9 Post – 19 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Ethiopian here, Ethiopia was never colonized but unfortunately we've managed to be incredibly anti-lgbtq all on our own.

Personally, I blame our long history of Christianity and Islam which both carry anti-lgbtq beliefs.

Thanks for the answer. I'm confident you're correct but I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around drawing a line with an irrational length. If we did draw a right angled triangle with two sides equal to 1cm and we measured the hypotenuse physically with a ruler, how would we measure a never ending number? How would we able to keep measuring as the numbers after the decimal point keep going forever but the physical line itself is finite?

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Thanks for letting me know. I thought it would be more interactive and almost game-like.

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I thought *Ffmpeg * meant something else

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Tried based on your recommendation and its been keeping me amazed all day!! Thank you!

Ethiopian here. The government has already banned import of combustion cars a few months ago. I think it was a great move both environmental reasons and for saving money by reducing oil imports as more and more people switch to electric cars.

Thanks for the answer and for suggesting the documentary!(excited to have my head hurt even more after watching it😂)

Had a dull knife for a while and recently bought a new knife last week. Underestimated how sharp the new knife was and accidentally cut into the surface of my thumb

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This awesome if its possible. The article said they would try reduce costs by closer partnerships with Google and Qualcomm but I don't think hat will get them to reduce their prices that drastically. I hope I'm wrong though!

Thanks. From your experience, do you recommend Brilliant?

Thanks for your answer!

Thanks for your answer. You're right, I was hoping to get more answers on the bigger picture change that would happen to society. Particularly since coops and credit unions are more democratic in nature, I wonder how different society would be with more direct control of how they money is managed.

I don't have an answer to this but I'm glad the question is being asked and I hope it will start up again or something better will take its place!

I thought the title said Lloyd Banks and was surprised that a member of G-Unit was into paleontology.

Newbie here, can this be installed on any phone?

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Thanks for the answer!

You mentioned paying for everything via card or mobile. Does that mean credit unions offer no options to withdraw cash?

Also can banks permanently limit withdrawals or transfers?

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Ethiopian here, first time I saw snow I was 18, during freshman year of uni in the US. I remember seeing snow outside my dorm window for the first time one morning. Got excited and ran outside to experience it. I was disappointed when I felt the snow and realized it was wet and cold. Grateful to be back in the warmer weather :)

Thanks for sharing. Do you know if this is a permanent thing or if the Lemmy team is working on it? If they are working on it, how can non technical people like myself help?