Color 🎨

@Color 🎨
9 Post – 143 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

Just an artist who loves life | I love drawing biblically accurate angels

Yes, and weirdly enough, I can also read and write in my dreams just as I can in real life.

A cheap, faulty lightbulb hissed, arced, and then flew out of the socket. I really do need to get better lightbulbs...

Did you know that blueberries are actually so weird? They're blue on the outside, green on the inside, and purple when they're ground up.

Respect the blueberries.

Beat every Pikmin game 100%

I'd love to go caving!

Laughs in UBlock Origin

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Shopping Any% speedrun (WR)

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Cure for cancer

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I don't know why but mushrooms growing on things like carpet/flooring really scares me for some reason 😂 😱

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Probably like chicken or other bird meat, since birds are a type of dinosaur!

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Distilled water isn't bad for you in moderation, but electrolytes and other solutes which are present in impure water are important in maintaining cellular homeostasis, so you'd want to drink standard water on the side. Dissolving electrolytes into distilled water just means that you'll have extra clean normal water. Fun fact, Coca Cola and other soft drinks use distilled water!

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How's it any different from creationism?

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I'd give it to a homeless person or another person in need

Instructions unclear, speedrun ruined by RNG which put me directly behind a 98 year old lady at the till and subsequently had to endure an unskippable cutscene where she and the cashier are laughing about the things her new Pomeranians are doing.

A drawing tablet! I enjoy drawing so much, even the sound of the pen scraping against the tablet is complete ear candy for me!!

It somehow still surprises me that in 2024 you have people who are still living in the middle ages.

I have an elderly neighbour who is a little on the paranoid side and believed that fluoride in the water was going to poison him. He ended up buying a distiller, and he started to only drink distilled water. He became very sick and had go to to the hospital where he was diagnosed with hyponatremia. Essentially, if you drink too much distilled water it'll flush out the sodium and other minerals in your body causing cells to expand and burst due to the osmotic pressure. If someone is drinking distilled water it's important that they watch their electrolyte intake. Drinking too much water in general can lead to hyponatremia, but it can happen more easily with distilled water since it's as hypotonic as it gets.

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EMS, the scientists who made the vaccines which have prevented millions of deaths from COVID, and the mothers who are making the effort to raise up their kids to be the best people they can be.

Hot sauce!

Though there are questions as to its veracity, "a delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad". As an artist, this is the reason I'll never rush things and spend ample time on my art.

There's a lot of rocks in jungles

I won't discuss politics, and I won't share personal info about myself in general

"Before I die, I have a stash of money and precious gold... I'll tell you where it is... it's.. it's...... dramatically dies "

Yes, such as Patreon. Less hassle with more substance.

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Babies get delivered by storks

I'm an artist, and I'll gaze at seemingly trivial things like reflections of a cup on a semi glossy surface, and then do an analysis of it in my head along the lines of "hmm...the reflection is at maybe 30-40% opacity, and the reflection falls off at more of an oblique angle, falling off completely by the time the reflection gets to half the cup's height...the glossier the surface the less falloff there is and the sharper the reflection is!"

They change their icon all the time for laughs along with making amusing videos that exploit the memes


As a color, that entirely depends on what my wavelength is. I personally vibe with the wavelengths of 490 to 500 nanometers. But I'm also quite fond of rocking 600 to 620 nanometers on some days!

Caution: Retinal damage can occur at or above 4,000 lux. Judge my brightness at your own risk!


Pillow shading and what I refer to as "dull shading" where a person just exclusively uses pure black to shade. The former can look good in certain situations but otherwise looks a bit odd, the latter can make a picture look dirty if they're otherwise using bright colors.

I dream every night and my dreams are usually both very vivid and also very surreal. The last dream I had involved getting lost in a restaurant that was a non-Euclidean space