the PowerPoint presentation he had been sharing, however, he revealed one of Valeo’s verbatim source code files open on his computer. So brazen was Mr. Moniruzzaman’s theft, the file path on his screen still read ‘ValeoDocs.’”

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The least regressive jurisdictions are DC, Minnesota, Vermont, New York and California.

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Given the MSDS ( Home Depot's copy ), I don't think encasing skin in a good idea. Allergic reaction and cancer risks seem to be the largest concerns.

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A man was sexually assaulted in jail

This kind of shit has to stop. The jailers must help held accountable. I understand this is difficult due to bad laws, but the laws need to change.

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Maybe we need actual immigration handling? Like great big loads to judges and social welfare agents. Get all immigrants processed, setup with housing, and a supportive community within a short period of time.

Do the same for Americans. Throw in a UBI, health care, and life skill coaching.

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Let's do better. The lack of freedom is the punishment. We do not need to make things worse.

Let's do better.

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$7.25 / 0.79 ~ 9.18 hash browns per hour.

$3.49 per hash brown ~ minimum wage of $32.07.

Makes you wonder about all the jobs paying less that and how much wages have been stolen.

Good. Cheap electric will help more transition from more polluting energy types. Electric cars, ovens, steel, etc.

Way easier to lie about it. Just pick babies out to be indentured servants for life to repay some imagined debts. Maybe make them feel it was their fault for not paying off the debt previously. We could even target kids from poor families for this, so they have less hope of fighting back.

We did this already, a bunch of times.

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To answer my initial questions.

They are using a 32 hour work week.

They do not all seem to have the same day off, but that is not directly discussed.

There was internal resistance.

Output is close to what it was on a 40 hour work week.

It is worth the read.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., stopped the altercation from happening, yelling at Mullin: “Stop it! No, no, sit down! You know, you’re a United States senator."

Bernie is a treasure.

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Yes, American Airlines employees have human trafficking spotting training.

I cannot comment if it is any good.

Edit: Yes, I can. It is clearly lacking.

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Retired people. -source old American waiting to be corrected

Once again everyone misses the point. They have business because they do a bad job. And business is booming.

His firm has clearly taken on far more than it can chew, with Borgers becoming the most "prolific individual auditor of US public companies," per the FT, with TMTG being just one of 170 companies the accountancy has signed.

In his Wikipedia entry. In short: No actionable evidence, he denied it, it has been 7 years.

The financial penalty reflects those lost profits, with nearly half of the $355 million — $168 million — representing the interest that Mr. Trump saved, and the remaining sum representing his profit on the recent sale of two properties, money that the judge has now clawed back from Mr. Trump and corporate entities he owns.

Fuck that is gold. We need jerseys for public libraries. It doesn't matter if it makes no sense. It is nearly better if it makes no sense.

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Some problems just need a fresh pair of eyes. Sometimes literally.

Please give me one example of how sublinks is better than lemmy currently for use.

(I don't understand why new software instead of improving lemmy.)

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A bit off topic, but I appreciate the commentary within the title. More false claims need an (untrue) note in the title.

Giraffe poop can be brought back to the U.S. with the proper permits and inspections, according to Minnesota Public Radio. The station reported that the woman won’t face sanctions because she declared the feces and gave it to Customs.

I would not have guessed that there is already a process. Therefore, this is not the first time someone has brought Giraffe waste into the country. Interesting.

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Parthenon gods work well for this shit. Zeus had a bad day and wanted a laugh.

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I don't know that most people can tell the difference between an Allosaurus and a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

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