1 Post – 255 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Honestly this could just be speaking to some niche desire to have a traditionally femme but still awful name as though it were assigned to you by your parents. Being like "Please, call me Millie, my real name is Mildred (ugh)" definitely lends an air of legitimacy to the whole thing. And it's a classic real world experience of many cis women.

That's just a guess though, more power to her either way, maybe she just thinks Mildred is a rad name. At the end of the day my opinion means jack and/or shit so do what you want.

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To anyone who needs to know, this is a 100% true fact and you should listen. If you can't afford two Benzes, you can't afford one Benz. Meanwhile you can take a twenty year old Honda, pack the engine compartment completely full of peanut butter, throw it in the ocean, and it'll fire right up once you fish it back out again.

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App name is very likely referenced inside every class file. Changing the name triggers a change for every file in the project. Depending on the version control software it may consider that grounds to re-download the entire file on update.

The actual change may have only consisted of 180mb of changes but it affects 34.1GB of files.

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It is an encyclopedia. It is not a place for subjective content. Just because you keep getting your opinion edits rolled back does not mean that that's a bad thing. A Wikipedia page SHOULD be filled only with objective facts. Again, it is an encyclopedia.

Also, you can trust that a given page is not poisoned by checking the sources yourself. They're all right there at the bottom. Anything without a citation can be ignored but most things of substance are going to have a citation, because an encyclopedia is a place in which to collect objective facts with sources to back them up.

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Bring back capes. I want a big fur cloak in the winter.

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There are a multitude of reasons to recommend against using Brave.

Personally I refuse to install it because the CEO and creator, Brendan Eich, unapologetically donates to right wing and anti-gay establishments. Many people refuse to use it because it games the users and advertisers with a proprietary cryptocurrency that isn't actually useful for anything except making money for Brave. Others refuse to use it because in 2020 Brave was caught adding their own affiliate codes and tracking data to websites in the url bar, even ones that were typed in by hand. That was eventually rolled back but it didn't help me trust them any.

Vivaldi is a better browser option, in my opinion.

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a plurality

Yeah, about ten guys who were bought and sold by Russia and a couple thousand other folks that fell for their con. By no means a majority and also by no means a reasonable stance.

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Interesting. You hear loads of stories of boots getting their shit chewed out by their officers but I rarely see many stories from the perspective of the officer. I guess that's probably just a result of the officer:grunt ratio in general. I'd like to read more of them.

Speaking of which, is there a c/militarystories yet? I liked those on reddit.

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I still don't understand why they did that, I used to use Signal for everything and while it was clear that it couldn't encrypt basic SMS I could at least do all my messaging in one place. Now, I can't communicate with 80% of my contacts via Signal even if I wanted to, forcing two separate messaging apps.

Just let me send unsecured messages. It's fine. As it stands now I don't think I've even opened Signal in nearly six months even though I'd much rather use it than the default messenger.

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It does have to be a full moon to be effective. Can't half-ass it.

It's both. Buffering the whole video was a waste of bandwidth and the changes for HTML5 means they could get away with lowering the buffering limit without destroying everyone's viewing experience.

There's plenty of people to do work. People don't want to do your work, if the job sucks and the pay matches. Shitty job? Pay a high wage. We don't have a shortage of sanitation workers because those guys are paid like kings. We DO have a shortage of Burger King employees because not one person in the world wants to deal with that bullshit for less than $10 an hour. People have shown time and time again that they're willing to work the most soul crushing bullshit jobs in existence if they're paid well enough to make it worth their time. But no one wants to pay a wage that an employee can survive on, so "nobody wants to work". No, just nobody wants to work for you.

In addition to that, the reason the population is declining is because the younger generation can't afford to have kids because nobody wants to pay a livable wage. I can barely support myself and my partner with both of us working and living with another couple as roommates, and we all have pretty good jobs that pay well over minimum wage. If any one of the four of us had a child we would all four enter poverty. This is extremely common, and we're better off (if only moderately) than most people in a similar situation.

The minimum wage was last raised 14 years ago where it was taken to $7.25 an hour, which already didn't keep up with the cost of living at the time but since then inflation has continued to grow unchecked and many employers still don't want to pay out any higher than they are forced to by law.

Forgot to mention the part where that democratic society is upheld by the fact that you can (and will, if you're an asshole) be stabbed dead by nearly anyone you interact with. Your own crew, your "customers", the law, rival pirates, all of them have a will and a way of removing you if you don't play fair. This is great for ensuring a fair society, only at the constant imminent risk of death.

Although to be fair I suppose cowboys and samurai were also pretty frequently in deadly dangerous conditions.

Similar to the other poster you're replying to, I am also American, and my statement will be colored by that experience. Fair warning.

I don't think you're a bad person. And that's quite a statement, because there are a great many American conservatives that I can say with no reservations are objectively bad people. I think you teeter on the edge with the "traditional family" thing, because that's extremely often a dog whistle for people that want to exterminate LGBT and trans folks, but at least based on your statements here it doesn't seem like you're in that camp.

I think you want to look elsewhere for your community, because conservatism as a movement, as a whole cares very little about what you care about (minding one's own business, ensuring basic human rights regardless of ethnicity or other factors, personal reward for personal achievement) and cares very much about things you don't seem to be on board with (repressive religious law, disenfranchisement or even outright kidnapping and murder of LGBT, racism, defrauding voters and government offices in order to line ones own pockets, ensuring deaths of vulnerable mothers via slashing legality of birth control or abortion methods) - just to name a few.

Conservatism, as a whole, is primarily rooted around having an in-group that can be pandered to and having an out-group that can be blamed. They are largely uninterested in proper governance and entirely uninterested in human rights. Every move that is made, is made in service of consolidating power at the cost of human life. In the words of respected political scientist Francis Wilhoit, "Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." This pattern can be observed over hundreds or thousands of years of human history.

If you want to find yourself on the right side of history the time is now. Leave the conservative circles behind and find one that actually espouses the ideas you care about. I doubt you'd find common ground in the sort of American Liberal circles that I find myself at home in, but there are options. There are as many political ideologies as there are people. But the more you attach yourself to one, the more they will in turn rub off on you.

It is clearly criminal already.

1940, some British soldiers were rehearsing for a drag show that they were putting on within their platoon because they could and because it was fun, it helps keep morale up during wartime. During rehearsal, the Germans begin their raid on Shornemead Fort, where said drag rehearsing troops were stationed. British Chads, without even stopping to change back into uniform, immediately man the naval guns and return fire on the Germans. One of them, instead of passing the ammo, took a photo of this because how could you not, it's incredible.

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It's like being jailed for having your car stolen and being used to hit a pedestrian.

Exactly this, except that nobody stole your car. You are providing free and no-questions-asked open access to your car for any member of the public who needs to use it. Many other people also used the car that day for legitimate business or for fun, but then one guy got in it and ran over 32 people in a furious rampage.

Clearly the driver is at fault here, but a case can be made (and apparently, was) that this would not have been possible had you not provided access to the car to the perp in question.

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"This lemonade has been actively killing people with caffeine overdose"

@rug_burn : man I gotta get me some of this stuff

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The abortion issue in particular doesn't center around racists, it centers around evangelicals. Zealots believe that an abortion is Against God and really, truly, honestly believe they are saving your immortal soul and that of your baby by forcing you to carry to term. People like that can't be reasoned with because they honestly believe they are acting in the best interests of folks that require saving. "This is for your own good" kind of attitude.

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Jojo's is already a work of comedy, but take what it already is and now imagine Joseph and Jotaro with thick cockney accents, Avdol as Bob Marley, Polnareff gains +6000% "HON HON BAGUETTE" style and Kakyoin is a drunk Australian half-assing his lines

Edit: in this hypothetical dub where every character is a caricature of themselves, Hol Horse remains entirely unchanged from original

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Because, historically, prohibition of [x] has been a highly effective strategy with no downsides whatsoever.

Bowsette has never been canon

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Recently, eh?

You consider the 1800's recent? Because there were news articles reporting on the issue back then.

Here's an article from 1896 for you to read over, provided you care about learning how you're wrong.

I bought one about a year ago expecting the gimmick to get tiresome but honestly I love it. I bought one a couple models old so it didn't even cost me that much, I picked up a Z Fold 2 around when they were releasing the Z Fold 4, I think. So far it's been great and I absolutely love being able to fold the screen open for gaming or for reading. The single front screen is a bit skinny but you get used to it.

I've read about 3x more books since I got it than I used to, and emulator gaming is getting new life (as well as native games like Polytopia or Slay The Spire). I honestly recommend them, which I didn't think I'd find myself doing.

I find it hard to believe that a website the size of Truth Social (i.e. pretty small.... They have a total of 2 million users, a generous 15% of them might be active. It isn't Twitter) managed to rack up $73 million in costs over a single year of operation.

I see two possibilities. Either whoever is hosting them is charging them a stupendously exorbitant amount of money to keep their website online, because they hate them or because they know they have Trump & Co in a vise and can charge whatever they want; or else a lot of "operating costs" look like the inside of various pockets. Perhaps both. Probably both, now that I think about it, though I suspect the latter quite a bit more.

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That one in particular is a bomb waiting to blow. Is this link to a webpage or to a malicious download? Who knows! Guess we'll just have to click on it and see if anything starts downloading.

Using file extensions for your TLD should be a big no-no for a lot of reasons, that being one of them.

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Open world games usually give me a killer map that shows my exact location and heading. I can navigate the real world, too, when handed Google Maps. But I remember playing Minecraft back before the maps update and it was mostly just an exercise in nomadic survival. I'd leave my home for a 20 minute mining run and then never ever find the mfer ever again. Eventually I started a habit of creating a huge pillar of cobble near my home that stretched up to the map height limit and dumping lava buckets around it to make a literal glowing waypoint that I could follow back home.

Frosted Mega Wheats

It's what is known as a canary statement. Taken from when miners used to take canaries into the mines so that the bird would die first if there was toxic gas.

If the canary is dead, something is wrong. Google had it in their mission statement to not do bad things, then that was quietly removed. The canary is dead.

At the rate we're going we'll be lucky if we aren't all dead in 250 years, let alone 250 million.

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"We can't find any evidence. But we definitely know they're guilty! They just covered their tracks so well that there is no evidence of wrongdoing available anywhere. Given the situation at hand and how obvious it is, without evidence, that these guys have committed a crime, we better lock them up."

Would you rather trust information from Forbes, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, MassMutual Financial Group, or the Consumer Electronics Association?

Good, because that's where nearly all their sources are from. Click the links. Leads right to the primary source.

At least read the article before dismissing it out of hand.

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They'll suddenly care an awful lot when fish dying out means penguins and seals dying out means polar bears dying out. There is no creature that exists in a vacuum.

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But yet if they released it Early Access to crowdsource their QA, people would have dogged all over them about "what's with the EA bullshit, just release the full game when it's finished"

Personally, I'm a huge fan of Early Access, I like playing 3/4 finished games and having actual tangible input on the finishing touches. It's made several games that I already really liked in their EA state, into masterpieces.

But your average gamer just wants to buy a game and have it work perfectly. When it doesn't, tantrums happen.

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Pretty much spot on. This imaginary man also owns a truck too big to park and will assault you for being gay and/or brown. People just like him populate moderate swaths of the American South and make other minor appearances farther north.

Doesn't matter, had sex, still counts

As the man Sun Tzu himself once said,

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."

Tinfoil hat theory: OG Lemmyheads are attacking the big centralized communities and taking them down in order to force all the new users to spread amongst the smaller instances like we're supposed to, preventing inevitable corporate control of the ActivityPub platform

I doubt that's anywhere close to the truth but I choose to believe it, crusty old hackers pulling the plug on their children for our own good

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God, they're so close to almost having a clue what's going on. The class consciousness is right there, it's just within reach. I would almost fully agree with this guy if he wasn't such a tool and a racist.

If only the R's were capable of observing information that wasn't packaged and fed to them as propaganda we might be on the cusp of a grand change here. Frankly, we're pretty close to being on the same page. We all know the government is corrupt and our money isn't worth anything. I'm just personally not on board with letting the christofascists destroy what's left of the crumbling infrastructure and then call for the literal imprisonment and execution of LGBT folks in the name of "freedom".

But God, they're so close. The truth is within grasp.

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I got banned from there for posting a verbatim Trump tweet with no words of my own included. Never seen a bigger group of melting snowflakes in my life than the "facts don't care about your feelings" crowd.