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Joined 6 months ago

The whole principle of Twitch is to be a whore. Streamers whore their viewers for donations. Viewers whore for their streamers for attention. It's just cringe and a waste of time content wise, while eating up idiotic amounts of resources. The majority of people there are part of the bottom barrel of society and no amount of "small streamers" can convince me otherwise as most of those would become just as much of a sellout if they'd had a chance to become popular enough.

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I think this is this insufferable clickbaiting bullshitter that goes on endless rants without actually saying anything. Pretty sure I've seen another of her videos posted somewhere on Lemmy a while ago that was of equal quality.

Nah. People uploaded content they thought was interesting or funny, simply things they wanted to share with others, they weren't thinking how to milk the most engagement out of you for monetary reasons.

TicTok is a 99% low quality garbage too, on top of being a data hording machine for China. YouTube isn't any better nowadays either, it's all just clickbait garbage and real life vlog type shit.

Frankly, the internet was better when it was mostly nerds filling it. But I suppose now that it is mainstream, it is just a mirror of society.

Nowadays, yes. Go back 10-15+ years and it was quite a different experience.

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All but DR4 are banned here. lol

"Lock her up" was his fucking campaign slogan at the time.

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The biggest joke is that the LLM in Windows is running locally, it uses your hardware and not some big external server farm. But you can bet your ass that they still use it to data harvest the shit out of you.

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Teslas are very well known to have absolute garbage tier quality anyway.

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Actually makes me thankful of all the regulations our food suppliers have to follow in the US.

As a European: lol

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If we don't see a somewhat significant rise in Firefox usage increases after this, then I fear that battle is already lost. People can complain a lot but doing something as easy as switching browsers seems to be the hardest thing for most of them.

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So, they just banned the Russian national anthem too, since that sits at 76 bpm?

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Are you sure they charge with the same specifications? This might just be to avoid potential fire hazards & damage.

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He'd double down if you'd ask him.

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I just don't understand the US and the 2nd. You're not allowed to have a lot of various weapons and it just states that people can be "armed", which could mean a lot of things. And even then, having a gun stored away safely is absolutely not infringing on that right either, as long as you have access to it. This is just obsessive gun fetishism and it constantly gets people killed, including little kids.

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Google Search was so good when it came out. Complete polar opposite to the cluttered and bloated Yahoo Search. Haven't really using it for years now because the search results became worse and worse, especially when that rounded edge theme came along.

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Sweden has a strong military industry too and Finnland is literally right at Russia's border. Putin is a master strategist.

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They should release all the names.

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The joke is, politics aside, that the US could easily equip both of them if they wanted to. Seems like the GOP is just full of Russian puppets and straight up insane religious extremists, who apparently can easily manipulate the broken US governmental system.

Biden did a lot of good shit. People saying he's the same or even worse than Trump have completely lost the plot or are just RuZZian bots / useful idiots parroting RuZZian propaganda.

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Gaslight Obstruct Project

And flew empty jets around the world. Polluting shit for absolutely no reason. Those companies can all go bankrupt and burn in a fire for all I care. People have become way too dependent on them anyway.

Definitely not 989. lol

Lemmygrad, lemmy.ml and hexbear in shambles.

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Twitch has always been about whoring. And I'm not just talking about girls showing cleavage or whatever. People whore for their viewers to donate, and the viewers whore for their senpais to notice them. It's just an annoying concept. inb4 "there's exceptions, especially for smaller streamers" - I know, I don't care. It's just a matter of time and growth potential for most. It's part of the commercialization and it happens even on YT now too.

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Nothing is perfectly flat, neither in nature nor man made. It's purely a mathematical concept as every surface has some form of texture if you look close enough.

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When it starts to become very racist we know.

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Sweeney is such a little bitch.

It's ridiculous, but the true issue is the hygiene of that place where they had that done to them.

Please keep your Murica shit in Murica. Thank you.

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To be honest, I mainly bought the game to make a statement & show my support for what type of treatment & product I want as a customer. Nowadays everything just seems to want to milk me, games are quite often literally designed around it so that it becomes a core part of the games themselves. And I'm so damn over all of this bullshit.

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Propaganda works and people are stupid.

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Really misleading headline.

Motoi Sakuraba (Golden Sun) and Masanori Hikichi (Terranigma) are both on-board to create music for the game

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I honestly don't care at all if someone's sexting with a Merkel inspired chat bot.

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By your logic a woman couldn't be raped because she got wet and had an orgasm. Getting an erection isn't a conscious thing that men will by, like lifting an arm. Plenty of men also get physically abused by their girlfriends / wives, despite being physically stronger and technically able to overpower them. If you really cannot fathom how psychological pressure & abuse works then I am not sure where to even start. I got raped by my ex early in my life when I was sleeping. And yes, men can get a boner when asleep too. I woke up during the event, obviously confused, and just went with it, before falling asleep again. I only understood what even really happened much much later in life.

Lol, nothing of value was lost.

I miss r/Coomer though, it existed to mock and insult people who have a very unhealthy habit of masturbating and sexual addiction (particularly to lolicon). Like, fuck, sex and masturbating isn't bad on it's own but it shouldn't be your god damn identity.

You missing a community dedicated to mock & harass people who probably need actual help with coping really says a lot about you.

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You can literally read up on ancient people's myths, deities, etc. that are build around eclipses, or even just the sun itself.

That being said. A lot of uncontacted tribes are not completely oblivious to the outside world because they are by proxy in contact through other tribes that are contacted, exchanging knowledge.

Not inherently but I hate most anime tropes. Most anime are also very childish or straight up nonsensically bullshit, just "too out there" if you know what I mean. There's the odd decent one though, and the rare gem, but I can't really be arsed to wade through the absolute pile of garbage first to even find them.

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Isn't this causing a huge degradation in quality? It's like compressing an image over and over again. Those "AI" models can only generate things on what they know, and already have a very real issue of looking samey because of it. So if we train models on that, and then another model on the new model, and repeat this over and over again, we'd end up with less and less quality & variety for each model, no?

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Axel Springer bought it, which is basically the German equivalent of Rupert Murdoch.