12 Post – 704 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

The ultimate bacon reason

I remember a show store called dsw shoes had an S burned out so it was just dsw hoes. which makes more sense because dsw stands for designer shoe warehouse so why add an extra shoes at the end to make it designer shoe warehouse shoes

Sometimes they just get dirty, we learned that after our ac only spat out hot air, we rinsed it off and it was good as new ready to die for us again

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Truancy is a serious crime

the issue I have had with PopOS is multi-monitor support, I cant rotate my rotated second monitor except through the nvidia settings, and my settings get wiped after a reboot, its a known issue for years, other than that I havent had any problems, I have been slowly finding replacement software for everything that I used on windows

Try out krita, rawtherapee, darktable, for photoshop stuffs, depending on what you need.

The Adobe stuff always held me back before but I finally just started messing with linux and trying stuff out. I don't need photoshop for professional use so I was fine spending the time trying to find alternatives for what I needed

I don't know, we put in a lot of effort to make our living room clear for our robot vac. We lifted the sofa we got shelves with a space at the bottom but roomboi still just gets stuck on it's own in the middle of a hardwood floor

I feel like nuggies were the beginning of enshitified food

Now we can find communities and just passively partake

How do they cook the lamb?

The Zuck loves sweeeet baby rays

What would be the final straw

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That was the first thing I thought, people coming up with reasons to keep their own jobs by saying they need to keep making job posts even if they aren't going to hire anyone, and to say that when they are ready to hire they already have applicants

There are laws that prevent the theft of someone's catalytic converter as well

The trick is you hire a runner who comes over when you ring a bell and he unplugs your computer and plugs in the one you need and then takes the other computer to someone else that needs it, I think they call him a vm short for vamoose machine

That's horrible, did the bootleggers know they were adding methanol or is it like the US during prohibition where the government mandated manufacturers poison their alcohol so bootleggers wouldn't use it

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Because the diamond guy wants to advertise to people like you, Google just gives them a check list of who they want to target and Google listens, if big diamond wants nerds to see diamond ads Google will take their money

I was in the same boat, I have a dual boot main machine now but I haven't booted I to windows since I installed Pop!OS, I've been mostly just seeing what alternatives to everything so far, especially photo stuff, but I seem to be pretty settled now after messing with popos on a little thin client and little second pc I keep at work

I had some jaybird buds that have the wrap around wire with a clip to your shirt so you can pop one out without tugging the other, also they came with all sorts of ear mounts so they can stay in your ear, I have really found anything that work as good for use while working

OK we'll remove the label next update for your convenience

I thought it was mint mobile

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I miss the days where everyone was working from home, traffic is horrible again

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Mattress stores that stay open 24/7, pretty sure you send them a mattress full of cash and they deliver you a mattress full of coke

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Wait you watch the video? I thought everyone just went there for the ads and emailed YouTube executives to please keep adding more

Have you tried not being a robot

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They told the rock it was one movie to save money

But once your body gets used to pumping out so much extra blood, if you skip donate day you will plump up and explode

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Im hoping retirement homes will have lan parties

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The trick is to make as much money as possible then jump ship to a newer competing company that has the ability to grow more before you leech it to death again

Sounds an awful lot like the trials after hitlers failed coup attempt, after all, the nazis were "guided in their actions by a purely patriotic spirit and the noblest of selfless intentions"

Or just stop screwing your laptop and go jis somewhere else

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This dude is trying to categorize all the different NPC variants.

We always joked about this when I worked at a really busy pizza place, how around the corner er all the npcs would spawn and sometimes you'd get the same one in a row just rendered a different color outfit

Make sure to make a conscious choice to stop every once in a while and take the moments in, otherwise you might not remember anything because things are happening so fast on the day

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Most people dislike that everything is being dragged down for profit margins instead of taking care of humanity

Welp the wake up call already pushed me to linux, finally

"One of the randomly generated points of interest, the abandoned research tower, usually has a computer at the top where you can download the planetary survey data for the planet your [sic] on," they wrote. "Just a tip!"

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Sometimes I'll swing by Starbucks before my hour long commute to work I feel guilty each time because all but one coffee shop in town closed down but we have like 7 Starbucks now, one literally across the street from the other

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Nintendo chat that got discontinued because creeps

You can link them together at least that's how the discord and matrix chats are for our instance are. I can chat from discord and get replies from people in matrix

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Just use uber sprint

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