Supreme Court Allows Suit Over Arrest Said to Be Politically Motivated to – 114 points –
Supreme Court Allows Suit Over Arrest Said to Be Politically Motivated

Only Justice Clarence Thomas issued a dissent.

That's because only justice Clarence Thomas is 100% made of shit. The others have a bit of nougat hidden in there, but Thomas? Shit through and through.

I came to quote the same line while saying that I knew at that moment which side I was on. The man is almost never on the right side of issues. I’ve only seen it once, though I can’t recall the issue, and I was shocked at the time.

There's a number of opinions and dissents he's written that I feel like people here would be surprised to agree with him on. Like in Gonzalez v Raich which he was in favor of legalization of weed.

1/3 of the time the cases are 9-0 anyways.