All 64 of the countries where it’s illegal to be LGBTQ+ – and yes, it’s all colonialism’s fault to – 196 points –
All the places where it's illegal to be LGBTQ+ – and why it's colonialism's fault

We take a look at all the countries and territories where it is still illegal to be gay or LGBTQ+ – and examine the role colonialism played.


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Wasn't Ethiopia never colonized?

Yes. From the article:

Ethiopia: [...] It is one of the few African countries that enacted its own anti-gay laws – most others inherited those laws from Britain.

Ethiopian here, Ethiopia was never colonized but unfortunately we've managed to be incredibly anti-lgbtq all on our own.

Personally, I blame our long history of Christianity and Islam which both carry anti-lgbtq beliefs.

It was occupied by Italy in WW2, which is outside the "Scramble for Africa" period but is an occupation by a European power