Fubber Nuckin'

@Fubber Nuckin'@lemmy.world
0 Post – 169 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Probably < 1 considering you can pick up on patterns, and learning a pattern generates 1 one structure while allowing you to understand many. The learned pattern itself is likely stored within another pattern. You likely won't be able to know everything within the brain at once, but you might be able to find anything you want to know.

It'd be like memorizing every book in a library versus going through a library catalog to get what you need.

And most of them just seem unlucky

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I mean if you want to go that route, we could just say that every speaker, light source, motor, etc is 100% efficient at generating heat because all of its energy output will eventually become heat.

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But why not advertise in mWh? 19000 is bigger than 5000

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Ikr? It's like they're counting every act of digital piracy ever to be their lost profits when that's obviously not the case.

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Just use Firefox. I already like it better than brave personally.

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I'm waiting for a fairphone with a headphone jack and then hopping on that.

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No headphone jack. Real shame i won't be able to use this phone.

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I may have found a phone for you. It's called the unihertz tank 2

  • 12gb ram
  • 256GB memory (expandable)
  • 15500 mah battery
  • 60W charging
  • 120hz display


Comes with a few other really interesting features you don't see on any other phone (like a goddamn laser projector?), though i think the processor is a little underpowered.

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What community am i in?

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If i had a dime for every time someone told me to think of the children. This has more potential to harm children than make them safer imo.

i don't think they like the android community much since a lot of the community is dedicated toward getting away from the surveillance and theft that Google profits from.

Yes. We don't care. That association is stupid.

This is not it (edit: "this" referring to atmospheric scattering), because if you look at the range of what is in shadow, it is significantly larger than the portion of the sky that you can see. If you could see that far, people in more of a 50% zone would be able to see the sky darken significantly in one direction and be bright in another. What we saw instead was the entire sky darkening evenly.

The real answer lies mostly in our nonlonear perception of light, meaning that we're much more sensitive to the absolute change in amount of light when there's less light than when there's a lot. So the difference between 100% bright and 50% bright is a lot smaller to us than 50% bright and 0% bright.

try turning on a flashlight during the day and during the night and you can see the difference the same absolute change in brightness makes in different lighting scenarios. Let's say that some flashlight is 5% the brightness of the sun. Going from 100% to 105% feels like nothing, but going from 0% to 5% is massive.

In fact you can model this difference using existing perceptually accurate color spaces. Let's take the CIE L*a*b* color space. To find the perceived brightness (L*) you take Y, which is the absolute brightness in the CIE XYZ color space and run it through the following function: 116 f(Y/Yn) - 16 where Yn is the brightness of some predefined white point, and f is effectively the cube root (though it's linear when lower than (6/29)^3 (less than 1%)).

If you look at the perceived brightness at 20% absolute brightness, you see that it's not too far from the 75% brightness OP was describing.

I imagine there are other factors at play, but this is probably the biggest one.

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I really want fully on-site jobs. If i work at home then i never get mental separation of work and life, and so i feel like i can never actually live. It happened to me with all of my schooling and honestly with the distress it causes me, I'd be better off not living at all than working at home.

Time to wrap my vacuum in tin foil

She did. She's just protesting alongside others who are protesting for different reasons.

You may be underestimating how many stupid people there are.

They were no more of a pain than fishing out a wireless holder, and they took up even less space. The reason people used wireless was because manufacturers stopped giving people the option to use wired. That being said, having a headphone jack still lets you use wireless.

And nobody actually uses wired for audio quality, they use it because they don't have to charge their headphones and separate headphone case or deal with the health of another battery, they can connect and disconnect their audio devices faster and easier, they don't have to pay for an extra wireless chip and dac in their headphones or a third battery and electronics in a case.

There's actually quite a few good reasons to have the option available if you want it. I'd argue this is a "dress with no pockets" scenario, where everybody begrudgingly puts up with it because the manufacturers don't give them an option.

Pretty much every single person i talk to about this thinks that removing the headphone jack was a stupid idea, and those who don't think it's stupid are indifferent anyway.

Because Lemmy was designed with a lot of the ethos that attracts people to Linux. Lemmy is far from a representative sample because most people enjoy being fucked with so they don't have to think.

I can't wait until a company like Apple creates their own printers and somehow makes it worse.

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Respectable opinion. Have my upvote.


It's not mine (unfortunately). I don't have an original bone in my body. See these bones? They're actually someone else's.

It's a simulation, not really a study.

What're you talking about? I have 2.3 children, my lifespan is 76.4 years, and i am perfectly neurotypical.

I wish decimeter was used more commonly. It kinda takes up the place of the imperial foot.

Unfortunately they still won't put in a headphone jack which is a deal breaker for me. It's a real shame because i would otherwise really like a pixel phone.

Yeah, something at or above 100% would be good. Even at 100% they're still losing the cost of doing business and getting zero revenue from it which is a poor business decision.

Personal opinion: activity will spike around now, then plateau not much lower than its peak. It'll probably never be as popular as Reddit. I imagine most people will run into some minor inconvenience, then never try to use it again, and the rest of us will be here for years.

The problem with iPhones is that they are not flexible. Android devices can be customized (though it's getting harder to do so effectively now) so they look, feel, and function differently. Meanwhile iPhones really feel like Apple has some incentive to make sure that you can only do exactly what they say you can do, which is not as much.

Use prism, it's a more up-to-date fork of multiMC.

This is true, but kind of exaggerated. I can't run some windows 7 apps on Windows 10. I have been able to run some backalley Linux software from an html 1.0 site designed in the 90's no problem.

On both platforms backwards compatibility is a little hit or miss, but yeah Linux is worse.

I'm all for Amazon getting sued but... the big one? Wasn't there another "big one" a week or two ago? And who called it that? Feels like the reporters just made that part up.

I wish thicker bezels were more common tbh. It's annoying to swipe from the side of the screen when my case is in the way.

I don't think they suck ass as long as you understand their limitations, but everyone seems to expect them to be able to fully replace human thought and uh, yeah they're pretty bad if that's your goal.

Have you ever considered

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Well then you're just letting him win. He's still going to do his thing and get supporters. Convicting him gives some amount of validity that he's doing something wrong. Unfortunately he got his hands on a lot of gullible people before someone better could, so we can't change their minds no matter what we do. Hopefully making his crimes so public will make those not fully converted less likely to buy into his cult.