2 Post – 714 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

VLC absolutely wrecked Windows Media Player. Firefox was the same with IE.

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I am learning lockpicking for fun. It helps me relax. I used a practice lock at first, then a cheap real lock. I've just learned that my firearms lock...yup, can be picked open in about 10 seconds. Equal parts cool and terrifying. Locks are waaay less secure than people think.

It has the same "internet hacker" stigma so I avoid talking about it.

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About your Crossfit addiction. The trifecta.

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"I'm just asking questions." Could be a child, could be a moon-landing conspiracy person.

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Cilantro and onions. Y'all wouldn't last a day in Mexico.

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Sometimes, those same engineers that put the anti-adblocking in 9-5 come home and share how to disable it.

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Position: Far-Right

Slogan: Not far right

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I thought CEOs worked super hard

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Yeah, Hilary's super secret brainwashing technique that she chose not to use in her own election bid. Keep the conspiracies coming.

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Magneto in the 90s. He even built an asteroid as a refuge for any mutant.

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Arrggh, you can pay and sail the high seas too.

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Not being able to entertain ideas. "What would the world be like with 100% renewable energy?" "Would basic healthcare for every person help our country?"

I tried to explain the 4 day work week to someone that gets paid by the hour. You make the same money but work 4 days a week instead of 5. Insisted he got paid less. Had to explain like a Bingo card with a Free Space, 1 day he is paid even if he stays home.

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Piracy and Risa are 90% of the reason I'm here.

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Grow an organ for you from your own cells. No rejection or drugs; your body accepts it as its own.

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At best: a con artist

At worst: a rapist abuser that deserves to rot in prison

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Worse, I think there might be some amorous feelings just below the surface.

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Some people really excel at spreadsheets.

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Mind giving a little info about i2p for the clueless?

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Piracy??? I thought this was a Pirates appreciation community!

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Kikkoman makes a teriyaki sauce with garlic and green onions and it is my new favorite sauce after Aldi's parmesan garlic. If you're dead set on bbq, you can't go wrong with a sweet Baby Ray sauce.

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Tax-free charitable organizations

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If my math is right, it should be 1,000 assholes at the end.

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When/if you can, buy a copy. The dev team is small and released a quality game.

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There is an athropod that will replace a fish's tongue.

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"Clean water? Cheap power from solar? No thanks, environmental activists." - tiny 🧠

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Same as traffic lights. "Inductive-loop traffic detectors use an electrically conducting loop embedded in the pavement to send a signal to the traffic control system to indicate the presence of a vehicle."

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I worked with John Doe, who said no woman could tell him what to do, not even his wife. His new boss was a woman who wasn't having his shit. He quit after a few months.

Billionaires and their companies could at least pay their fair share in taxes.

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Irish butter, in particularly Kerrygold, are so much better than american butter.

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It helps that Microsoft has been alienating their customers and set high bars for OS upgrades.

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NewPipe doesn't show ads.

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Circlejerks / echo chambers. Do it for the discussion, not the points.

But it doesn't have to be a once in a decade thing. We can drop a great RPG or even a good shooter every couple years.

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You might have a cool boss. "Well, I sure as hell don't want to come to work if everyone else is on strike."

Did you pirate the machete? And is it open source?

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For those wondering, Trump is largely the reason for so many vacancies.

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Me: The opposite of B, the opposite of B, plus or minus a square root...

Them: What does that mean?

Me: I have no idea.

Sometimes, more is less.

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Oh yeah, we use that for our research computers.

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