Are the people who read terms and conditions the same people who pre-heat their ovens? 🤔 to – -44 points –

Do you prefer your food to taste good or not?

But reading the T&C is useless.

I pre heat, but usually don't read all the t & c 🤷‍♂️

Confidentially incorrect. (Before someone wants to correct me, it's intentional.)

I pre-heat and I read tos;dr for laughs and giggles of what they're trying to force me to agree to.

It really depends in both cases.

Hearing a frozen pizza? Maybe I won't wait for it to pre heat fully. Something I made to bake from scratch, following a recipe? Yeah I will wait for the oven to pre heat.

Same with terms and conditions. In many cases I won't read them, but some deserve a skim or a serious read.


I preheat the oven consistently but don't consistently read terms and conditions or license agreements.