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Joined 12 months ago

Or the entire state of Vermont.

Literally Verde Monte

The green mountain state.

Ahh yes. Reminds me of my teenage years. Experimenting with Marijuana, pirated MP3s, and the Milkdrop visualization plugin for Winamp. Those were good times... Real good times.

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Reminds me of the Chocolatey Uninstall script warning

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Okay, so I'm not crazy. I started seeing this today, and I had to stop and think "Wait, was this always here?"

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I think this explains it right here. As another commenter said "more fear than anything else". Animals act very differently than humans when they are scared, they often get very aggressive. Anecdotally, when I was younger my loving smush of a dog got hit by a car and I ran over to her and she bit the shit out of me. She was scared for her life, and that's just how her brain was wired to react.

And just so I don't leave anybody feeling awful, she made it to the vet, needed a pin in her hip, and her tail was amputated, but she went on to live to the ripe old age of 15. My bites weren't too bad because she was a small dog. No stitches needed, but I have some tiny scars left if you look really close

But if you want to feel angry about the situation, it was a cop car that she was hit by which was flying down a residential street, and the cop yelled at me and my mother and threatened to give us a ticket for having a dog off the leash. And thus my hatred for police began at the age of 10.

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"The plastic knife toy, which is shaped like a carrot"

They got some real weird shaped carrots in South Korea.

I want to be cremated, and then have my ashes condensed into a diamond. I want that diamond to be embedded in the hilt of a sword. I want everybody in my family for generations to be put in the same sword and then in the distant future when the zombies arise, my great great great great grandchild can break the glass and weild the blade honing the power of generations of ancestors in their hand and start lobbing off heads.

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"You could have half the comments on that post, and frankly the quality might go up, not down."

This is probably my favorite part of Lemmy. The comment section feels more meaningful, and not a landfill of garbage posts. Additionally, if I make a comment, there is a higher chance that it will be read and responded to, so it feels like I am actually engaging with a community, and not just chucking my thoughts into space and hoping they land on a planet.

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Watch them for what exactly? For... Voting for another candidate? I don't understand. Like. They are looking for fraud? What would that look like?

I don't get it. Like if I went and watched the people at my local voting center, I would see a bunch of senior citizen voulenteers handing out ballots, and then I would see people putting their ballots into the big scantron machine thing. That's what it would look like. That's what it looks like every time.

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I fuck with hot gas station sandwiches. Like the ones they have wrapped in paper/foil in the little to-go heat lamp hut. Also anything from the hot roller. Like taquitoes or doom dogs as I call them. I like em extra dizzy and sweaty. Maybe with a packet of onion slime on em.

I survived on that stuff as a teen. You could get a pretty solid meal at the gas station for like $3. But this was also back when McDonald's had a dollar menu and you could get 2 mcdoubles and a drink for $3.

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This is like the 3rd time I've seen somebody bring up Outer Wilds today, and I still haven't played it. It looks like that might be next on my list.

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Real Player.

Nobody had enough bandwidth to actually stream anything. I guess some people had IDSN, and maybe even fewer cable internet, but the majority of the world was still on dial up. You can't stream video on dial up.

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The worst part is that Windows can do that, but Microsoft insists on enshittifying it. Like Windows 11 isn't that terrible if it wasn't for all of the data collection and advertisements and other shit.

I miss the Windows 7 days where you could download a stripped down ISO that was just the OS. It launched your programs of choice and didn't suck up your battery running unnecessary junk.

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Not sure but it's probably the same stuff they used in my college cafeteria. Sometimes the yellow cake with chocolate frosting had these crumbles on the top. It dawned on us, that the crumbles were just the cake from yesterday ground up and sprinkled on top. We called it "Yestercake"

Or maybe we put them in a room and fill it with the nitrogen gas. Some kind of... Chamber.

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Edit: I deleted everything I said because I misread "source code" as "sound track"... Nevermind me go on with your day.

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It's like a mantra for bad decision making. But it should really be used the opposite way. Like... I better put my seat belt on because YOLO.

I met my Wife on tinder 7 years ago and we have been married for 4 now. From what I'm told, that was the golden age of dating apps, and they have gotten awful. It's all bots, and people trying to sell only fans subscriptions. It's a bummer because the concept was good, but once people figure out how to exploit the app for money, it's over.

A lot of people in here acting like the patient was the one that got to decide what kind of drugs they were getting. I had covid very very early on, and I was hospitalized. They had me on hydroxychloroquine. The doctors and nurses didn't know what the fuck was going on, they were trying everything they could hoping that something would work. I was basically a test subject because it was so early on. It looks like it didn't kill me, which is great, but at no point did I ask to be put on it.

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I put "Chaotic Neutral Technomancer" as my title at work and HR said I had to change it.

Wasn't this basically the original f7u12 rage comic?

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From my understanding trolling meant exactly what it says it is: Trolling. I think people for some reason get this mixed up with trolls - as in the fantasy type monster. But I think it actually has to do with the fishing termtrolling where you cast out your line, and see if you can get somebody to take the bait. Once they take the bait, you take em for a ride.

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Linus was ahead of the game on this one. Nvidia should start building data centers next to public pools. Cool the systems and warm the pools.

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Yup. The city didn't pay for shit. The citizens of Chicago did. I say make cops pay for lawsuits out of their pension funds. Watch this shit turn around real fast.

In my teenage years and early 20s I pirated everything because I was broke. I could squirrel away enough money to build a low grade gaming computer and the benefit to me was "I don't have to pay for games because I can pirate them". That or I survived on Demo CDs that came with magazines I got at the book store (and later on I think it was demoplanet.com?). If it wasn't for these resources, I probably never would have gotten into PC gaming.

Now that I have expendable income, I buy games that I want to play.

I would never have been a customer if I wasn't originally a pirate. It's the circle of life.

Also I just went and bought this game because I have money to support shit like this and I'm all about supporting developers who understand.

The whole "Is hacking an act of war?" thing needs to be seriously reconsidered. Of course, if the US decided it was, they would be guilty of so many acts of war. And it's not just the US. Everybody is trying to hack everybody and acting like killing people by bringing down a power grid is somehow different than killing people by dropping a bomb. The outcome is the same: You did something that intentionally killed people.

Of course saying that hacking is an act of war opens up a huge can of worms. Suddenly small time hackers are being charged with or framed for war crimes.

It's a delicate issue, but I think it is worth revisiting.

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Enjoy all of your years. I feel like each decade of my life has had amazing parts, and also shitty parts. They have all been objectively different though. Try to focus on the amazing parts and enjoy them, but also make sure to learn from the shitty parts.


When I was in the 3rd grade, our class had to do reports on countries around the world and we were all assigned a country. I got Egypt. Coincidentally, some friends of my parents had recently gotten back from a trip to Egypt. My parents asked their friends if there was anything I could bring in to use for my presentation. They let me borrow this little statue they got. It was an eagle with a hat, I think it was a depiction of Horus. It was carved out of some really nice white stone, maybe marble or something? I brought it into school, put it on my desk, and waited patiently to stand up and do my report. When I stood up, I bumped my desk, and the statue fell to the ground and broke in half.

Now monetarily this may not have been the most "expensive" thing, but it was the souvineer that this family brought back from Egypt that they had on their mantle to always remember the trip. It was priceless.

Why the fuck would you let a 7 year old bring your breakable souvineer to school for a class project?

Anyway, those people stopped being friends with my parents after that, so I have a feeling it was either expensive or meant a lot.

This hurts me to think about. Why did you have to ask this question?

Potato chips on burgers - I like to call that "fat guy lettuce"... Adds a nice crunch.

Has that honestly ever stopped Trump before?

If anybody is curious, here are the details on how to do that: https://www.pdq.com/blog/how-to-block-the-windows-11-upgrade/

If you want to take it a step further, write a Powershell script that checks that the registry entry is what you want it to be, and then changes it if it is not. Then create a scheduled task to run at login that runs the script. That way if/when Microsoft pushes an update that switches the registry entry back, the scheduled task will flip it back after installing updates/rebooting/logging in.

I am currently fighting this battle with New Outlook in Win 11 23H2. It's really annoying. I can get rid of it with registry entries, but when windows does updates it reverts the registry changes back. So scheduled task it is. It would be great if there was an Intune configuration profile to deal with this, but that would go against Microsoft's current methods of shoving new products down your throat.

I feel like any time a bigot feels so strongly about something like this it's projection. I would bet money this dude has some big skeletons in his closet, and it's usually only so long before it comes out. Also, people who think that laws are what stop people freak me out. Like... You are afraid that men are going to go into bathrooms and creep on women and the only thing that stops them is laws? I don't do it because I'm not a fuckin creep. Like this guys is telling me that if there were not laws against it, that's what he would be doing? That's what I'm hearing.

Are you a horse?

I'm really surprised Dokaryan hasn't done this one yet. For those unfamiliar he's a guy that makes videos of soaking food in liqour for a week "or until something interesting happens". He then eats some of the food, and takes a shot of the liqour. His concoctions range from really delicious (strawberry candy in blueberry vodka) to downright foul (squid in Kraken rum).

His personality probably isn't for everybody. He's kinda loud and owns way too many fedoras, but he has grown on me.

Congratulations on being part of the problem.

A bidet. You can get a basic one for $30-$40 and there is no need to get anything fancier than that. With the amount of money you save on toilet paper, it will more than pay for itself in the first year.

Additionally, toilet paper will never clean your rusty balloon knot nearly as well as a stream of water. If you got shit on your hand, would you be satisfied with wiping it off with some paper? I hate pooping anywhere else but shit-base-alpha. Whenever I have to poop somewhere and use toilet paper, I feel like a filthy caveman.

This just triggered a deep memory from within me. My brother used to say "half past" when I asked him the time, and when I would say "half past what?" the response was always "Half past the monkeys ass, a quarter to his balls"

I still don't know what it means or where it came from, but when I was 8 years old, it was hilarious.

Hydro Homie checking in. My piss is always clear. Drink on.

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