Pluralistic: The real AI fight (27 Nov 2023) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow to – 2 points –

Last week's spectacular OpenAI soap-opera hijacked the attention of millions of normal, productive people and nonsensually crammed them full of the fine details of the debate between "Effective Altruism" (doomers) and "Effective Accelerationism" (AKA e/acc), a genuinely absurd debate that was allegedly at the center of the drama.


Orange Site is currently upset and turned off by Cory's view. I liked how he ended the piece:

It's because I'm a materialist that my primary concerns about AI are things like the climate impact of AI data-centers and the human impact of biased, opaque, incompetent and unfit algorithmic systems – not science fiction-inspired, self-induced panics over the human race being enslaved by our robot overlords.

This guy nails it. I completely missed how the open AI drama was, at bottom, a marketing blitz.