3 Post – 196 Comments
Joined 6 months ago


They told me I could choose between ads and a 35% price rise.

I replied "I have a better idea"

Can honestly say I've not missed out watching anything I wanted to watch

That depends on the current and voltage

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"perfectly preserved"


Like my freezer preserved that burger that escaped into the bottom of it six years ago

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Plot twist... There was £250k in the bag when it was dropped off.

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"all the way down" is missing the heart of it. The article is describing people with real issues, who have really been let down and really need better from their government.

That this has been channelled into racism is awful and sad for everyone, for all the victims of misinformation.

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Wesley Crusher. I always liked him

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Striker was made of a standard iron osmium alloy, but with a 2% nickel impurity that made them truly special

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Nope. A very old thing.

People born before 1980 just have other names for it.

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I'm confident it'll be well regulated 😏

Not my cat. The day he's not asking for food or attention he's probably dead.

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Remember, there is a mechanism that prevents criminals from winning elections and holding offices, it's the one that's the best one in a democracy. The voters.

It's not good to give governments the power to decide who does and doesn't deserve to hold authority, it is good to let voters decide if someone's crimes are relevant to the election.

Sadly, it seems many Americans do not agree with me that trump is not suitable for office. Hopefully enough do that they decide not to vote for him

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They're a replacement for skills and knowledge, not imagination.

This is why people point out that they lack skills and knowledge.

Oh no! Family thinks it's drugs money and gives it to the police!

Monkey paw strikes again.

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No, consciousness =/= life.

You're comparing apples with walnuts

I hope he's not planning to one-up Trump's "brush with death" and steal back sympathy by actually dying.

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Originally a Frankie Boyle joke?

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But America usually down with making black men into 3/5s of a person!

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I have found it's just as easy to burn out doing what I love as it was doing a job I hated.

Easier in some ways, because I don't want to stop!

The mod isn't ignoring them?

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This is how we end up needing the blackwall

Coz that'd make a paradox.

The grandfish paradox is one of the most famous in temporal theory

Office worker messes up his hunt, he stops off for a burger on the way home.

Hunter man messes up his hunt... Dies.

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He'll be dead soon.

I hope the secret service investigate me for this comment.

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Damn. I'm going to have to find a new source of education if we can't trust memes

Cold evenings with warm cat cuddles.

Don't like how unpleasant these are for much of the year

It shows that people are not the same from one day to the next, none of us would score the same on personality tests and the like every time.

Which really calls into question the validity of using this method of assessment

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I'm a therapist, and I train other therapists. And I supervise some therapists and I train other therapists to supervise other therapists. And I manage a team of therapists who train other therapists and who train other therapists to supervise other therapists.

Kind "in it" at this stage.

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The USA was founded by treason and terrorism

Simple answer but... Small business

Plenty of them still about in most places

Both enjoy boogies and boobies!

To quote JC Denton "When due process fails us, we really do live in a world of terror"

Barbeque, sunny days, cold beer, automatic weapons, good friends

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Dexter Morgan.

Just imagine the hugs and him murdering anyone who hurts me.

I learnt that humans are happiest when their environment most closely reflects the one we evolved in.

So I got myself a couple of parasites, killed my neighbour and stole his wife.

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Is there something good in keeping people locked in their homes?

Yes, that's why we did it.

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John Oliver

Patrick Stewart is my space-dad.



When someone explains something everyone knows or is obvious as if they just thought of it for the first time in human history.

My list..

Sometimes they'll offer their opinions as "proof" that they're "right"

It's expensive, so often vegans are people with resources others don't have and yet they act like this isn't a thing

They're right that it's way better for the environment and it annoys me that I'm contradicting my own values on that point

There's an abuse of science at times, which always bothers me, even in the name of a good cause. If you're right, let the truth do the talking.

Just off the top of my head...

Not all vegans, etc... no actual hate involved for anyone

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