Are there any good free alternatives to to Ask – 51 points –

I've seen brilliant's website and I like the fact that they make have alot of interactive visually engaging content but I don't know if it's worth the price or if there is any free possibly non profit version available that is just as interactive and visually engaging way to learn different math and science topics that you would recommend. Thanks for reading


Perhaps "Khan Academy", although I'm not sure if it's better. Never tried it myself.

Tbh brilliant isn't worth it in the first place. It's very much just repackaged YouTube videos

Edit: I confused Khan Academy with Brilliant

Thanks for letting me know. I thought it would be more interactive and almost game-like.

It is more game like. There were no videos.

I haven't used Brilliant a ton but I don't think the other poster has used Brilliant at all. I've seen zero videos in any lessons I began. Maybe they're thinking of Khan Academy.

Thanks. From your experience, do you recommend Brilliant?

I used brilliant for a while to see what it was like and tbh if you have the time to use it regularly and the money to spend, I thought it was worth it. I just don’t have the time to make it worthwhile right now.

I learnt a lot in a short space of time and it kept my attention well, which can be difficult given I have adhd.

I’m sure there are better, more in depth, apps or websites somewhere but I found the game like interface to be much better for me and much more interesting

I love brilliant, but it's $30 a month in Australia! I just can't justify spending that amount.