Be wary of spiteful Reddit users to Reddit – 0 points –

In the past week and a half, I've noticed Reddit behaviors starting to try and poison all of the places that people are taking refuge in to get away from the toxicity, myself included. They've started to DDoS Lemmy for a while, which is a Reddit thing to do and what they're notorious of doing whenever they feel they don't like something.

And now they've been trickling in numbers, these incredibly toxic users that behave as they would on Reddit. The reckless shitposting, derailing open civil discussions with unfunny and irrelevant jokes. The downvote brigading and banding together to get you banned. This exact thing has happened to me on Lemmy, that I had to leave because the toxicity was gradually building.

We should reject Reddit toxicity in general, tell them they don't have a place here or anywhere. They know where they can dump their shit in, but they feel that because they've made mountains of it, that they've got to come over to other places and do it all over again.

I left Reddit because the toxicity levels have gotten unbearable. I really am yearning for a place where I can talk in and not be antagonized. I'm sure others are too.


you should get over yourself, and not worry about calling other people names

Where and who am I calling names to? What's this preemptive judgment of yours? See, you're behaving exactly similar to the behaviors I've talked about.

Maybe it's you that should get over yourself, you know, heed your own advice. The internet deserves to be a place to interact without the likes of you. infesting it. You just don't like that idea and feel you've got to be the center of some attention somewhere.

your entire post is instructions for calling people names, you drama queen.. with all the yearning and what not..

Nope, you're wrong. He is exactly right in his op and about you.

very well.. having pronounced judgement, you, Scary_le_Poo will now pass sentence and name my punishment.. my punishment for obviously being a Spiteful Reddit User(TM).. show no mercy.. be sure to make an example.. that's the only way you'll be safe..

because your name is perfect for the job, Scary_le_Poo

Are you the same person as this guy? You seem to keep making new accounts and posts to hide your post history and complain about redditors.

I certainly can't know whether what you've experienced is actually toxicity or just criticism, as I can't see your post history. But any site with sufficient mass will be flooded with people like this. All the way back to 1993.

Part of being online anywhere with open signups and free discussion is just dealing with that sort of thing. The only way to prevent it is to spin up your own defederate instance and only allow people to join who you deem worthy of conversation with.

Oh nice, stalkers. Cool, said no one.

And no I disagree, the only way to prevent toxicity is for a moderation team to give a damn and maybe for the toxic users to realize that they won't be tolerated. I've never understood this stance where the "best" way to deal with something is to just find your own gathering. I don't have a following and I don't want to develop some following so I feel like I can talk. Everyone should have the privilege to talk where they want without the pressure of being antagonized.

The problem isn't the other people. The problem is the individuals who get confrontational and pose problematic behaviors. Not the other way around.

If you want to take up the time burden of moderating large communities for free you can contribute to the solution but it is a lot of work with no compensation, so there is a valid reason that throwing more moderation at the problem is much easier said than done

I'm probably some of the few people who'll actually be glad to be moderating large communities. The problem is that, people wouldn't like how I handle things because god forbid I actually move and act to resolve problems. Than letting it sit there and just remain untouched like I see so other instances of moderation do.

Please do not ever apply to moderate anything. You will destroy the community. To be quite honest, with the attitude on display in this thread, you would be one of the first people to earn themselves a ban from somewhere I was in charge of.

Personally I've extremely rarely ever had the sorts of experiences you claim to have either on reddit or on the Fediverse. Especially not having groups of people hunt me down for my opinions. If everywhere you go smells like shit, you should check your own shoes - I find it difficult to believe that you haven't been bringing this upon yourself with your behavior.

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Let Reddit go, it's making you a bit irrational.

The idea that Reddit is staging some nefarious conspiracy to "poison" fediverse spaces ... is losing the whole plot.

OP's straight up writing fanfiction trying to cast a site they just left as villains in some swashbuckling coming-of-age story. It's a nine-hour-old account, and they're already embracing the Us vs Them mentality and trying to sell it with prose.

I don't know how OP managed to pick fights within a couple hours of signing up for their account, but I'd suggest that if they left Reddit for "toxicity" only to immediately find it here too ... maybe they're carrying it around with them?

Do you just love living a life, where you think you know everything and place people in some little organizer that you define people as, personally? Because you're doing exactly the same thing as you're claiming as to what I'm doing, just to make yourself look better and righteous.

That's the kind of mentality I see all around Reddit as also. Nobody is accountable for their own behavior, it's always the other person's fault and it's always the other person who is the toxic one. Somehow. Someway. Despite condemning evidence to the contrary for all to see, how it's all of the people pegging rocks at them. It's exactly how it is in school, with bullying, only it's amplified online. Does it make you feel superior? Does it make you feel better? What is the precise reason do you feel, that you have to behave this way?

I'm pretty confident it is some insecurity within you that you shroud so well, but I can see the cracks already just by your reply alone. May I advise that maybe you should take some time outdoors, instead of like, making up characters out of baseless assumptions to satisfy your pseudo intelligence?

I criticized you for jumping to conclusions and fabricating narrative to support them. And apparently you got so offended by the criticism that ... you went and did it all over again, targeting me, committing even harder to the bit.

You just wrote a bunch of wild fanfiction about me and then tried to have an argument with that imaginary version of me. Might as well just yell at ghosts in the shower if you're that desperate to feel like you've snatched some petty victory from the jaws of self-inflicted defeat that is this thread.

You're the problem with your own experience.

This response is hugely excessive for the "provocation" and yet I'm sure you'll storm off imagining that I'm the big meanie here and you were some completely reasonable and utterly justified saint of good behaviour - for absolutely going off on someone who gently mocked your very serious demands for everyone to be nicer to you and meaner to the people you dislike. And you've done that to everyone who wasn't fawningly positive towards you in this thread - that you started by being hateful and childish towards a site you just left and the userbase of the site you just joined.

Even with the tiny sample size I can see why you have so many encounters with "toxic" people. You antagonize and attack people, then pretend they were the toxic ones if they defend themselves.

It's not hard to miss that you've just happened to call me all of the things that other people have told you about yourself in this thread. Hell, this whole little speech would have been far more appropriate as something someone said to you, if they were trying to hurt your feelings; so given how off the mark it was when directed at me, it's easy to wonder if maybe you're projecting a little here.

I think maybe you are on the wrong instances. Find some better people or start your own community. And we are Lemmings not Redditors anymore.

Kbinaut here. I'm still wondering if Kbinite or Kbinaut will win out lol.

Meanwhile poor OP is apparently being haunted by the shadows of redditors calling him out for toxicity on two different websites lol.

If it smells like shit everywhere you go...

Are you OK mate? Like, seriously, are you OK? It sounds like you're very preoccupied with Reddit. Just do what a lot of us recent Lemmy joiners have done - delete your account and never visit that shithole again.


You're overshooting the problem and I really doubt you care about me so drop the act. You didn't even read a single word of what my post was about, so you're just like the few here who're running off baseless assumptions, twisting contexts and regurgitating through your own filter to come to the conclusion you've made.

Ok mate. Whatever. You're the one coming off like a fucking lunatic fruitloop with all the "ReDdiT aRe ouT tO gET Us" bullshit.

I never said anything to the likes about how Reddit is out to get me. That's the picture you and every other insecure idiot that's been projecting all of this time. I make a little PSA and you guys interpret it as conspiracy. Makes me think that there's a mix of conspiratards in here too. That's not a me problem, it's you problem. But you guys just refuse to accept that reality, which places you in a different realm than where I'm at.

Kbin and Lemmy are better built than Reddit in several ways to handle those behaviours to a certain point:

  • Karma: it's hidden on Kbin, and I can't find it on Lemmy. So, there is no pressure to post or comment something. Do you know that feeling on Reddit when you have 500 karma, you write a comment, and later you have 480 karma? That's what I'm talking about.

  • Instances with their own rules: every instance has its own administrator(s), and they can set different rules for them and apply them. Some are more tolerant than others, so in the end,your experience depends on what instance your account is. Besides, some instances don't have downvotes, so that's a big plus too.

  • People: we all, or the most of us, know how situation was on Reddit, how we struggled to make our experience be positive, with no success. Because we know that, we don't want that situation to replicate on these places. It's difficult sometimes, but we do what we can.

  • Defederation: as someone said here, if situation inside an instance is too hard to tackle, to the point that those bad entities harass users on other instances, then defederation is key, until the situation comes back to normal.

And there are other things, like algorithm (or lack of), code open sourced to fork if you wish, etc.

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