2 Post – 437 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

That's a remarkable coincidence!

Anyway, yes, it's not disallowed or impossible.

TBF, pushing a site to the public while adding a "no scrapping" rule is a bit of a shitty practice; and pushing it and adding a "no scrapping, unless you are Google" is a giant shitty practice.

Rules for politely scrapping the site are fine. But then, there will be always people that disobey those, so you must also actively enforce those rules too. So I'm not sure robots.txt is really useful at all.

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I don't think "easier" is the right way to compare here. The C++ build tools will absolutely rewrite your code into something you can't expect to guess, but it doesn't make them hard to "use".

It's not even the coercion that is the problem here. The types are already bad by themselves.

upper 0.5% of wealth

I don't think nobody out of the upper 0.1% of the US would gain by their policies (and those mostly vote against them), and 90% of the people in it would probably lose too. For the 0.01%, it's a matter of valuing short or long term gains and actual wealth as opposed to "Hah! Suffer you poor! I'm better than that!"

Do your scrum-using organization put users at the development process?!? I don't think I've seen any Agile¹ organization doing that.

1 - The one with capital "A", that is an antonym of the one with lower cap "a".

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So, due to abnormal solar activity¹. The title made me wonder how one can have unpredicted loss of satellites, and yeah, this is a way.

The more satellites you have, the more of them you will lose like this. Doesn't look like anything unhealthy for them.

1 - Because yeah, we couldn't just have abnormal geological activity this year without the Sun also deciding to add up some.

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Ok, just went there. My home is full of smaller subs reposting old high-quality stuff. I could even mistake that for good activity if I haven't seen it already.

Popular is full of useless shit... so no visible impact.

I guess one has to subscribe to the correct subs to see the implosion.

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The other half are about useful things, like what to do next, how your interfaces will look like, and "if you need help, just tell me, I can escalate it".

As anything with Reddit, it depends on what you subscribe.

It's perfectly possible that this person sees the site completely dead. Personally, every time I go there it's full of interesting comics raised by some bots that keep reposting old things, and really really bad comments, but still plentiful.

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As long as their salary keeps increasing, I'd say go for it!

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Your neural network just learned to flawlessly answer any question you send it! Time to put it to good use!

Start asking the important questions!

The Python ecosystem is "the rest of the fucking owl", but when it just appears after you draw the circles.

And a development environment. And not touch production without running the exact code at least once and being well slept.

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Trust the author? Are you crazy? Do you have any idea how many dumb mistakes I've caught the author doing?

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No, this is because the testing set can be derived from the training set.

Overfitting alone can't get you to 1.

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It costs less than a Stabucks coffee every 5 minutes.

I don't know about vim, but emacs does have a clippy package for real. You can even make it be useful if you try hard enough.

My local deluser checks if the user has any active process. I tried deleting all of the data by hand, but the process is still assigned to a user name and id.

I'm not sure if this one can error still can be replicated.

Shouldn't it be used for redo?

I mean, yeah, of course it should be paste. But if you decide to break the established convention, isn't the next option redo, instead of undo?

Twitter has serious concerns that Meta Platforms has engaged in systematic, willful, and unlawful misappropriation of Twitter's trade secrets and other intellectual property

Storing 300 characters in a database is really hard. A small company like Meta could never develop that kind of technology.

If you don't have any good reason not to, always set your SSH server to only authenticate with keys.

Anything else is irrelevant.

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Yes, a bit. But that's not the problem.

The problem is that the current fashion of devops is done through piles and piles of badly defined YAML. If it used any other configuration language, it would be just as bad.

No way they can be the same.

The adblock stops malware, makes my browser perform better, and stops things from disrupting me. The most common result of anti-virus the complete opposite of each of those 3.

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You have probably already seen this:

Anyway, people are mostly not like that anymore.

I don't have solutions, but I have a pressing question: why?

I'm not sure OpenOffice is even supposed to work nowadays.

(Anyway, maybe try running from a terminal. Usually programs log the errors into it.)

I really doubt this is the worst...

It has bones from a single animal, to start with.

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And 3/4 of that time has passed since 2019.


It would be funnier if they all had the same number.

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Undefined behavior can go bad quickly.

Plane maglev tracks are way more expensive than wheeled train tracks. It's slower to get expensive when the terrain stops being plane, but it takes a lot of roughness for it to become cheaper. Most countries just do without trains crossing rough terrain.

And the largest cost of almost any train is the tracks.

"People complain about C's security issues because it's too easy to learn" was absolutely not on my bingo card either.

The same for "Javascript frameworks exclude the less experienced".

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If you want your code to run on the GPU, the complete viability of your code depend on it. But if you just want to run it on the CPU, it is only one of the many micro-optimization techniques you can do to take a few nanoseconds from an inner loop.

The thing to keep in mind is that there is no such thing as "average developer". Computing is way too diverse for it.

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Oh, Unity will lose too.

Somehow, I keep remembering Reddit.

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All the images are so clean. Like if they were all created by well coordinated robots.

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But the imperial system is so convenient, you just use fractions instead of decimals...

/s, because well, this is the internet.

They are paleontologist supersmart-horses, many generations after their ancestors killed the last human.

They are also in a dome, decorated with a picture of mountains and a blue sky, that they set up to protect themselves from the remaining of the recent nuclear war.

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Instead, the people offering the largest salaries are mostly remote-only.

People that value your work value your work, I guess.

If you have "some hobbyist experience" with C++, then you should definitively avoid it and go with C#.

You should be at least "C++ is a landmine, be careful there" tall before allowed to play with it alone.

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