What does 'eat the rich' mean to you?

return2ozma@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 62 points –

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Barbeque, sunny days, cold beer, automatic weapons, good friends

I'm sorry, but what a bitch ass "I'm gonna be the next school shooter's armory" response.

That isn't eating the rich.

That is living the good life and making guns available for misuse.

Thankfully most people understood my comment as humour.

Humour in perfect fit with the question and the hyperbole the slogan represents.

For the record, I'm too old (and too cool) for school and I live in one of those civilised countries where we don't have gun crime or the weather for more than two BBQs per year.

However much caffeine you have in the morning, I suggest you cut it by half and replace it with meditation or masturbation instead to better embrace the joy of life over internet conflict

But but how would an utter shitebag quivering coward defend themselves?!?! Won't someone think of the cowards?!?

The prompt is literally eat the rich.

Their answer is "I got guns, but I am drinking and bbq-ing, my guns have literally nothing to do with eating the rich, but im flexing my small peen and my automatic weapons!"

Dude is literally the hungover breeder whose crotchfruit is gonna use his gun to shoot up a school.

Which defines most gun owners.

Pussies trying to feel strong while doing absolutely nothing but making guns available to people who shouldn't have guns.

You're way off the rails. Go read his other comment. He wasn't being even remotely serious.

Sorry but I'm changing the word from "gun owners" to "fuckin cowards" and I'd appreciate it if you used the correct terminology thanks