1 Post – 110 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

But please don't spend money on my previous games, I recognize that they aren't that good I don't want to burden anyone financially with them (I loved every minute of making them, but I was still a noob back then).

You're not my mum! I bought Be a Rock anyway. Keep going, make games!

I believe in you!

Whats the game? :)

I don't use a controller, but I bought two copies for friends that do! Keep going, make more games, add features! (Like maybe keyboard controls for us dinosaurs.)

I believe in you!

Yup. When we went to buy a TV I knew this was happening because the smart TVs with wifi and extra hardware and software were cheaper than the dumb TVs. Nothing is free, I knew they had to be doing this shit.

This is super cute! If I buy these now for my friends and family but set it to deliver the gift near Christmas, would you get the money now? Or not til Christmas?

This looks perfect for when everyone is over on Christmas eve! <3

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Aww, you're adorable. I will buy the games closer to Christmas for everyone, my reading tells me that if I buy the game and the person does not accept the gift then they will give me a refund, so I imagine you won't get the money until everyone accepts.

That is a scam, they probably send mass texts linked to tracking numbers that have a registered phone number.

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Yes, I definitely do. I use it to open start menu and search, as well as using quite a few commands, run, snipping tool, moving and resizing windows, etc.

When win10 is no longer supported we will be making the leap to linux, and I really hope I can get much of this functionality there.

I bought Red Dead Redemption for myself and three friends, super excited about the game, the lore. I had never spent that much money on a game.

We all played through the single player tutorial, and finally into the open world. We meet up and begin exploring and trying to complete quests when suddenly one of us just ... drops dead.

Then another is hit by a meteor and caught on fire?

I am thrown up into the sky.

An alien ship?! Appears and messes with us for a while. I try begging in pub chat for the hacker to please leave us so we can play, which seems to goad them further. This continued for an hour.

A quick look around the internet told us that this was par for the course for RDR and GTA and Rockstar couldn't/wouldn't do anything about it.

We ended up refunding all the games through steam. Sad times.

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Odd, I don't recall private lobbies being a thing, and a quick google shows lots of people asking for them and a few "workarounds". Perhaps they are a recent addition or a console thing?

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What terrifies me about this is that there are no regulations or laws in place that say how long this tech that is implanted into people must be supported. Those poor people who got the bionic eye implants are now left with no replacement parts or support after the company went under, leaving those with implants that still work seeing with borrowed time.

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The worst I have heard was when my husband's old boss was proudly bragging about how he didn't even leave work to be with his wife while she was giving birth to their first child.

He honestly believed that was something to be proud of.

We live in Australia too, so it's not like he had American orphan crushing machine to blame. He was just a horrible piece of shit.

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That's the first thing I said when this was first posted, all those people who had the implants that enabled sight are left with no parts and no support since the company went under.

There should be laws in place stating these companies will provide support and parts for the entire life of the users. Anything less is criminal.

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Honestly, the rules and laws on divorce are so wild across the country. I was married in California but my husband left after 6 months. I hadn't see him in 9 or 10 years, had no idea where he was.

Because I was in the state of Kentucky when I filed, I had to go to a church run "divorce education class" on how to save my marriage and complete a little workbook.

Completely insane class, I stayed in the back and tried to stay silent, but the teacher forced me to participate and asked some leading question about how I could communicate better with my spouse to prevent a divorce or some shit.

Told her I had no idea where my spouse was, that he had left after 6 months and that I had to hire a private investigator (and a police officer!) to serve my divorce papers. The whole thing was nuts.

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The last sentence is a punch in the gut.

"The girl's father was in prison for a separate sex crime and has no involvement in his daughter's life, Tulsa Police told FOX23 News at the time of the incident."

You are so biased that you couldn't even take a minute to google before you spouted your nonsense.

Channel 2 Action News was the only news station in the courtroom when a judge ruled Hannah Payne will stay in jail despite requests from her lawyers to reinstate a $100,000 bond.

I will quote for you:

"Fowler said Herring had a medical emergency and wasn't drunk. It was confirmed by our toxicology that he had nothing, no drugs or alcohol in his system."

Oh and an edit to note - your quote above of her description of events is directly refuted by the video a bystander took. That's why she is going to jail for murder. The things she said there simply didn't happen.

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Man... being into kink is dangerous if you have money and there's a scorched earth breakup. I have heard people in kink circles say that having a contract signed by both parties offers some protection, but here it is being used against him in court. Eeek.

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And imgur banned porn and removed all posts not linked to a user account!

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His base is also childish and uneducated, and this sort of drivel filled with macho man imagery, memes, 4chan posts, and tiktok music appeals to children.

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This, is an occlupanid. To read further about the fascinating research on these, see the "Holotypic Occlupanid Research Group" (HORG) website.

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No fucking thank you, I have long since completely neutered my pc's ability to update. I updated enough to install drivers and get it stable, and that's it. I don't trust windows.

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Apparently they were dating before she was hired. I can see how easily lines could be blurred when in love. The saying don't shit where you eat is appropriate with regards to work and relationships, but often people can't help themselves.

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Prime video... in the dash? Isn't that like... a bad idea from a safety standpoint? O_o

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I am sorry that your work has been ruined. Thank you for all the time and effort you put in, these instances are what makes lemmy a unique place to be. I hope in the future when lemmy has grown up a bit there will be tools so people like you with a passion for creating a community can do so without this sort of strife. <3

"I was always puzzled by the fact that people have a great deal of trouble and pain when and if they are forced or feel forced to change a belief or circumstance which they hold dear. I found what I believe is the answer when I read that a Canadian neurosurgeon discovered some truths about the human mind which revealed the intensity of this problem. He conducted some experiments which proved that when a person is forced to change a basic belief or viewpoint, the brain undergoes a series of nervous sensations equivalent to the most agonizing torture."

I saved this quote years ago, I don't remember the source, but your post reminded me of it.

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Along with the other things posted here, it would be nice if peertube had a landing page or even if there was a "watch peertube now" button that led to a page showcasing current popular videos or something.

I clicked your link to, then had to "Ask Sepia, our iconic cuttlefish" for a search term to get a list of videos, which after scrolling for a bit moved into lists and channels. A click of the "show more videos" button opened a new tab, and upon clicking a video to watch yet another tab opened to what seems like a fediverse instance for peertube?

For it to be a viable alternative, it needs to capture the way people watch and engage with youtube. If I am watching a video on youtube, there are suggestions for similar content below. If I go to the home page and scroll, either the most popular content will show if I am not signed in, or if I am, content related to videos I watch will be shown.

If I click to watch a video, it will open in the same window.

This is the sort of usability that will entice those new users to make the leap.

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Every article says that he was not drunk. They all state it was a medical emergency.

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I was talking to my husband who has been traveling for work to an industrial site, and he sent me a picture that included a "permanent magnetic lifter".

They look like this:

I had never heard of these and wondered how they worked - how is it possible to "turn off" a magnet without electricity??

I found a video where someone explains how this is possible:

I got one of the smallest of these as a gift for my husband. This tiny thing is strong enough to lift 68kg. It's strong enough to lift me!

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Heh, I made the mistake of connecting to the internet, which removes the option for a local account. Even after quitting the setup and restarting the machine, it would skip the wifi question and ask for a Microsoft account.

I ended up using hotkeys to open console and using a command to disable the wifi adaptor, then another to reboot the machine.

After that it suddenly allowed a local account.

Whereupon I learned that there was no way to force it to use the dedicated GPU, win11 only allows you to enable it per program. Otherwise it decides when you need it.

I have installed win10 for now, but the writing is on the wall. When win10 is no longer supported we will finally make the switch to Linux.

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Clickbait article with images from 10 years ago, scanners now show generic body shaped images with the area to search highlighted.

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Lopburi was one of our favourite places to visit in Thailand. The monkeys had been getting increasingly cheeky while we were there 9 or so years ago. I read somewhere that they went nuts when covid hit and there weren't a ton of tourists to feed them.

Archive link to article:

Here's a non-paywalled link:

Wow that made me recoil in horror and awkwardness.

I found a massive table of all the lemmy instances that allowed me to sort by features that were important to me. Does the community allow up/down voting, does it allow NSFW, does it allow porn? How many communities has it defederated with? ticked all the boxes that were important to me.

Yes, that there is a boy. Hermaphrodite plants are pretty common. Kill it. :(

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I mean, nepotism is rife across the world, clutch your pearls all you like but it's common enough to date colleagues or employ those with familial ties despite the warnings against. Do note that I didn't defend his choices, comparing them to shitting where you eat.

We highly recommend Benefiber for anyone. It is tasteless, doesn't change the texture of your food or drink, and can be added to almost anything.

I think many people avoid adding fiber to their diets because it requires a change in diet or a supplement that is often gross.

Edit: Here's a link.

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What a beautiful story, thank you for posting it.

Omg, I totally fell for it, I thought it was him!

He is on imgur and a few other places, I wouldn't have been too surprised if he was.