What Seasonal Things Should be Available Year Round?

FireTower@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 84 points –

Freedom from hayfever.

Take antihistamines, run air filter in house?

I assume you don't suffer from it. Even with the house closed up, the AC on, multiple air purifiers running 24/7, and regular antihistamines it's still a fucking bitch during pollen season. Hell even adding a Sudafed while venturing outside doesn't fully negate the effects.

You learn to deal with it, but it's still sucky.

I used to get bad sinus infections from Sudafed. It took me years to figure it out. Apparently it causes inflammation that was obstructing the natural flow of my sinus passages, and the stagnation resulted in frequent infections. Just sharing in case anyone else is struggling with the same.

There are now exactly 3 antihistamines I recommend, for different reasons..

  • Cetirizine Hydrochloride
  • Desloratadine

Those 2 are a recent-generation of antihistamines, & both are remarkable compared with the make-you-incompetent-to-fucking-walk-straight antihistmines I grew up with.

  • Benadryl

I've read that immediately chewing your max-dose of Benadryl can help with things like allergic-reaction to bee-stings, snake-bite, etc, & therefore should be in one's 1st-aid kit.

Now they've got liqui-gels?

Maybe I should fix my 1st-aid kit, then..

Oh, from what I've read, the Desloratadine is better than the Loratadine: it has been noted to produce fewer side-effect harms, in studies.

ttbomk, Loratadine requires more biological processing by our bodies, to do its work, so its biochemistry cost is higher, to the one taking it.

I've found the generic brands of Cetirizine & Desloratadine work fine, for me.

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Cold evenings with warm cat cuddles.

Don't like how unpleasant these are for much of the year

It's not even summer yet and I'm already contemplating if I can afford to move to New Zealand for half the year.

Cadbury cream eggs

I'm pretty sure that those are available year round. I tend to see them throughout the year. If your local retailer doesn't carry them year-round, you can just order 'em online.


I tried it once. That was enough. Underwhelming, much like most of their menu.

While we're at it, McGriddles at all hours of the day

They did this actually, and it failed miserably. Around 2105isj

It has more to do with how they do shit than the fact they offered breakfast all day.

None of their competitors have issues serving everything on their menu at any time they are open, but none of those other restaurants are that picky about burgers, sausage patties and eggs being cooked on the same griddle.

The craziest time of day at the McDonald's locations I work at is the switch from breakfast to lunch, because they have to practically transform the kitchen. It's ridiculous.

Well, I mean, they cook at different temperatures, that's the biggest reason. The tradeoff for speed is that everything there has to be accurate, down to the second for cooking. The clamshells I remember we had to switch them to different modes, fryer had to heat to a different temperature, etc. Then you need to be able to keep all of the other stuff at temperature before serving too, and all of the other ingredients. Not defending them, but I do understand what it takes.

Girl scout cookies

Those things should just go away. It's basically sawdust at this point.

Shamrock shake?

Based on this, looks like you can start with a vanilla shake, add mint extract, and add green food coloring.

This is basically it, yes, but sometimes I'm drunk-ordering 40 nuggets and a milkshake and adding the mint myself is enough effort to make me reconsider my reckless disregard for my wellbeing.

Peppermint hot chocolate.

... Swiss Miss with a shot of peppermint schnapps?

(Also try it with Sailor Jerry's spiced rum instead of the peppermint schnapps, though that's totally different)

(I should note that I make SM with water, not milk, so if you make it with milk and it sucks, don't blame me. Though, on the subject of white liquids, eggnog with peppermint schnapps is also good)

(Maybe I should try eggnog with Sailor Jerry's to round out the set. What? You say that's a thing people do already?)

This one is trivial to make at home thankfully. Go pick up a bottle of peppermint extract!

Blue Jay's staring through my window in the morning

And their death screech to say good morning :). I like BJs too but fine with the robins winning the territory this year.


Those are. Just not in the abundance as the fall. And maybe not thawed everywhere.

I've been to three local grocery chains and all of them have frozen turkey breast, but no turkeys.

I mean, it's nearly June so I understand why, but I have a hankering for turkey and need to go to an actual butcher shop.

Pastel de Natas (Portuguese Custard Tarts) at Trader Joe's in the U.S.

They only have them in the spring and they run out fast.

Figs. Fresh figs are only occasionally available here and I never remember when so miss them half the years. I also wish my citrus trees had fruit all year, that would be awesome.

And the afternoon thunderstorms. It's so hot already and they haven't started yet, and last year failed entirely because of el Nino. I wouldn't mind them being all year.

The spooky orange filling Oreo Cookies. They just hit different.

ITT - Yanks thinking ultra-processed food is seasonal

Christ on a bike

If people sold bricks only in the Spring they'd be seasonal. Seasonal ≠ in season, or at peak ripeness.

Artificial scarcity to increase prices does not equal seasonal