3 Post – 239 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Prostitution and drugs being illegal.

I have a hard time seeing a proper utopia driven society penalizing these. Everyone should be able to fuck. Everyone should be able to put whatever they want in their bodies too. Dicks or drugs, doesn't matter.

12 more...

I don't know about you guys, but if a great friend and coworker I knew to be an upstanding person got accused of raping people I didn't know, I'd be with my friend all the way.

When it comes out they actually did the thing? You condemn what they did.

This isn't some weird 'gotcha'. This is people who like to scrutinize people who watch the Kardashians essentially doing the same thing on the internet lol.

Having your trust and integrity betrayed is one of the most human and humbling moments possible. One which anybody who's had more than two friends or a family in their life has ALREADY gone through.

What a pile of low life tabloid shitmongery.

Don't be a fucking hypocrite. Do you want people to change their opinions with new information or not?

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My condolences on your pop.

Regarding leaving behind biohazard... You'd be surprised that the vast majority of first responders aren't trained for it and are liable if they try. Yes, it's kinda crazy and varies heavily by state.

First responders of any kind aren't trained for the cordiality or technical aspects of cleaning up biohazard scenes. It's very common. They're trained for patient care and that's it. They leave messes behind. They won't wash blood off your sidewalk. It's like walking into a personal nightmare for most people. Trained EMTs and paramedics are supposed to keep their PPE bagged and taken out with them, but if things get hectic, which is why they're there in the first place, stuff gets overlooked. Someone below already mentioned that it would've gotten shoved away to make room and it just gets forgot since it's not visible anymore

The fact of the matter is that they're there to triage and get them to the hospital, not tidy up after attempting to save someone's life.

The situation is macabre but it's a common one. A lot of people have felt that same weird surprise going back to where there loved one was to just find it a mess. There's no laws about them needing to clean. It's not the first time it's been brought up though.

If you're in the right state of mind you can call the nonemergency county line and ask if they have cleanup services for first responder scenes... the vast majority don't though. Those that do usually take a day or more to get there.

9/10 times it's family doing all of it.

I work pretty closely with just about every type of first responder in my line of work just to qualify this a bit... I've had to deal with this same issue in my personal life and professional. It's the same just about everywhere from what I know.

EDIT: I did forget to say that those cleanup services are usually going to cost YOU out of pocket. Some states or counties subsidize them though...

Also minor grammar/clarifications.

Do certain medications which are are strong as some and worse than many illegal disqualify someone from owning a firearm? Wasn't there pretty wide claims about Trump popping pills which would disqualify him from owning a firearm anyway?


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Just Republicans being themselves on the internet lmfao.

Now if only they'd stop voting for people against their own interests because of scare tactics, peer pressure, and single issue voting.

Yeah but bleach an ivermectin have been off the shelves since 2020 in Kentucky...

I miss Crazy Bible Stories on New grounds...

So much drunken incest...

Mirrors since they died awhile ago: Censored dong still makes me sad.\_wsaTSNAQVlACFTg-br8pP1RooA

Throw in automatically embedded thumbnails so you can use Imagus on desktop, a dash of hiding posts you've voted on before and ...


I'm a Kbinaut myself since it was already the closest to old reddit.

This is a reminder to think about direct propaganda from Russia to establish voter apathy in people who would vote Democrat when you read all these self defeatist posts.

Trump would be a traitor AND the oldest elected president ever.*

Biden was the oldest president ever elected. Trump is 3 years younger than Biden. If Trump theoretically wins, he'd be the oldest elected president ever beating Biden by a year.

Thank God he will be in prison. I just hope a judge finally revokes his bond after making jokes about fleeing to Russia to get pegged by Putin.

How Marj, that white trash shit flinging gibbon with a face like a bleached asshole, managed to get herself anywhere near leadership to the PTA... let alone the US Government... will perpetually be a reminder about how insane Republicans are now lol.

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Kwekkie: Am I free to spew hate here?

Everyone: NO!

Kwekkie: Wtf I'm just asking questions. Damn liberal echo chambers.

For those wondering the whole "That Largely feature photos in the public domain." is literally just rage bait so people click. That's the entire point of public domain. Anyone can use and profit from them lmfao.

The actual headline should read. "Donald Trump suspected of money laundering $5.75 million through his book publisher."

Unfortunately it's Forbes. So it's partly paywalled and basically useless for sharing lol.

Fwiw I've always found the suburbs kids on football teams to be a mix of the asshole republican preps and the right leaning poors.

Lacrosse players though... They are the creeeeeeeeaaaam of the crop when it comes to rich racist shitheads.

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The oppression and tragedy Olympics is probably the most tasteless thing you can fight about on the internet.


Wonder how quickly the whole population has long term health problems due to that.

I'd prefer avoiding to contribute to the worst long term health problem. Death.

Get your vaccines people.

Limescale from the tap, or a dirty dish with limescale.

Either way it's harmless.

This is why water softeners, aka soft water is a thing in many US homes.

So when you win the Powerball you'll have to be a masochist to fuck?

3 more...

Please stop reducing everything to hurr durr Florida. It’s not clever, it’s just played out.

- Florida Man

2 more...

It straight up reads like cult craziness or crazy 2 am infomercials. HEAD ON! APPLY DIRECTLY TO FOREHEAD! I'm glad you've placebo'd yourself into happiness though lol.

You said Exercise grows your hippocampus in 4 different bullet points lmfao. Great, it increases size by 2%. It proves nothing about whether it affects depression in adults. In fact, the studies show they do jack shit except help memory lol.

Exercise training increased hippocampal volume by 2%, effectively reversing age-related loss in volume by 1 to 2 y.

More showing it means little to nothing:

The effect of aerobic exercise on hippocampal volume in patients with psychotic disorders

Four studies examined the effect of aerobic exercise on hippocampal volume in people with schizophrenia or first episode psychosis (n = 107). Aerobic exercise did not significantly increase total hippocampal volume compared to control conditions (g = 0.149, 95% CI: -0.31 to 0.60, p = 0.53, Table 2). Among the two studies which reported effects on left/right hippocampus separately, there was no evidence of effects in either region (both p > 0.1). There was also no evidence of heterogeneity or publication bias influencing these results.

The effect of aerobic exercise on hippocampal volume in other populations

Data in other populations was insufficient for pooled meta-analyses, and so results from individual trials are summarised below. Individual trials which examined effects of aerobic exercise in patients with depression (Krogh et al., 2014), mild cognitive impairment (Brinke et al., 2014) and probable Alzheimer's disease (Morris et al., 2017) all found no significant effects on total or left/right hippocampal volumes. One study examining the effects of exercise in young-to-middle-aged adults found no change in total hippocampal volume but did find a significant increase in anterior hippocampal volume following 6 weeks of aerobic exercise (Thomas et al., 2016).

Effects of exercise in relation to participant age

Meta-regression analyses were performed to examine the relationship between mean sample age and effects of exercise on hippocampal volume. No statistically significant associations of effects of exercise with sample age were found for total, right or left hippocampal volume (all p > 0.05).

In conclusion, this meta-analysis found no effects of exercise on total hippocampal volume, but did find that exercise interventions retained left hippocampal volume significantly more than control conditions. As these positive effects were also observed among the subgroup of studies of healthy older adults, the findings hold promising implications for using exercise to attenuate age-related neurological decline. Currently, the overall quality of the evidence is compromised by the fact that 10 of the 12 studies included some risk of bias, therefore more high-quality RCTs are now required. In additional to RCTs, a prospective meta-analysis examining how changes in physical activity and fitness predict hippocampal retention/deterioration across the lifespan would provide novel insights into longer-term neural effects of exercise, while also reducing the impact of methodological heterogeneity often found across exercise RCTs. Further research is also required to determine effects in younger people (Riggs et al., 2016), and establish the neurobiological mechanisms through which exercise exerts these effects, in order to design optimal exercise programs for producing neurocognitive enhancements. However, the functional relevance of structural improvements has also yet to be ascertained. Nonetheless, the link between cardiorespiratory fitness with both structural and performance increases indicates this as a suitable target for aerobic training programs to improve brain health.

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Your policies are murdering my friends and an entire gender while stripping away our rights at every chance you can get.

❄️ s: Why can't I say anything without people telling me to eat my fascist shit!? I just want to be civil!

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FWIW BlindWarriorSven has been competitive for 6 years or longer lol. I don't believe he's ever made it to brackets though.

Yes, because his dad is a political leader. There are a bunch of laws that restrict the direct family of elected officials from doing a lot of things.

Also yes, it's because it's a Democrat President and Republicans need to scream Boogeyman at the top of their lungs no matter how ludicrous the claims. Because no small section of their voting base ends up smoking it to get high off outrage. Like a meth head getting out of rehab, every time.

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A rare instance, on some issue, because a broken clock is right twice a day.

And yet... gestures broadly to the numerous liberal progressive Democrats

You won't find that side in the Republican party lol.

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It's like asking Republicans for their list of democrat sex offenders and getting 7 total. Then being presented by a website with 80 pages full of news articles of Republican NatC groomers then acting like it's a both sides issue lol.

There's a reason why you have to dig so hard for Democrats lmfao. They aren't a party packed to the gills with people like yours lol.

Just watch TierZoo did you?

Are rhinos OP?

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I wonder if there are demographics by IP already? TBH most of the threads I've been in have felt very US Centric. I also came with the great reddit migration too though.

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Nobody forgot. Your friends and family accepted it.

Get out. It's the only chance at freedom you'll have for generations.

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Alexandria Ocasio-cortez is under your blanket and she's about to steal all your guns!

6 more...

FBL, for Fucking Big Lizard.

Just adding some sauce for the weird cult like talk:

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This time?

America supports whoever we think will benefit us the most geopolitically lol. Israel is a centerpiece in the MENA which can't really be ignored for how much pressure they put on their neighbors.

Username checks out.

I think that every day until I realize 1/3 of the population would still vote for him without a second thought. It's been far beyond sad and pitiable for years now.

Now it's simply malicious and a direct threat to every single one of our lives. The other 2/3rds need to start treating it as such.

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I love the hypocrisy mic drop at the end, but damn does it suck to know Republicans just don't care about it. And with 6 of them sitting on the supreme court, I see no reason why they wouldn't just meddle in state elections this time, then go right back to saying they can't help with maps lol.

There is precedent for it acting quickly in an election dispute, as it did during Bush v. Gore in 2000 — but its reputation took a hit after it was perceived as meddling in the outcome. And, he adds, it could decline to intervene at all, as it did in several cases related to election procedures ahead of 2020.

What's Sup?

Nothing much, you?

No, what's, Sup?

... Just chillen...

Visible anger.

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!NotTheOnion - was the site. No porn sadly. Just a chinese landing page.

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Either everyone needs to get royalties or nobody does.

Pay your voice actors right the first time instead of paying them shit per line. Or if your video game becomes an astounding success, all 1,000 people get a slice of that 100,000,000 million it made in sales via residuals. A cool $100,000 for everyone!

Don't forget to advocate for yourself even if you have a union. Nobody ever gets paid more by saying nothing.

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Not only that but Trump had the ability to really cement himself as one of the greatest economists ever during covid by riding on a Democrat's economy pre-tax cuts... He got ahead of Covid pushing 'HIS' vaccine through... then did a complete fucking 180 killing by pandering to an ever growing, deluded, extremist base.

Instead an extra ~319,000 people died when this was published in May, 2022... due to vaccine hesitancy, lies, and Republussian propaganda lol.

It's wild seeing the mental gymnastics they have to go through when Democrats end up agreeing with them on something. Meanwhile Biden has done so much work on one of the most evenly split governments in United States History by working with a whopping ~15? sane republicans across the aisle.