Scary le Poo

@Scary le
21 Post – 321 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It is a water cooling block designed for a specific graphics card. It is a new type of design and Billet Labs sent their best prototype (as in, the only one they had) to LMG for review. Linus proceeded to strap it to a video card where it didn't fit, so bad that there was a 1mm gap (which might as well be a million miles when you're talking about cooling). Of course the performance sucked due to it being strapped to a card it wasn't designed to fit, linus trashed the block and the company.

And here's the part that just fucks me off. Billet Labs SENT THEM THE CORRECT CARD WITH THE BLOCK! There is literally no valid excuse for putting it on the wrong card, Billet Labs sent them the correct one!!!

And the thing that a lot of people aren't understanding is the Billet Labs is not some large corporation, it is two guys putting hard work into a product. Unless I'm mistaken, they have regular ass jobs. People talking about them being able to sue... With what imaginary money? LMG is a 100,000,000 dollar company (at least). Their sloppy, misinformed, shitty, shameful, video basically has the power to cut them off at the knees when they did absolutely nothing wrong.

There is so much more to this, but whatever. Linus is a garbage person. I feel as though Luke is a decent guy but afraid to give Linus the reality check that he desperately needs.

Anyway, the first sentence answered your question I think. I rambled and ranted.

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So I just watched the entire team apologize for Linus and then Linus proceeded to attempt to gaslight everyone watching.

Fuck this guy.

Honestly I could care less if it was just YouTuber drama. The reason I care and the reason it makes me so angry is because Billet labs is just a couple of guys trying to make a product. They aren't some big company or anything like that, it's just a couple guys working on a passion project. But then Mr Big money YouTube star does literally everything wrong, doesn't even bother to use the product properly, and proceeds to take a giant dump all over Billet labs.

Yeah, I'm going to be a little pissed off about that. Not because I care about some whiny bitch on YouTube but because I feel for the poor guys who got dragged through the mud and our potentially going to take a massive hit in their business once they finalize their product.

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This is Android aggressively killing apps, not Firefox.

In this case sexual assault is almost a guarantee. If for no other reason at all, that one should be enough to warrant her being housed in a women's prison.

I love beehaw. The leftists here are shining examples of how we as a society should behave. We universally distain what she stands for and what she has done, but pretty much all of us advocate for her humane treatment. I am so thankful that I signed up for this instance instead of one of the others.

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Chromium should be enough of a reason to get rid of it.

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Why the hell is this trash in my feed? This has to be the dumbest thing I've read all week.

And then we have this great thinker in the comments: "AOC never really was any different. She just pretended to put on a show. Sadly, her performance was convincing because I fell for it. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Lesson learned."

On a scale from 1 to white girls, I can't even.

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Hatred of politics is a transphobic, sexist, and racist trope

No it isn't. You're just a butthole that tries to use the Transphobia label as a weapon against anyone you disagree with. Ada was right to ban you.

You don't get to define what people do or do not like. If someone says they hate politics, your only choice is to believe them until they give you reason to believe that they are lying, that or be a butthole. It appears that you chose to be a butthole.

Torx is the only head that needs to exist. The rest can go fuck a rusty chainsaw.

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The wan show is one

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You don't know that. You don't know if the guy in the parking lot is a civilian or not. Also, there are many, many, other screams of people crying out in anguish. Generally, when I'm trying to not be a fucking monster, I don't launch missiles or other weapons of war in crowded parking lots. But hey, that's me and I actually have a functional fucking conscience.

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On a new install, before powering up, make sure you don't start it up with Ethernet plugged in, when you get to the Wi-Fi connection stage hit Ctrl+f10

Type in


And press enter. The computer will restart and now when you get to the Wi-Fi connection screen you'll have a like that says "I don't have internet".

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I’m using Lubuntu.

Talk about burying the lede

The author of this post seems to not be super aware of what he is talking about.

As of 2021 discord has received a TOTAL of $980 million in VC money. Ok that seems like a lot until you look at their year over year revenue:

From ONLY nitro subscriptions: Year Revenue ($mm) 2016 5 2017 10 2018 30 2019 45 2020 130 2021 200+

So as of 2021 discord has created $420 million in revenue.

This isn't counting anything from 2022 or 2023, because now server boosts are a thing and also discords version of Patreon rewards that server owners can implement (discord takes 30%).

So while discord isn't out of the VC hole yet, it's on a meteoric rise and making more and more money every year.

Data retention: I never have seen a discord official policy that they don't delete data ever. I specifically remember a blog post where they outlined deleting data from servers when it reaches a certain age. This was the blog post where they were detailing a database move. I cannot remember specifics. I did some searching about discord policies on deleting attachments and came up with nothing. To my knowledge discord has no policy stating that your attachments will live forever. That said, storage is cheap. Storage is very cheap.

Morally lazy: Honestly easily when someone says something like this I tend to think that they are probably a blithering idiot who has no idea what they are talking about (in a lot of cases this is true, and usually someone with a chip on their shoulder). In this case after reading the post I have come to some conclusions...

The author does not use discord much The author does not nor has he ever paid for nitro The author does not nor has ever run a server with actual people on it The author is someone who thinks that matrix is in any way feature comparable with discord (it's not, not even remotely close)

The author is weirdly offended by discord referring to servers as "servers". Because ackshully "a server is, generally speaking, a piece of compute that operates some software that serves users in some way. Each server is isolated from each other server, and they may run a mariad of difference pieces of software. They may be based in different countries."

This is the dumbest and most pretentious point possible, and the fact that it's passed off as a supporting point to the post makes it impossible for me to take the author seriously.

And then there's this gem: "Discord is not a financially feasible company. Let us examine some very conservative projected operating costs:

  • 500 SF employees * $150,000/year
  • 50000sqft SF office space
  • 15 billion messages per month * 12 * 830 bytes per message on average"

So all employees of discord make 150k a year? I'd love to see some supporting evidence there.

50000sqft office space Do we know how much rent discord is paying? Not to my knowledge

15 billion messages per month * 12 * 830 bytes per message on average" Storage is cheap.

A company making upwards of 200 million a year. "Not financially feasible“? In my mind this points to the contrary.

Not really. The forker wanted to remove the word filter. Likely so that they could be a racist POS in the open without any filtering. The fact that the fork immediately died is actually pretty funny.

I did. Fuck reddit.

Latency. Also, wired is always better than wireless. I'll save the long boring explanation for another time, but suffice it to say that wireless constantly has dropped packets, and constantly has to retransmit data.

Wired when you can, wireless when you have to.

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This take is braindead enough that you should probably delete your account. That shit is just straight up embarrassingly bad.

YouTube premium raised their prices. I had got it back when Google music was the thing. Then they raised the price. Then they raised the price again. Then they raised the price again. The last price raise gave me the motivation to check out Spotify and newpipe.

I haven't looked back.

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The protest is not about the fact that they are charging for it. The protest is about the fact of how much they are charging for it. When compared to imgur the rates are absolutely insane.

I keep seeing this incorrectly reported and it drives me crazy. No developer is upset about Reddit charging for the API access. What they are upset about is the fact that Reddit has jacked the price of that API access up so high that no third party apps could ever afford to use it.

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Yeah, you clearly have not been following along. Linus has already been caught in multiple outright lies.

His treatment of Billet labs alone is enough reason.

He didn't fuck up in this instance, it has been continual over a long period and in this case he tripled down.

The moment Google did the alphabet thing in order to preempt ftc breakups, it was over.

I degoogled in 2017 (I run my own Synology cloud now with off-site backup to AWS glacier) and while it wasn't cheap, it was absolutely the best decision.

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This isn't war though. This is apartheid.

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That is an analogy.

The analogy being, do something objectively bad, get called out for it, double down because you don't like getting called out for it.

No one is equivocating anti-wei people to puppies.

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Holy fucking shit 😳

So it's just an expansion of what can be monetized within a server. I see nothing wrong with this. It even gives small indie devs like me a chance at a small revenue stream.

If you don't like the things a specific server is doing, leave. It's pretty simple.

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California does, right wingers in California do not and they pay MASSIVE amounts of money for advertising campaigns to misrepresent drug treatment, safe injection sites, and psychiatric centers as free drugs and won't somebody think of the children???

Do you want one of THOSE people to be getting help next door to you? Oh the horror! Don't you know that junkies sneak off in the night, into your homes in order to stab your children with drug filled needles??? Do you have any idea what it's like to be near a psychiatric center? I do. My brother's nieces cousins uncle twice removed on her mother's side told me that the crazies like to kidnap your children and vandalize your house.

Where did I put my pearls? I'm in desperate need of clutching them.

/Dripping Sarcasm Also source: I live in CA

As a 40yr old developer of a FOSS RTS game (not released yet), I generally aim at games taking from 20 - 30 minutes. This is because I usually have only about 1 or 2 hours to play games with the bois after work. Additionally, I am usually extremely tired, so I try to implement a lot of QOL features that make the game less arduous to play.

Recently a popular RTS game that uses the same engine as mine has had a lot of sweats complaining about widgets (Long story, but they are unsynced bits of lua code that can extend things. They have limited access to the synced state, but are still pretty powerful). Basically people complaining about a specific widget that will make your units try to stay at max range when in a fight. While this sounds pretty useful, in the case of players who are relatively decent with rts gameplay, it's more of an irritation to deal with than anything else.

But as a developer of this type of game, I have a vested interest in making players who aren't as good be able to compete with players like myself who are really good. If that means some (very) rudimentary AI will try to make your units behave somewhat intelligently when you aren't paying attention, I'm totally down for that. I find that as I get older, even though I am extremely experienced and good in rts games, I appreciate such tools existing for the players who simply aren't that great. I don't get my dopamine hits from steamrolling another player, I get my hits from good fights and satisfying battles. A lot of people I talk to make me feel like an outlier, but I know good and goddamn well that there are a lot of lesser skilled players that just wouldn't bother with speaking up.

I have a very large problem with games that don't respect my time. Elite Dangerous is a perfect example. I avoided it for a very long time because people went on and on about how hard it was to fly. Turns out, anyone who played descent 1 and descent 2 (And now Overload on steam (seriously, buy this shit, it's modern descent built by the original devs and it's amazing)) can fly the crafts with ease. The space combat is pretty shit tier. However, it's gorgeous, and super cool, BUT, the developers refuse to implement any sort of fast travel. The sheer amount of time that it takes to get anywhere is mind boggling. I would spent 6 hours flying on a day off, and still not manage to really get anything done. This is the perfect example of a game that does not respect my time. I HATE games like this. I try to understand that time literally is money. That isn't only a cliche. As you get older, you realize that time is a resource, and as you get older, you find that you have so little free time, that any time lost can be a really heavy blow.

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Sure it isn't. * Wink wink nudge nudge*

It'll be back. With a different name and modified messaging.

Or you know, Don't use fucking Google?

Nowadays Google sucks ass anyway


I wrote a big ol post that didn't post apparently. Anyway, I assume you have been looking at Postmill. If beehaw move I'm likely going to follow. Tbh without the fediverse, I would likely engage more often. I find that I dislike conversing with federated users because they come from a place with a different ethos. As a result I still have to deal with crap.

In firefox: "Browser blocked" Disable javascript and whaddya know? IT'S A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!

Full Article

In the lead-up to the South Carolina primary, a conservative group is eyeing the state as a valuable testing ground for messages opposing the US Food and Drug Administration’s proposed menthol cigarette ban, something they hope will chip away at President Joe Biden’s Black vote.

The Liberty Policy Foundation, a conservative advocacy group, plans on launching an aggressive ad campaign in South Carolina to see whether it can sway some public opinion against Biden and Democrats, according to a Republican strategist working with the group.

The ads rolled out on digital platforms Wednesday morning.

The ad campaign is targeting three groups, the strategist said: African Americans who disapprove of Biden and think he has been ineffective as president, small business owners and young Americans who lean independent.

The Liberty Policy Foundation sees the ads as a “high priority because we can test how or if it moves voters for the primary,” the strategist told CNN.

Republicans and conservative groups are trying to determine whether leveraging this issue can influence voter behavior and reduce the president’s vote count. Republicans are seeking to capitalize on what polls show is a dip in Biden’s support and enthusiasm among Democratic voters by potentially turning the proposed ban into a wedge issue in the 2024 election.

The strategist said the group is launching a mid-six-figure ad campaign in South Carolina followed by four other states a week later: North Carolina, Virginia, Nevada and Michigan, which are seen as potential swing states in a general presidential election.

Biden has yet to decide on whether to approve the FDA’s proposed ban on menthol cigarettes, which health advocates say would save hundreds of thousands of Black lives, but which could also be unpopular with some Black voters.

Menthol cigarettes are the preferred cigarette among many Black smokers after the tobacco industry heavily marketed menthols in the Black community for decades. Menthol cigarettes continue to be widely available and priced cheaper in Black communities, according to the nonprofit advocacy group, The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids.

CNN viewed the ad that’s set to run in the South Carolina market, which features a woman in a voiceover. “President Biden keeps talking about uniting Americans, bringing us together, so why is he pushing policies that continue to divide us? Like his proposal to criminalize menthol cigarettes. Community leaders have warned Biden about the unintended consequences of banning menthol cigarettes.” The ad shows headlines related to Eric Garner, who died after police held him in a chokehold. Police initially confronted Garner for allegedly selling cigarettes illegally.

Some civil rights leaders with ties to the tobacco industry have raised concerns with the White House that a ban would criminalize menthol cigarettes and lead to an increase in deadly police interactions.

The proposed menthol ban explicitly states it would solely be aimed at cigarette manufacturers and retailers, not individuals.

Other groups, such as the NAACP and the Congressional Black Caucus, support the proposed menthol cigarette ban.

In a report issued on Wednesday, the American Lung Association called for the Biden administration to act “swiftly” on the proposed ban.

“Menthol cigarettes make it both easier to start and harder to quit by reducing the harshness of the smoke and cooling the throat,” notes the association’s annual State of Tobacco Control report. Researchers estimate that a regulation banning menthol cigarettes would save about 654,000 lives over the next 40 years, especially those of Black smokers, who are disproportionately more likely to smoke menthols.

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I run my own searxng instance. It's amazing.

I also spun up my own yacy instance. It was pretty terrible. It could be good, but you would need a pretty beefy machine with a lot of storage and a lot of time for it to index for it to be anything approaching good.

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A "post" on x will always be known as an Xcrete (verb, I Xcrete on X), and past tense will be an Xcrement. (Noun, I read an Xcrement on X)

Bro wut?

I bet every dollar I have that you don't have the foggiest idea of wtf you're talking about.

Allow me to help. Get the libredirect pluggin for Firefox. Go download and install freetube. Set libredirect to direct all YouTube links to freetube. Enjoy!

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When are these idiots (journalists/editors) going to learn that messaging matters? 690 million tonnes? Yeah, sounds like a lot. No context for that number in the headline which is all most people read.

Perhaps instead of listingn only statistics and pretending that laypeople care, help people see what that would mean for them personally. Get them invested in the idea. Help plant the seeds and allow them to come to the conclusion that things should change. It's like someone saying the government spent a billion dollars on something. Sure, that's a lot of money, but the vast majority of people have no real concept of what a billion of something even is.

It's a damn shame that the us isn't more bike friendly. I would kill to have a public transit system that didn't suck, but unfortunately,l unless there is a massive change, I don't see car usage going anywhere.

Windows 12 is not going to a subscription model, stop repeating this obvious bullshit. The original article was debunked yet dumbasses keep spouting it.

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Everyone is susceptible to misinformation, information silos, and bad arguments. Someone who claims that they are not susceptible to these things is the most susceptible.

You can view it as efficiency. Something coming from a qanon source is going to be garbage, so you're saving yourself the time of having it be in your view.

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