12 Post – 255 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

You're one of the large women, aren't you.

You should share with us what your general recipe is, if you'd like to of course :)

I hope I'm well liked, I generally try to make good comments and be helpful/positive if I can manage it. That being said, I also know I will not get along with everyone and that's ok too. You can't please everyone, it's just human nature that some people won't get along.

Hey, I recognize you! I'll be honest, it's mainly because of the font though.


Steam Deck Lite one day that is pocketable

I would buy that SODAMNFAST! Lol

Do we like it though? It seems like a good thing (anything has to be better than the currently broken system right?), but after reading some of the comments I'm not sure.

"This is a 100% open source effort, so you could even roll your own, if you want."

Thank you for this. Super helpful.

For some reason the location is now locked and won't update for me.

Trying to act like it flopped because it's single player... What a joke.

6 more...

As someone who always thought about getting into gaming as a career, i'm so glad i didn't... it's a shame that game developers are having to suffer through such a toxic industry, and that there aren't more protections in place for these people that create the amazing experiences that we all love so much.

I hope that they are able to find new and better places of employment.

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The internet is neutral.

Corporate social media is definitely toxic.

This seems like a good opportunity to prove the resiliency of the protocol to me.

We will weather this shit.

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OP, I'm pretty much the opposite. I like the way Lemmy feels and operates vs. Mastadon (I'm on both though) and so generally spend more time here. I'd like the ability to see what's going on over there, from over here.

I've always been a forums guy.

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Honestly, I don't think I'll own another console at this point.

PC will have my focus.

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Honestly, I still just post here. You may not get the same amount of answers as you would've on reddit, but it's still worth a shot. Besides, somebody's got to start populating this place with good info. Why not be the one who starts it?

That being said, pretty much every time I've asked about something here I've got excellent feedback.

Organic maps looks beautiful, osmand is kinda bland

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I finally deleted mine the other day. No goodbyes, no fanfare, just dumped it like the garbage it is. No regrets.

Trades. Learn a trade. Electrician?

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Yeah, we're trying to get the fuck away from algorithms. That's what makes the fediverse such a big draw currently, for me.

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Dude, you should re-post this with the 'here is the inside' picture featured as the main picture. Thing is fucking sweet!

Don't even ask, just start washing them yourself. Lol

Yes. I think it would be helpful.

You are too impatient. We have this wonderful new thing, that's just in the very beginning stages, with such incredible potential.

I'm so excited to be here, and other places on the fediverse, and being able to experience this great paradigm shift is pretty special to me even with the current drawbacks/shortcomings that it comes with.

Why do you think Linux isn't ready for mainstream use? Just curious. edit: nevermind, I see you've already discussed this.

I went full switch recently, and haven't hit any major roadblocks yet. I feel like I could've done this years ago too.

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I was under the impression that DM's on Mastodon (and Lemmy too) weren't ever stated as being secure and I think that they were both pretty transparent about this particular aspect.

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Made me think of this:

Can you make an inverse instructional on how to browse and post to Mastadon from Lemmy? Lol

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Would there be any way you could share your observations/opinions when you feel like you've gotten to that point? I'd like to hear comparison notes and stuff like that.

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Love darknet diaries!


Yo, that laptop looks like it might be suffocating? We just gonna ignore that? Lol

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Really glad to see this. I like their manifesto, almost like an internet constitution or something

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This seems pretty awesome, I may just have to give it a go. I never had a chance to play through MM back in the day.

What differences does this have over Lemmy?

Edit: I never actually used Tumbler

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(hahaha, lol, roflcopter)

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train the ducks to chase after the enemies. Lol

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Nice, you won one.

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I feel like most of what you said there can just be directly copy-pasted to the sidebar.