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Joined 2 months ago

In regular "semantic versioning" (the most popular), there is no build number.

Same as EVs, it will be deemed as too competitive and tarifs will make those too expensive for poor people because fuck poor people.

100k sites ignored dependency risks

JS: typing systems are boring, warnings are boring, security is boring.

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You're confused. It's unrelated to package managers, it's about basic security principles like this: but JS devs don't care.

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A strange source has found a few shitty generated memes. That's not journalism at all.

a violation by the uploader

Most countries disagree with you. The standard is to sue both people, the one who sends and the one who receives.

Also gaming on a PC is 40 years old, what do they still have to learn?

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Try medical software and devices. The requirements and specs are mandatory before doing anything. It’s actually very fun and I have less burnout thanks to this.

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IIRC, it's controlled by the carrier and not encrypted. If that's the case, it's bad. We've been moving away from carriers and internet providers, and got some privacy back by various means. Why would be roll that back?

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I tried it a long time ago and found out that they were injecting links to their shitcoins inside the web pages. Like, additional links in some web sites.

I’m still dumbfounded that there was not more protests about it because it should never happen.

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It’s not the old program anymore, and it already leaked a long time ago. It was obvious that the new one wouldn’t be open.

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no-code effort

And we know that the no-code fad was very successful in the past.

With an infinite supply of shitty projects created by “devs” who can’t code, I’ll have a guaranteed job for ever. Thanks AI!

Why is the USA the only country to have those problems, AND complain about getting free stuff?

Old reddit has started to prevent people from accessing the site without being logged in if you use a VPN. Reddit is officially dead for me since last month.

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This is great, definitely what was needed in a HTTP client. Here is how to disable this (yet another) fucking stupid decision that took time and money to develop:

Thanks Mozilla!

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Same in the medical devices industry. We have whole teams of non-developers whose job is to find out when and why a surgeon can be a moron. The code is more difficult to write, but it's way better and more robust.

Everything is an issue if you try hard enough. Feel free to fork and rename if you’re not happy. You seem to have a lot of time to waste.

Movies are shown to the public. It doesn’t mean I can copy them for free.

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My last brand new Pixel phone had debug strings in the user interface and the UI was not responsive. It’s the daily annoyances and details that made me get an iPhone. Comparisons have been stupid since the beginning of smartphones.

Pre-heating is useful.

Perverts who wait for hours to see birds having sex. That’s disgusting. Same for people who play the piano and hide their racism by using black keys as a symbol of stomping on black people.

And don’t get me started on poets…

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Outsourcing was a thing way before the pandemic, but it was always a failure for, they never dared replace us when they noticed the bad results.

I would ask how it is theft when I’m prevented from buying media from other countries. I can’t buy Romanian movies or Swedish books. It’s illegal for me to give them money. Where is the theft here?

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What will you do when the company shuts down and it becomes a $200 brick?

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FLAC is supposed to be way smaller:

I use Opus at 192 kbps. It's overkill but it should be almost perfect and has the size of an MP4.

That’s what I don’t understand. They want me to save the world with an EV, and at the same time make it so expensive I can’t afford it.

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It definitely is. Microsoft said that open source is bad cancer.

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You obviously haven’t used the web3 nocode blockchain NFT AI enough to have an informed opinion.

You’ve said everything actually.

  1. Fork
  2. Build (and if you can’t, stop because it will be too painful)
  3. Learn the code, debug, and write at the same time
  4. Write a merge request

That’s it. If you’re not a professional it will be longer but the steps are the same.

The only advice would be to learn your tools, learn the IDE, learn to debug. And if there is no documentation, write it.

I buy FLAC files on Bandcamp. I have the highest quality at a cheap price, and it hopefully won’t rot if stored properly on my NAS.

I have a LinkedIn account and post nothing, just the resume. It got me all my jobs easily for more that 15 years. You can hate it and you would be right since it’s a shitty social thing, but it brought me connections to people who are not close to me.

Also all recruiters use it so it’s not something that I can avoid or shun.

It’s funny because it’s hosted on Imgur which died a long time ago.

My car cost 10k€, the equivalent EV is 20k€. Why don’t I buy more EVs? That’s a mystery, let’s call McKinsey to understand why.

Also let’s double the price of more affordable foreign cars to increase the amount of mystery. Sometimes I wonder if governments do this to make fun of us because it’s so stupid.

offline on a computer with a MS account

That's technically impossible because you must create an account... online. Also it's a Microsoft account which is worse.

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No, you’re just wrong and boring at the same time.

Zoom CEO is obviously an idiot. Who listens to those people?

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What’s my license plate number?

Nope. Never. That’s why I don’t use Google anymore.

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Opting-out is not optional and is the opposite of private.

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Here is the problem that won’t change for me or my coworkers : we will never use GitHub and our source code is very private (medical devices or worse).

Also I asked a question that didn’t need any context or codebase. It was about a public API from an open-source project. It hallucinated a lot and failed.

Last but not least, I never needed an autocomplete on steroids. I would enjoy some kind of agent that can give precise answers on specific topics, but I understand that LLMs may never provide this.

I just cringe a lot when programmers tell me to use a tool that obviously can’t and will never be able to give me those answers.

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