
67 Post – 416 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The memes are shit but free

I wouldn’t pass on the free education, if I were you

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I wish he’d do the right thing and drop out. It’s 2 months until the convention and there is a long list of people who are not trump. The bar is low and any D will do at this point

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Just curious, what far left bullshit?

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Bernie is older, but sharp as ever. I know it’ll never happen though. The DNC would rather give it to trump, again

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Thanks to the DNC you are required to make this choice

Voting reform and overturning citizens united would be a start

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Ughh that’s what Neolibs and the DNC said 4 years ago when they force-fed the left Joe Biden

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No, it’s not too late. The convention is still 2 months out

I've seen 2 before, albeit not in the formats listed

I like to picture my Jesus as a desert hippie that people liked and told tall tales of in order to give people living in that harsh environment some hope and meaning.

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They didn’t miscalculate anything. Genocide has always been the plan

How tf is an “outdoors enthusiast” not bring water bottle and have to resort to filling his boot for water. This is some bs

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If they do end up testing for drugs, the results will be as real as their other results have been

And Corn pop was a bad dude, we know this.

Maybe it’s that the “US economy” and it’s metrics are severely detached from the American people. Unless we’re still on this corporations are people too bullshit

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Lawmakers should not be allowed to trade stocks

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Hilary propped up Trump. Never forget that. The political turmoil we are currently in is directly because or her. Fuck her and the DNC

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Stop funding Israel’s genocide seems like an easy sensible option. That’s kinda straightforward

The man organized an insurrection and it was televised. He won’t be held accountable for this either.

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She encouraged trump to run & gave donations to him. He would not have even ran in 2016 if it were not for her and the DNC. It is her fault

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A banana still costs $10 for everyone

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There’s always Hamas in the banana stand

Aiding genocide is a bad look
Edit: who would have thought that statement was controversial


Ughh…HRC is the whole reason we’re in this predicament in the first place

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Stop aiding Israel’s genocide doesn’t seem too difficult, but I’m not a Zionist.

Very on brand

Ugh, that’s what I said in 2015 when he descended a golden escalator to announce his candidacy. I have since lost any remaining faith in US politics. Everyone has become more insane since then and there has been absolutely no signs of rational discussion reentering the political forum.

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Ask an Armenian why Erdogan chooses those words

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No bussy for you

I suppose not much has changed then

Please release the trump nap sketches

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is born female in Pakistan :??

North Korean: 🤷‍♂️

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Where I’m from we traditionally use stones for soup. Rocks are reserved to make candies

Hitler didn’t make it to 80. It’d be nice if trump took that note

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It’s just a clunky reskin of fo4 with no depth. I’ve put about 50 hrs in at this point & will probably continue for a bit because it’s a comforting loot cycle that pleases my lizard brain. It really lacks the feeling exploration possibilities that Skyrim & fallout worlds have. The bugs, UI, bland emptiness, and shit tier maps are why I wouldn’t recommend…but is a decent time kill if you’ve enjoyed their previous games

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I really enjoy going to botanic gardens and greenhouses. The plants and the warm humid air always brings me up

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Sound booth (tent)

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