17 Post – 724 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I feel bad for Suno's lawyer.

The funny thing is there's a bunch of Portlands, but it's always that particular one.

Wasn't Ethiopia never colonized?

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It was a federal public defender. He saw a route to zealously advocate for his client and he took it. It was a bit of a moonshot, but I'm glad that we have a country where public representation is willing to go as far as he did for his client. Regardless of the circumstances.

Pretty solid summarization of the situation. I definitely think that Baldwin's on site safety problems and the seemingly rushed nature of production are going to bite him.

The subtext is Todd is too afraid to remake that porn studio in Fallout 2, that was there for some reason.

There's a number of opinions and dissents he's written that I feel like people here would be surprised to agree with him on. Like in Gonzalez v Raich which he was in favor of legalization of weed.

1/3 of the time the cases are 9-0 anyways.

I feel like the habitability requirement might be governing on issues of extreme heat.

HGR definitely didn't do right here but a lot more went wrong. This was a perfect storm of negligence. Multiple people could have taken minor stands to have prevented this tragic tale. So many people spoke out and zero action was taken to address their concerns.

A layered safety approach is a great idea. But it only works when at least one person in a position to do so does what's right.

I've found they do tend to be more blunt and straightforward. I think to understand them you have to start from the lens of his that stare decisis is a poor doctrine. Many of his dissents have such strong departures from the main opinion because of this. If you don't presuppose things like the Wickard V Filburn case's impact on the commerce clause dissents like Gonzalez v Raich, seem much more plausible.

Not having legal precedence is hardly a reason to dissent...

Under the Bruen test it is. Even the majority would agree with that. Thomas differed from them by stating that the laws proposed in the main opinion were not relevantly similar enough to the one before the correct.

The test wouldn't apply to the 13th amendment because that's a constitutional amendment, and not a law allegedly impacting a right.

It's almost like the writing on the wall was trying to tell us something! Amazon is a bloated poorly self-regulated market with a low barrier to entry that prioritizes convenience over quality, while obfuscating the truth of the seller you do business with.

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I trust a steam monopoly long before I'd trust epic. Epic is run to meet the needs of share holders and valve is run to meet the needs of Gaben.

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As much as I love clowning on Zuck it's unreasonable to expect foreign companies to act as your nation's means of emergency notifications.

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“We no longer transfer weapons to Ukraine because we are now arming Poland,” Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki

I think that might be their point.

The cookie monster receives better representation than most of us do.

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Surely a company who makes a percentage of the total sale price would have no perverse incentive to create an algorithm that artificially sugar coats reviews. /s

For scale:

Amid this dynamic environment, we delivered record results in fiscal year 2022: We reported $198 billion in revenue and $83 billion in operating income. And the Microsoft Cloud surpassed $100 billion in annualized revenue for the first time.

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This is correct. In addition all sales at gun show from a licensed FFL to a customer currently also require a background check. Currently the main two kinds of transfers that don't require federal background checks nationwide are private party sales and gifts. Eg. Selling your neighbor a shotgun or gifting your dad a hunting rifle. I believe these were both carved out exceptions as a result of the limitations on the Feds due to the commerce clause. Several states have tighter restrictions.

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I just checked and those rules are wild.

Posting a picture of a slice of cheese without a NSFW tag and a content warning is bannable but calling violence against large groups of people isn't.

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Dude arson endangers not just the lives of the residents of that building but those of adjacent buildings. Fires spread. Even if you could justify the death of the squatters arson is far from any justifiable mechanism.

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For anyone curious deer have a velvety layer on their antlers that allows the antlers to grow. This layer eventually falls/is rubbed off of the antlers leaving the bone exposed. That's what's happening here.

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Prediction: The sky will turn black shortly after the next dusk.

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The TLDR of the opinion is that they held the BATFE acted outside of statutory authority, acting as the legislature making new law with the administrative policy.

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Do people use CoD VOIP chat for anything but slurs, bullying, & harassment?

I can see this leading to fan complaints with stupid over moderation like we've seen in text moderation. For example Spanish speakers getting banned for saying "negro" or someone getting removed for naively being tricked into answering a trap question.

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Wool base layer, insulated mid layer, rain/windproof outer shell. They key here is too add/remove layers as needed, dictated by the weather and how active you're being at the moment.

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For those who don't want to guess: Guam and Puerto Rico were counted as states.

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You aren't just heating up your own body w/ homeostasis, you're heating up the air around you as it radiates off of your body. You will be warmer with tighter fitting clothes. Looser clothes can help with air flow, but if the air is -10°F air flow isn't your friend.

Insulation is about trapping the air your body has warmed up next to your body, so you don't need to constantly spend energy heating up cold air.

I'm not sure what sort of activity you're planning on so I can't give very good recommendations on exactly what to wear. But I would say just buy clothes that fit you. You probably shouldn't be wearing so many thick layers that it requires you to go a size up.

Also keep in mind if you're so warm you start to sweat, once you cool down that sweat is going to make you feel even colder.

Again wear wool, Merino wool if you can. Don't wear cotton.

There's a bunch of Deloreans out there still rustless. Meanwhile at Tesla...

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Hazard lights to let everyone else know you've decided to become a roadway hazard.

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Imagine you're a CEO had signed a 10 year lease on an office building in 2019. You're likely stuck paying for that building regardless of it you use it or not. If you feel like working in office improves productivity (not saying it does, this is just a perspective a CEO might hold) how would you rationalize to yourself and the shareholders that you're paying thousands (or millions) for something that you could be utilizing to benefit the company and leaving it empty.

Much of commerical real estate is actually leased, these companies are contractually obligated to pay for the property regardless of if they have people in office or not. They might not be able to exit these leases for years.

Also they could be angling for the entire work force to return to work (including other companies) as a means of restoring demand for office space. Which would benefit those who flat out own the land.

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It seems pretty obvious to me that the artists should win this assuming their images weren't poorly licenced. Training AI is absolutely a commercial use.

These companies adopted a run fast and don't look back legal strategy and now they're going to enter the 'find out' phase.

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We removed it way before the pricing change was announced because the views were so low, not because we didn't want people to see it.

If they actually wanted people to see, it like alluded to here, surely removing it wouldn't be the best way of achieving that.

Bluetooth speakers on hiking trails.

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The issue is if it never occurred to you that you might have been scammed you might not ever think to look.

I built my first computer last year, with all NiB internals, my main concerns when assembling it was does it work. If it underperformed (due to a bootleg part) I might not have been able to appreciate due to a lack of reference point.

This kind of practice is perfect for targeting the person using PC part picker to build a computer without an indepth knowledge or a relative buying it as a gift for someone else.

The original Blade Runner movie is not nearly as good as the sequel. The sequel highlights how lesser the original's plot was. We overly praise the first one because of the Tear in the Rain Speech.

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I bought a rice cooker, and it easily earns it's permanent space on the countertop. Having the ability to cook 5 (dry) cups of rice and have it stay warm for days is so convenient.

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Thinking new people are stupid for asking the same questions they asked 3 years ago. My hobby is every hobby.

A plurality of negative reviews kill those companies that make bad products. And that's a good thing. Wheat from the proverbial chaff as it were.