9 Post – 288 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

Stardew Valley and Terraria may both fit your list, although Terraria stresses me out a bit.

You're welcome. I'm glad I could provide some new information. It does suck but at least I am medicated now :)

I'm confused as to how that would even work

Yes, I did.

  • No one noticed for years (I am a girl and girls often have different symptoms than boys)
  • I asked my psychiatrist for help with work accommodations due to concentration issues and they wanted me to go to a neuropsychologist (thousands of dollars with insurance)
  • Switched to a different provider who immediately diagnosed me after a single page questionnaire. Got meds. No drug test required.
  • Ended up switching to another provider for reasons - they wanted me to get tested again because they didn't like the prior test ($$$).
  • Got the diagnosis but still couldn't refill the original meds I was on because of other health issues. Went untreated for about a year before receiving clearance from a specialist. Drug tests required monthly ($$$).
  • Had to switch providers yet again for reasons - they almost made me get tested again but I somehow convinced them not to. Got meds. Drug tests every few months ($$$).
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What I want from each and every one of you is a hard-target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse and doghouse in that area.

I agree with you, however I want to mention (for the international crowd) that health insurance is insanely expensive. If you are disabled and can't work (and live in a red state) you are fucked unless you have family who can help. No job = no subsidies for ACA insurance as well.

(Red state = right wing/Republican; ACA insurance is the government subsidized insurance that Obama started)

I got my parents a laser as well and evidently I picked a shitty one because they are planning to go back to the other side 😞

Most Americans I know think they're centrists, even if they support either major party... I'm an American so I know a few Americans lol

My family likes him because "at least you know what you're getting"

I don't really think they understand how much shittier he can (and will) get.

Not going to lie, I would probably vote for Whitehouse just so he can be Whitehouse in the White House 🤭

I should've been a consultant. I could have a few yachts by country would be destroyed, but at least I could be in my own little world.

Instead, Bonevac writes, because pregnancy is the result of "voluntary and consensual sexual intercourse,"

So apparently you can't get pregnant when you're raped. That's great to know /s

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Here's a before pic

For the people with no desire to click:

Votes for:

  • Baxley
  • Boyd
  • Brodeur
  • Broxson
  • Burgess
  • Burton
  • DiCeglie
  • Garcia
  • Hooper
  • Hutson
  • Rodriguez
  • Simon
  • Yarborough
  • Perry, VICE CHAIR
  • Mayfield, CHAIR

Votes against:

  • Book
  • Jones
  • Osgood
  • Rouson
  • Torres


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Can Maury reveal it as well?? I would actually watch it then!

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I overheard my relatives today saying how dare they convict him of anything when our corrupt president hasn't been charged with anything.

I really wanted to remind them that before they sold their soul to Trump they wanted every politician to be arrested and tried. Suddenly a politician is tried and they have second thoughts...

Jokes on you, i already wasn't getting an inheritance

I was very surprised by this part of the article:

Trump made careful effort not to mention or criticize the jury in a press conference on Friday morning.

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Ok but can we talk about that cookies popup? Yikes

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Tbh it doesn't even have to be boeing who did it. Boeing is important to the government (actually multiple governments) and it's not exactly a stretch to consider said governments are involved.

Also if we go with thinking boeing did do it, look at almost any organized crime related murder.

Or some combination of the two.

People have been killed for far, far less. And there are a lot of people who will hurt other people purely for revenge, regardless of any other factor.

The point is, I don't think it's as much of a stretch as you seem to think.

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Yeah, the fact that this guy knows ~7 people IRL, all pedophiles, all willing to hurt a toddler, in a public place, and on camera...

It's horrifying.

A child advocacy center has specially trained staff (therapists) who do forensic interviews and provide therapy, mainly to kids enduring the aftermath of abuse and neglect. They work closely with the police and the prosecutor to get the case resolved and many also provide therapy dogs to go to court with the kids.

I haven't heard of them interviewing a kid suspected of a crime but perhaps it is their protocol for a kid this young.

Read the headline and thought they were finally going to wash them

If they're anything like the people in my town, they will just say that those advisors are all RINOs and not real Republicans

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I never lost taste/smell. But, I lost everything else. I can't work anymore because of covid. It fucked me in the worst way. I'm an American and our disability system is fucked too. So I've been without pay for 2 years. I'm out of money. I don't know what to do tbh.

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Wait so is he admitting that he knew about it now? The first article I read about this asserted that Alito had no idea about the flag.

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Police shooting skills are both terrible and very good.

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I would do an upside down S, less confusion

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Just imagine how angry everyone is going to be when they can't masturbate the pain of Present Day away

Based on some of these other site names, you probably don't actually want to know

Definitely Icy Tower

Also, not really a video game, but those desktop destroyer type games. I'm not sure what any of them were called but it was a fun waste of time in my computer class.

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Well considering that one woman literally pulled another woman's skirt down (not all the way) because she felt it was too short, in front of other people, and then called 911 herself, I wouldn't put it past someone in a bathroom to do worse if they "suspected" someone was trans, whether or not they actually are

Also I'm sorry for all the commas but I already did it and I don't want to edit it lol

Wait. It was $22 for a sandwich??

Edit: is this USD?

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I know more than a few not-rich people with 50k+ pickups

Last week I had to remind my parents that FBI agents are cops and pretty much always are authorized to use deadly force...

Yes. IIRC it's one reason video conferencing is so exhausting

Thanks for asking.

It's actually both. I have some other health issues, so it's not just the long covid, but covid was the last straw. From covid alone, I have heart issues, lung issues, GI issues, brain fog, extreme fatigue. And because of the heart issues, i currently cannot take any adhd meds, so my concentration is shit. I also experienced medical trauma during this time, so i have a bunch of mental health issues now too.

Basically, there is no part of my body that hasn't been affected by covid. It is a terrible disease that i wouldn't wish on anyone.

And yes, i am vaccinated and boosted, which i think is the only reason i didn't die.

What the fuck.

Sometimes I wish I was a billionaire so I could 1) cover these things immediately and 2) have enough influence to change the rules

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Idk how I feel about this whole thing. We had the bundle for a while and then they added another standalone Hulu subscription on top. And tried to convince us that's what we wanted/asked for.

I don't even want to pay for one subscription, let alone twice for the same one.

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