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Couldn't find it in English since lets be honest western media lies about what happens in South America, but here's El Pais in Spanish about it.


Basically he was dismissed since he threatened to arrest Evo Morales who is the former president and a possible future canidate for the president. Morales is a very popular left wing leader who was forced out in 2019, but all western media will tell you is that he is corrupt while denying the legitimacy of the elections he won. Morales is also the first indigenous leader of Bolivia the only majority indigenous South American country I believe which has a lot to do with the opposition to him.

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Bit of a double standard though, right? They don't have to affirm Palestinian's right to statehood. If not saying Israel is a legitimate state is anti-semitism, wouldn't that make the same stance toward Palestine islamaphobia?

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Some of those leaks resulted in the execution of informants.

This is speculation by the US, they were never able to prove this.

Interesting and surprising. TBH I have seen some signs that dem leadership is starting to get sick of AIPAC, lets see if it lasts.

ETA: He also endorsed Summer Lee who did sucessfully beat AIPAC


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Mr. Grimm pleaded guilty in exchange for an agreement that prosecutors would not seek the death penalty. But under Virginia law at the time, the crime was not eligible for capital punishment.

Where was this dude's lawyer?

Asked about those findings on Monday, Miller noted that Israel said there were no tanks in the area, and that the State Department couldn’t attest to any particularities because it is only conveying what Israel has said.

The Washington Post previously confirmed there were armed military vehicles in the vicinity, as did Al Jazeera’s analysis of satellite imagery.

Most expansive intelligence apparatus on the globe, but they just can't figure out what's going on in Gaza.

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Could you explain why Russia would give him the RNC emails if they didn't want them published? I've seen this claim go unchallenged many times.

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The tiktok legislation might have them sweating in a case like this.

Appreciate the reply. And sorry for being a bit of a dick about it. It's just one of my pet peeves since seeing it repeated for years.

Typing this into duckduckgo shows me nothing about the them having the RNC emails:

did wikileaks have rnc emails

Not a single link. Please provide the link that says they had them. If you can't read in between the lines, I'm saying what you said is untrue but gets repeated constantly.

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Yeah you're supposed to make up a cover story before you commit the crime not on the spot when the police come knocking.

This is El Pais America, separate from the outlet in Spain.

Modi better be careful lest he get the Imran Khan treatment from the US.

You're probably correct the more I look into this.


2 deaths from a machine starting up during maintenance? Plant needed to be shut down after the first one.

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I watched, but it truly is a bunch of rambling.

Putin pushed the CIA sniper incitement conspiracy theory, but didn't present evidence.

On the Nazi thing, he seems to be pivoting to he invaded because Ukraine doesn't have strong enough laws to prevent Nazi speech. Again not very compelling.

He again brings up the conflict pre-invasion in east UA, but fails to mention that Russia was backing the insurgents.

He brings up that the change of power in 2014 wasn't done to the letter of the UA constitution, but fails to mention that the current government clearly has a popular mandate.

He rehashes all the arguments that the West has been the aggressor since the fall of the USSR with NATO expansion.

Other than that it was pretty off topic. Tucker doesn't press him much at all, and when he does Putin deflects and Tucker gives up.

Overall nothing you wouldn't expect.

ETA: just remembered, this was kind of strange. The Nord Stream pipeline blasts were brought up and it was one of the few things that Tucker pushed him on for evidence that UA/US were behind it, but Putin doesn't want to talk evidence. It's kinda weird since this might be the one point where Russia has some ground to stand on, but Putin just defects. Maybe he doesn't want to set a precedent that evidence is required.

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Feels like Trump's ties to the Saudis and Emeratis don't get enough attention. The Russia stuff is definitely important as well but in these cases you have business dealing with actual state officials.

Edit: actually the other thing was with Oman not the UAE.


I feel like the mere reminder that Hillary exists is a detriment to Dems electoral prospects.

Trump tried judicial and legislative coups. A military coup has gotta be the next logical step were he to get back in power. There's evidence he looked to this possibility while still in office. While there are safeguards here, like appointments having to pass through congress, this will be the most important thing to focus on if he gets back in office. If Trump starts getting his goons into military leadership, it's go time for mass protests and civil disobedience before it's too late.

Yep. And the subheading I really have a problem with.

Reading too much into the language seems, at this point, to be less of a danger than reading too little into it.

The implication being that it's low stakes to make this accusation without solid evidence. In reality the whole justification from the West for the state of affairs between Israel and Palestine is that Arabs are a bunch of backwards savages, and this extends to the way the West has acted throughout the Middle East.

He's not a dictator yet, but he'll have the opportunity to rewrite the constitution with the numbers his party will get in the next election. He seems to have signalled this is what he plans to do. Given his economic policies and the fact that he runs a police state (even if it was temporarily needed to get rid of gangs I doubt it will stop), he looks a lot like Pinochet which gives some people pause.

That said it's up to the people of El Salvador to decide if it's worth the risk to hand one party all the power.

Edit: current election not next election

Axios seems to have some more details in this article:


Basically the deal is a temporary cease fire that would then allow negotiations for a full ceasefire after that. It's a gamble, but the US seems to think that if they can get the conflict to a very low grade state, they can convince the Israeli's not to go back in. In a vacuum this isn't a terrible strategy, but there is broad public support for the war in Israel and the ruling coalition knows their days are numbered if there is no war. Even a temporary ceasefire is better than nothing though.

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Hmmm looks like all the Tesla speculators jumped on the Nvidia train. Always the danger of gambling on these tech hype stocks.

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Not sure how hard it would be, but if it's possible the FCC really needs to get telecom companies to secure their systems to prevent number spoofing.

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No one who feels like they can't purchase a house is gonna say the economy is good. Very simple concept.

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It was a consulate which is also covered by the Geneva convention as all diplomatic missions are. There really isn't a significant distinction here.

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It's a team of prosecutors that started at 4, now is at 3 after Wade got kicked off. Now it would be down to 2 if she steps down. Typically simpler cases only have 1 prosecutor so if most of the legwork is done they might be able to proceed with 2 or add someone. I agree though this case is much bigger than one persons career.

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The Pentagon leaks should give some insights here:


The US estimated that about 16.5k UA soldiers were killed in about the first year and change of fighting so the 31k estimate is possible after 3 years but seems pretty low. It would extrapolate out to about 45k, but the fighting has been different every year.

Edit: apparently it's only been 2 years of fighting, my bad, numbers from Zelensky look pretty legit to me then.

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I agree with the article here that the increased spending has more to do with the Russian invasion. On the other hand Trump's comments on NATO in 2016 were where we saw NATO sentiment explode as people saw supporting NATO as resisting Trump. It really was key to rehabilitating the image of NATO after Libya and Afghanistan.

Well it's a backward looking model which explains why it aligns so perfectly with the last 2 recessions. There is certainly value to models like this, and all economic models should be based on data, but it really should show more than 20ish years of history. My guess is that it is only made based on those years, and it doesn't fit the rest of history nearly so well which is why those years are omitted.

People like to thumb their noses at comments like this, but the Saudis bombed the Houthis for the better part of a decade and that still couldn't stop them from taking potshots at Saudi oil infrastructure. Note that the Saudis were using US weapons and intelligence to attack the Houthis so not totally different from the current situation. In the end diplomacy was what got the Houthis to stop. I'm skeptical that this time is going to be significantly different.

ETA: by comments I mean the comments of the Qatari PM.

And who is complaining about 17bn? For what the LHC accomplished and the potential of a new collider. This is about understanding the fundamental nature of the universe and reality. The implications for future tech are limitless.

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Well Germany didn't acknowledge the Namibia genocide until 2021. They're fine with acknowledging the Holocaust since they can pin that on a rouge actor, the Nazi's. Since they can't pin their support for Israel on anyone else, they have trouble acknowledging Israel's conduct.

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I don't think you understand. There were two buildings, the embassy and the consulate. The embassy was not directly hit, the consulate was.


While Iran’s consular building was leveled in the attack, according to Syria’s state news agency, its main embassy building remained intact. Still, the Iranian ambassador’s residence was inside the consular building.

Also looks like the Vienna Convention defines diplomatic missions not the Geneva Convention. My bad.

When people rate the economy they are looking at their personal situation. The article is complaining that people aren't looking at all these economic indicators, but it's not clear why they would care about them if they personally are facing hardship.

Good for a dem primary, literal cancer for a general. That said I think this is safe district.

What's really gonna sink Bowman in this primary is all that AIPAC money.

This doesn't even make any sense, these are problems with the manufacturers not the airlines themselves.

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I'm pretty doubtful that much progress has been made to destroy Hamas. They use Israeli unexploded ordinance to make bombs which they now have more than they know what to do with, and they couldn't ask for a better recruiting tool than this war. At a certain point you have to be realistic about the situation and realize they will have to deal with Hamas in negotiations.

The leaks were legit, the guy got prosecuted and everything. Snopes thinks they're legit as well as every other major media outlet:
