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I'm not a gastroenterologist, but I do believe when you have an o-ring issue you specifically do shit your pants.

I live in a high altitude area. It gets very hot. People will say that it's because we're "closer to the sun" as if the ~6000ft/~1800m difference is what matters vs the 93,000,000mi/150,000,000km distance to the sun is affected by something so small.

The difference is the lack of atmosphere to soften the various types of light from the sun.

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I truly mean no disrespect; no one can be good at everything. But if this is the vocabulary you use to describe the object and the problem, it's probably best to call a pro.

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Destiny 2 should be in that list. It's all meta builds.

I'll also mention the opposite. I got back into Rocket League. I originally had about 300hrs in it and stopped playing for a couple years. I have put maybe another 30hrs in since coming back and it's exactly as I left it. Maybe a couple menus have changed but it was very simple to get back into.

Feels like a buddy prank to me. Do you have any friends that joke like this?

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I work in a decent-sized computer repair shop and this is a very accurate representation of what the average user knows.

Just in case anyone thinks this is over the top.

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Sadly almost all these comments are wrong. I work in a computer shop and we see the scam you're talking about all the time. It happened because you unknowingly opened an ad. So you clicked on a button that looked legitimate like "download" or "next" or whatever, and that pops up full screen. The fix is a good ad blocker like ublock origin. Google's being a piece of shit right now about ad blockers so I recommend something Firefox-based for effective ad blocking.

ITT: OP has not discovered the name for this feeling is "depression".

A lot of us are rooting for you OP, even if you don't want to hear it.

Toyoda is the original guy's name btw

As others have said, I also highly recommend physically separate drives. I have found both Linux and Windows affect each other sometimes especially when you're getting your bearings with dual booting.

For instance, after running Linux the clock in Windows will be wrong. And Windows will eat the Linux boot partition especially after feature packs (formerly called service packs), which come out about 1-2/year.

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Any older Thinkpad that's about 5-7 years old on eBay. You can get units that were high end when they came out (normal speed now) for $200-300 all day.

I know specifically the P50's have a thunderbolt port and you can get them with an i7 for around $250.

ITT: tech people and power users struggle to understand that the masses use devices and services differently than they do.

Hard disagree. But the expense should be used for quality construction, not fashion imo.

Shout-out to Vivaldi for forking before mv3 happens. It is chromium based but they are very openly anti-google. It's the OG Chrome devs as far as I understand.

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Watch it for the plot.

OP what makes you think you're not? This post is autistic AF, as someone autistic.

I'm very high masking when I choose to be (sometimes when I'm not.. it's sort of automatic by nature at times) and in a lot of cases people never know. I was in my 30s before I figured it out, and I used to use the saying "I'm not autistic but" a lot.

There are free tests available. AMA (not a pro but I have over 30yrs experience!)

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This works at a feudal technology level. Who makes the trains? They train makers need steel and literally no one would work in a forge or a mine for fun/preference.

Who makes computer chips?

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Found the Canadian

Partially dead CPUs can absolutely still POST and boot. I work in a PC repair shop and see it all the time. Everything will work totally "fine" and you'll get weird errors here and there similarly to failing RAM. You have to run a dedicated CPU test like the ones in OCCT (Windows-based, don't lynch me) or similar to see if you're getting WHEA or other errors.

The reason for this is that a lot of CPUs have built in redundancy to get around having imperfect silicon, and sometimes that is enough to make the system still work, but not be quite "right".

The good news is, if you are producing such errors, you usually have a 3yr warranty on most CPUs and the OEM will RMA them for you.

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Good, keep the prices low for the smart people who do.

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This sounds like it was strictly the fault of the USB load. If you make a UEFI USB (you should use Ventoy, it's great btw) all you would need to do is shut off Secure Boot and install.

Most bootable drives don't support Secure Boot. You turn it off, do the install, and turn it back on if you want it. I personally just leave it off.

Outside of those caveats everything you described is industry-standard stuff. Nothing to do with Lenovo.

Your best bet for this type of thing would probably be a discord channel. That's usually where you'll find gamer meetups and such. I wish you luck!

I honestly don't understand the joke with the 60%. I understand the progression until then.

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🎵 And I should have died 6000 more 🎶

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Could the author have packed any more bias into the article? Like, we get it. You like the new games.

Idk if this was in the movie as I didn't watch it. But if the thing they're attached to us hardened steel a hacksaw wouldn't have a chance of going through it. It would wear the teeth right off.

Jokes aside I think this is a good demonstration of why they do it.

Everything reminds me of her.

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In no particular order.


  • DOOM 2016

  • FTL: Faster Than Light

  • Halo (most, but especially 1-3 and Reach)

  • Command and Conquer series, especially Yuri's Revenge and prior.

Non-OST games:

  • Gran Turismo 2


I listen to all of these in my free time fairly regularly.

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This was a good one

What's the story behind this? Does anyone here know?

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Technically just over 7 days but I'm saying it. I started a Bachelor's in Cyber Security at a big university.

I'm the first in my family to ever seek higher education and my nephew (who lives with me) has already been asking questions about how he can go to college someday as well.


Our teeth do much better when we eat a diet that's more in line with our evolution. Check out pictures of primal tribes. They very often have beautiful smiles.

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Weirdly Maine is/maybe was the only state that did ranked choice voting. But it also kinda sounds like this new system supercedes it.

Absolutely enthusiast grade is higher. Business grade is just enough to do the job.

Bonus round:

Military grade is from the lowest bidder.

Industrial grade is durable with absolutely no extras (and also expensive).

Laboratory grade is usually extremely high end, high cost, and precise.

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You're making a solid and valid point OP. The other guy is being a fuck. I wouldn't pay him much mind but I do admire your willingness to explain your angle!

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If you're autistic, there's a good chance that autistic masking is the root cause here. If you have social anxiety especially, your mask will kick in automatically (subconsciously) and come off as fake to most people, and they will not like you for it. A quick test for this is, are you good at making a good first impression or short time of friendship and then it kinda falls off with time? If yes, masking is likely in play. I highly recommend the book Unmasking Autism even if you're not autistic. It applies to others as well and it is excellent.

The short term (maybe long term..?) solution is to make autistic friends. They'll understand "the weird" and it should be much simpler. Try searching around your local area for autism or neurodivergent clubs and see how you feel around other similarly-minded people.

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Age too.

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Semantics, but OP never said the unit of measure. It could be radians for all you know.