2 Post – 264 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Sometimes, you just had to suffer being bored. And it gave you time to really think.

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In my experience, the songs with a fade out on the album usually get a real ending when played live. So they figure it out somehow

Surgery helps people fit into the social construct

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Language barriers are a real impediment to understanding. But these people we're talking about are angry because of xenophobia, don't get it twisted.

When a black man was elected president the racism actually ramped up. But it was still quiet. Trump gave them the freedom to be loud about it.

If you switch to Gemini, it will understand you the first time, and still not do what you want!

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I think "when I get to this store" is still a time. Android used to be able to handle reminding you "when" you got to a place, but I guess they dropped that feature. So IMO this is on the assistant for not doing what it used to do.

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What kinda bullshit is this. One guy tries to overthrow the government and somehow it's necessary for the good of the republic to force him onto the ballot, yet these jokers just decide they don't wanna play ball and put the current president on their ballot.

Weve never had to worry about it before, there's no precedent

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Is that mf wearing a tan suit?

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$1000 per instance of contempt is the maximum fine by statute (which yes, means it only punishes the poor). Its possible to be jailed as well, but I think the judge doesn't want to jump to that too eagerly given the circumstances.

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Funny how the automated system always catches musks political opponents and not any of his allies

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I use flat surfaces after learning it tends to leave less shell bits than doing it on an edge

You keep saying you only participate in 10% of conversations, yet everyone thinks you're dominating the conversations. I think you've underestimated and dont really hear how much you are taking over. Maybe you could record a conversation and listen back to it. Maybe you'll realize you're taking over a lot more than you think.


Use the Revanced app on android and you can remove these

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They probably extract sperm and eggs and gestate them right in the pods

One of them in the pic has two cars. Of course, the ass is sticking into the road a bit but ehhhh it counts.

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The black one has open o_o eyes but the white one has closed ^_^ eyes

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What's the harm in creating the gmail account with your google account?

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This isn't an article headline, it's a discussion post. I'm not sure Betteridge's law applies.

Blue no matter who. Nothing has changed about that.

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It's only complicated because of people different spiritual beliefs, which really shouldn't affect anyone outside of themselves.

If you take it from a scientific point of view, when a fetus has no brain or thoughts or feelings or sentience, there is nothing to protect or give rights to.

The mother on the other hand clearly should have a right over their own body.

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Watch some Good Eats with Alton Brown, he talks a lot about the chemistry involved in cooking

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Stop going to reddit ffs

Lemmy, All, Top 6 Hours

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The word phobia may also refer to conditions other than true phobias.

For example, the term hydrophobia is an old name for rabies, since an aversion to water is one of that disease's symptoms. A specific phobia to water is called aquaphobia instead. A hydrophobe is a chemical compound that repels water. Similarly, photophobia usually refers to a physical complaint (aversion to light due to inflamed eyes or excessively dilated pupils), rather than an irrational fear of light.

Several terms with the suffix -phobia are used non-clinically to imply irrational fear or hatred, such as Xenophobia and Homophobia

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Is this loss?

I like the "republican slogan" labels

dinosaur disk drive


A good charcuterie is the fucking bomb.

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We used to just call that an eighth.

He knows that software locks on cameras are not trustworthy. Everyone who wants to be certain that their laptop camera isn't watching them should do the same.

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I like to imagine The Matrix (1) as a sequel to The Terminator 1&2.

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In that thread, the sponsorblock official account posted:

the ui needs to change to include ad links, so the data for when ads happen should still be retrievable somewhere in the page. Then just a bit of math

So hopefully, there will still be a method for sponsorblock to continue working.

Am I crazy or is this season 8/9? Why is it called 12 here but 9 elsewhere?

EDIT: Apparently every season after 6 has had two halves, so if you count each half separately this is season 11, but otherwise this is the second half of season 8.

So why is it 12? I'm confused.

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Looks like they asked him as a method of identity verification.