31 Post – 467 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Bernie has massive balls here and he's jewish himself. Call them like they are, Bernie! We should've had you in 2016 and 2020!

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More like - EVERYONE is.

Everyone who isn't well-off that is.

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Should've done what Snowden did. If you know what you're going to do, will lead to these consequences? Get the hell out of the country.

Because this is EXACTLY the kind of thing the American Government would've done to Snowden if he stayed. Snowden was right that he knew they wouldn't give him a fair trial.

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Of course it would. This is simply just retaliation from the GOP because their glorious former "leader" was impeached like, twice.

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Eggs are again steadily rising in price. Wal-Mart "great value" prices isn't all that 'great' to begin with, with most of it's products.

But can we stop calling things inflation? Call it for what it really has been - G-R-E-E-D

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Yahoo! Messenger shut down in 2018
MSN Messenger discontinued in 2013
AIM Messenger discontinued in 2017

ICQ was really the last of them and it's ending quite an era. This is, officially, the end of the Messengers.

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I'm so fucking tired of this acceptance people have where they treat Meta and Facebook as separate entities. Where, at one point, it was just one entity called Facebook. Facebook doesn't have a parent company, because it's just Facebook. Meta only came into existence because Mark was forced his hand in some monopoly issue or something.

And big surprise, Facebook dictating who can and can't be on it's platform.

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Dude, this shit is so outdated now it's not even funny. We knew it was Osama. We knew he operated in a terrorist network which is pretty damn broad over in the Middle-East as that's been their issue for quite some time even back then. Of course there's going to be some complicity and those helping eachother because of whatever code they function under since they're a terrorist network.

Of course George Bush was a fucking idiot along with Donald Rumsfield, Dick Cheney and every other war-mongering shithead in that administration who simply wanted to go to Iraq anyways as a make-good because they derailed their primary objective. Can't find Osama? Get rid of Saddam, why not, it'll make for some sugarcoated sounding progress. All the while, let's tank the fucking economy while we're at it. Oh and get rid of some American lives who were just thrown into this makeshift war too.

Shit, we knew there was some level of complicity with the 1993 WTC bombing attempt. Almost nobody talked of that. Big fucking clue there!

The Middle-East is seriously corruption central, there's barely any resemblance of dignity over there. We shouldn't have been surprised of anything fucked up that ever happened while in there and around there.

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This world is bullshit!

Akira Toriyama has recently died at 68 and here's this corrupt media mogul shithead at 92 doing this.


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Then get the fuck off of it.

Seriously, it's on you the longer you stay on that shithole platform. Despite all of the warnings. All of the things Musk has done. You're still on it. Why? Besides member count, why? Why stick with something that actively hates you and works against your best interests?

"Because uh, muh friends..."

Get those friends off the fucking platform too. If they're staying behind, consider getting new friends.

Mastodon and Blue Sky are better alternatives. Get the fuck off of X. Get some damn self-respect for once.

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And all of the Reddit moderators looked in awe and decided to behave just like him.

Only problem is that they aren't getting the kind of money he does for it.

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The point where we learned how useless the judiciary is, is when they couldn't even pin down Zuckerberg. The media made it all sound like "Ohhhh, Mark is getting grilled now! he's going to face time and penalties!"

And...nothing came of it. Because the judiciary is too dumb to even understand Facebook.

This guy right here is the reason some 1,500 jobs were lost from Spotify.

Talk about overpaid piece of shit.

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There's no point in debating anyways. What has Trump done in all of the debates he's ever partaken in since 2016? It's nothing but loud mouth, underhanded and stepping over boundaries kind of tactics. That's all he's got, it's all he's had and it's all he's ever going to have. There is no point in debating about serious issues with a diaper-shitting loudmouth who's going to just rabble at you. It'd be like talking to a dumb Reddit troll who's an armchair know-it-all.

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Fuck them. It's their choice. This conman will sell them all out again when he gets the chance.

This voterbase of his are living in an entire universe of their own from ours. They've been convinced that any negative that happens, is "winning" against their opposers. The easily duped. The mislead. The fools. They know not any better even in the face of reason and logic. Even as their friends and family have died, gotten jailed or been fucked over by the very party they continue voting for who lied to them about how they were going to "make this country great again".

So at this point, these people are systematically committing suicide by political association.

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It's not just him.

In my eyes, the following individuals are dangers to the world and society:

Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Sundar Pichai, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Ebrahim Raisi, Ron DeSantis, Mitch McConnell, John Thune, Susan Collins, Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz, Greg Abbott, Benjamin Netanyahu, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, Mike Johnson

And everybody else I hadn't named but behave similarly to or exactly like these piles of collective shits. What a fucking time to be alive, said no one unironically. Damn I have to keep almost coming back to this comment to edit because of a name of some other asshole I just remembered to tack onto this list, it's horrible.

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More like recruited and embraced, right?

"Libs of TikTok is a handle for various far-right and anti-LGBT social-media accounts operated by Chaya Raichik a former real estate agent."

Explains everything.


The sacrifice was in vain, we know Putin is a shithead.

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It's a Republican tactic to waste time on the floor and waste the time of those who are tending to bigger manners. It's a tactic used by Republicans when they're salty that they don't have everything their way. We've seen this before when I think, Clifford the Big Red dog was the center of attention at one point? Something equally as stupid.

You're correct.

Social Media is the perfect example of this. Everytime a new social media network arrives, they always boast about being able to do things you could already have done with the other 9 social media networks. Sharing pictures and video, chatting .etc. They're all things we could've already have done far way back in the days of messaging software like AIM. It's nothing new, it's just recycled ideas being treated as new.

The only things that have ever improved were the amount of size of videos and pictures we can share and the speed in which we're able to do it with. That's it.

The well of finding new ideas has ran dry, because they've all been tried and done before many times. New name, same old shit.

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May I ask - why is anyone bothering to install Windows 11 on old hardware in the first place?

Old hardware is better for Linux. Either install Linux or you can get used to having your old hardware be used as a paperweight.

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Can this guy's life just...end please?

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This guy's mind right now.

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No, 4 years was enough thank you.

Oh no, will that mean Tesla won't be as rich as he boasts?

Also, he's looking fugly, damn dude, learn to shave. When thin facial hair doesn't work, it doesn't work. Damn rich people.

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Nah, it's easier for them to sit on their fatasses and do the bare minimum of movement while they tout their shitty flags and shirts about in their traitorous stances. They're the same people that wouldn't even sign up to be in the US Army, but will swear up and down about "IF I WAS THERE..." stories of power fantasies.

It's exactly how reporting shithead users online is like.

You report a stupid asshole, takes a long ass time to be dealt with.

They report you - record time.

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This is saying a lot, knowing Turkey.

Some Republican members of Congress have called the program "wasteful" and complained that most people using the discounts had broadband access before the subsidy was available. Rosenworcel's letter today said the FCC survey found that "68 percent of ACP households stated they had inconsistent or zero connectivity prior to ACP."

But what isn't wasteful to them, is throwing billions to ISP lobbyists who continue to make empty promises of expanding broadband, while spending that money heavily marketing services that aren't even available yet in people's areas nor probably will ever be.

I always almost wonder what exactly villains do when they've failed to beat the superhero and didn't get caught. Now we know.

Because they're traitors.

Um, Trump, you're not president.

The internet is 'dead' anyways, what're you talking about?

People frequent like the same 5 sites anymore. Privacy is clinging onto a thread. Porn has too much influence and control in terms of content. Users are two-faced pricks at a given turn. Too many verification/captcha systems. Too much data farming. Flat, dull and feature-less website designing. Anything that was remotely good got shut down or plugged with ads.

The bots are just the death knoll.

Oh, remember the time when people once thought that bots on the internet was a conspiracy theory? Bet they feel like fools now. Like in this report here

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Corporations after seeing how Black Friday netted over $9.8 billion: According to these numbers, people LoVe the prices!

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And I don't understand why any woman votes conservative, knowing that conservatives actively want to destroy their rights. They already done so with abortion.

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Oh boy, Russia has found their new meat grinder.

Again, the problem is in plain sight - CHRISTIAN NATIONALIST.

Only a CHRISTIAN NATIONALIST would say and push for this shit.

I don't care whether or not she connects with an audience. You can communicate with the audience all you want.

What matters is whether or not she's actually going to mean anything, instead of playing cute for people.

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