Supreme Court rules U.S. must pay more for Native American tribes’ health care - SCOTUSblog to – 140 points –
Supreme Court rules U.S. must pay more for Native American tribes’ health care - SCOTUSblog

with Justice Neil Gorsuch – perhaps the strongest ally of Native Americans on the court

What the fuck did I just read?

He has pretty consistently sided with Natives on issues that affect them.

I am so confused. He's evil except in one specific class of cases?

Gorsuch is definitely one of the better conservative justices. Really Thomas and Alito are the only irredeemable ones. Kavanaugh, admittedly I don't know enough about to say much.

If your going off of a progressive-conservative scale rather than a living constitutionalist vs originalist one Id probably peg him more conservative than Roberts and Gorsuch, but less than Alito and Thomas.

That said most of the Scotus cases are over boring things that only lawyers care about, with questions like what a navigable river is or the validity of contracts. And ~30% of the time it's a 9-0. There's probably a few Thomas and Alito opinions you might find yourself getting behind, maybe not the hot button ones but the boring ones.

That absolutely tracks with Supreme Court justices. Scalia and I agreed vehemently on something I forget (maybe privacy) despite him being a mustache twirling villain the majority of the time

Probably free speech, he's a monster but he's a business monster and he is occasionally correct.

He also had a lot of rulings that didn't necessarily fit his personal opinions due to his originalist interpretation style. I know he had said that the death penalty is constitutional and stupid.

Gorsuch has a libertarian streak that leads him to side with individuals against the government. Bad when those individuals are a corporation, good when they are NA tribes.

In his dissent, Kavanaugh countered that federal law does “not support the Court’s decision.” And more broadly, he continued, “the extra federal money that the Court today green-lights does not come free.” If Congress does not increase the overall funding for Native American health-care programs, he wrote, Thursday’s ruling will shift more of that funding from less affluent tribes – which are less likely to run their own health-care programs – to wealthier ones. Congress’s other option, he added, would be to “substantially” increase funding for all Native American health-care programs, “thereby drawing money away from other vital federal programs or requiring additional taxes.”